Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium: Mitsu, merge into one line of Largo

(377) Manage Safe

(388) Explorers Loss Causes

(393) Largo vs Wufox

(404) Mitsu vs Yataka Tease & Tamamo

This series of reveals--

Mitsu was taking the queue of blame ghosts led by Error One, and also queuing up with the sick Sabatler and Hayahusa, so he had a toothache he could never move on. That's when we come across the scene of a unilateral battle between Satori and the Explorers, crushing Satori. At that time we meet the meteor, who is under the authority of Swuriya, and report it to Largo, asking for forgiveness to go through the line and follow Largo. Largo listens to the ex-post report and becomes so horrified by the power of Mitsu with the energy source Yumeka, he also wraps his tongue around the person at Hellgate who took the Tiger Child's weapon from the Explorers. Shortly afterwards, in a moving hierarchy, Largo encountered Satyrus, who manipulated the greedy demon, and the crows and foxes who were most recently in Satyrus, who were beginning to release massive amounts of greedy demons, stormed out with instinct. Largo is forced into a pinch of absolute destiny without being able to resist the raging madness, but there Mitsu is put on a meteor and rushed, stood in front of Largo using Heiji's abilities, which he thought he would never use, captivating the hearts of the crow and the fox beast, Largo cleared the greedy demon with a demon-cutting sword, and Saturus, who was originally incapable of fighting, wrapped his tail around it and dispersed. Largo, who got the mite, heads out to the castle that he excited to see Margaretta like him.

(377) Manage Safe

Mitsu looks back at the queue she is following and sighs lightly.

(Hard to hold this group, I might not be able to make it as far as I think...)

The contact from Largo has been interrupted for some time to Mitsu, who has taken Ehrawan and those who enslaved him, with the still incurable Sabator, Hayahusa, whose footsteps have become even heavier.

The last contact was that Valkyria was Serene, the goddess of the moon, and was taken away to eternal prison with hanakaru and beard, or only with the leading Cyber Viscount at last. He was then forced into a struggle against the third Four Heavenly Kings over the battle against Valkyria, but managed to move ahead with the help of everyone powered by the power of Michisane, but as a result he became three with Tamamo and Tomoe.

Of course, when the Largo and the others started fighting Satori, they were notified of the emergency by Largo again, and now Mitsu, who was observing the Largo and the others using telescopic clairvoyance from his own side, was well aware of the circumstances that had led him to that.

But I'm quite uncomfortable that in hell I don't know what's waiting for me, it's only accompanied by a single human being and an all-out yawn.

Altogether, the fact that there are now only two single "One Mi" human women and a female fox brings unfounded anxiety to Mitsu's mind.

(On the day I first met Lagon, when I was taking off all my clothes and treating the Lord with blood draped from Lagon's mouth all the way under his buttocks, I knew exactly how it felt to accidentally half-kill the bad guys who came in and didn't understand what they were doing.

Although Mitsu finally noticed, he was still beginning to walk with Error One, who hung the exposures, the hiccups, and the two Four Heavenly Kings, caring for Sabatra and Hayahusa, whose bodies seemed spicy, invaded a little by the disease.

"But I wonder if I've been resting a long time. I'm recovering quite a bit in strength.

"I can't tell you how long I've been falling asleep.

"No, but I feel that this was recovered so far because you intervened in density, not flattery.

"Of course, I appreciate it a lot.

The two change and stop and keep their heads down. Though in an indescribable state, the gratitude is clear to the mind that while the two of them were resting, they were only allowed to protect their surroundings and keep their heads with their knee pillows.

"No, I didn't do anything.

Mitsu relieves herself of her chest that means that she is completely unknown that she has fed milk and her energy has recovered.

I still think that if the two of them knew the secret of saying they could supply their bodies with magical energy with mite tits, like Largo, that would have been suspected first.

I wasn't too familiar with that area, but I peeked into the memory of Sabatra resting and learned that he was an invincible brave man in a name that would also remain in the history of the half fishermen for good in the future. Though that's the hell of a punishment, he became possessed by the devil and unconscious, he was originally a demon tribe, and now he's a human being, but he gets the milk of a woman like that - no, it would involve a voucher as a strong, courageous brave half-fish man who has piled up so far when it sounds like he simply sucked his daughter-child's tits to cheer up and restore his strength, etc. It seemed wiser to keep that fact absolutely down.

Also for Hayahusa, the mite who knows that the reason for joining here is' to restore the honor of using colored eyes on a woman of an approximate half-fish man while in love with the princess of the Holy Spirit Undine ', thought that Hayahusa, who had the strength of being a born lineage called the mixed blood of the dragon man and the Holy Spirit, and had the ability to attack rarely seen in the earthly world, would not have stood any waves since returning to earth, even if he had not realized why his strength had been revived, even though he had not had not had as much pride as Sabatra, who had worked up and grabbed his seat.

{You managed to be safe, didn't you?

In my heart, Yume whispers to Mitsu. I guess I still thought that act had a lot of problems when I looked at it objectively. Nevertheless, even when Largo talked about the magic supply, he didn't say anything about Yume.

{No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

{But if that was His Royal Highness Milian Rune, if Mr. Sabatra and Sabatra were to be resurrected, you wouldn't be able to do it.

That, of course, is something that Mitsu can do because he has always done to give magic with breast milk to the wipleys, who can be considered his own children, and if he is His Majesty King Lillianloon, who has had and raised a child, he cannot yet glance at His Holiness the Virgin, the Father, who has never even opened his body to a man. Bringing such a comparable object is sloppy or out of the question.

Even so, there was no other way to bring the Sabatrahs back into line than that, who were so disoriented and indistinguishable from the dead. Even His Highness Millian Rune if it comes down to it, but no, it's her, and if that's the only way to save the world, she might be prepared to show herself and do that much. ─ ─ I'll think of it, but I still wouldn't be able to think realistically. It may also be said that the answer comes from Mitsu's clear refusal that Valkyria could not do so if she were watching.

But the effect is tremendous, and this is how the two of us, who gave milk to the present but did not return to consciousness for some time, are starting to walk through the hierarchy of the disease.

(Because these two forces are absolutely necessary after this.

But after a short walk, it still seems that without a free passport, he is constantly attacked by a constantly present disease, and even though he has enough energy, the wounds of a once-affected disease also seem to be about to develop another disease without healing.

When I read the minds of the two of them, I also found that they looked like they were having the grin they made in the tension on their faces, but that they were forced to walk by pushing their physical condition, which wasn't actually enough, on their rather damaged bodies.

{Can't you do anything about this?

{That's right. As Master Michisane has given you all the art of beating Satori brilliantly, I'll think about how I can handle it with the power of my spiritual powers, but not with the ability I've been getting mites?

That's what they say and think about it, but the ability you've left so much with your people is by no means omnipresent. Hatch's subordinates and Hanako's powers did help. But in fact, Clay and Heiji's abilities have not turned up so far. As for Clay's unusual abilities, they are due to a lack of unfamiliar ideas of mites who happen to be unable to live in an environment called Hell, but also because there are no animals in Hell even if Heiji's abilities are to be abandoned.

(I'm sorry, Heiji's power may not be at the service of the Lord until the end.

{Well, maybe not.


Mitsu feels her neck looking back on its own, not her own will. At the end of the line of sight is Error One.

Well, this is certainly an animal, but it is currently set up to carry luggage - exposing the culprit - as they say to the entrance to eternal prison with Takamura's markings.

Without using Heiji's abilities, I never became aware of Error One, which moves the way Mitsu wanted me to, as an animal who behaves as an instinct, but one day the time might come for this big guy to work for me.

(Well, if I tell you about the current situation of Master Largo, I guess I'll lose my anxiety ahead of me, and I'll feel energized because I want to help Master Largo?

Mitsu seemed to get the feeling that when they gently asked the two of them how the advance group purchased from Largo was doing, they couldn't stay behind, though a little bit in their minds.

The body still looks spicy, but Sabutler, who is back in good health, suddenly speaks up.

"Oh, Lord Mitsu. It was a long time ago, and there were some signs of contention.

When I heard that, a video popped into Mitsu's eyes with telescopic clairvoyance, something like one strong man bullying some weak people so weak. If Mitsu is one of us, I feel like I need to help him soon.

"Can I leave this row to you two often?

(388) Explorers Loss Causes

"Yata-san, do you know the direction that someone like that Margaretta headed?

"Yeah, of course. I checked it until I got into some kind of side blockage, but I was going to let you know that I might be able to move while I was flying this far.

"In that case, we have no choice. If you can identify the location, I can confirm it from a distance. Then let's go there first. If Sa- - If Lucy and the others are well, you can't leave Margaretta alone.

"Greetings. When I did Largo Han, I thought I'd say it that way.

What you said because of Yata-su, Largo, you don't know its true intentions by the look of it.


"Largo Han is better than anyone, but when I heard the most about Margaretta Han, I wondered if I would fly away. Do it all the time.

The direction in which he advanced his legs with guidance from Yasushi seemed to be a long way off Main Street.

Once we try to tell Mitsu alone about this situation, as of late Largo relies on Mitsu's candle to transmit it.

"Yes, Lord. Are you okay with such a small number?

Largo also exchanged problems in this hierarchy that had arisen since his last contact, told him the current circumstances of the increase in the number of allies named Yoshinaka, told him the general distance and position that he was changing course with Yasushi information, and also told him that Margaretta was there, the direction he was going to go.

Mitsu, on the other hand, told Sabatra and the Largo and the others who preceded Hayahusa, who were not well, and said they managed to only restore their strength, even if they were not feeling well.

He then found a bit of a weak bully with remote clairvoyance on the path, so he entrusted Error One to the two of them to punish the tenacity himself, and when he saw it, it was lame to rescue him, but when he tried to get into the well leading to hell in Yapan, he realized that he was the four dragon man explorer who chased the Largo's men.

Just there, a meeting of intentions in discussion with friendly people called 'Meteor' who flew in with something.

Meteors seem to be able to fly through this hellhole, so the Stunned Explorer says he just sent them back to the Hellgate.

"Yeah, really? How could you be in such a place? Besides, I can't believe he was messing with me. Because they're supposed to be strong enough that the Whipleys couldn't win when they bundled up.

"No, Lord. Sure, I don't think the 100th squad was quite impudent because of the rush energy shortage, but that way of fighting afterwards is the result of inviting everyone to do so in a way that too quadraples can fight the same way with the word 'equality', with uniform energy replenishment, but also at the bottom level. Then something capable can't fight the original battle. They don't quite understand what equality means, but they probably don't understand it correctly. I haven't seen the Explorers' strength either, so on a personal note, I don't think if the elites had replenished their magic holdings properly and fought efficiently with each of their specialties, they would have made that much of a delay. No. That's the number, so at least we would have fought more than each other. If we could do all that, even if it was difficult to teamwork, if we each worked together in a hurry, we would have definitely won.

Listening to such circumstances, Largo feels blamed on the Quadraples elite for his fallacy, which has explained to him not to create an ascent or descent of his identity by means of his abilities in too much of the same genus to discriminate against a fallout like Krasabi.

"Uh, then that's because I overstated being very equal. I did something wrong.

"No. There's nothing wrong with the Lord. It's bad that the elites who couldn't figure it out, even though it's equal to help those who have nothing to do with it.

"I'm starting to say a lot of mites, too.

"Oh yeah? And Explorer, etc. did not have any weapons. I think he was fighting his opponent with his prey, with his bare hands. That and somehow the opponents, like Largo and us, seemed to have the ability to read the minds of their enemies, and that didn't make them an effective offense because they couldn't really take the lead by teamwork, and there was a handful of weapons, and they seemed to be taking lag.

"Yeah, could that be Satori or something?

That said Mitsu glanced at the enemies-like wreckage of his own annihilation, already rolling with the arrival of seaweed launched on the autumn coast. It's an advanced business for Mitsu, but I guess it's clairvoyant about their profile.

"Ah, that seemed like a name. It is always engraved with satori on the mouth to be named.

"Uh, I'm so strong. The Four Heavenly Kings."

"Ah, this monkey-like monkey named Satori, was he one of the four heavenly kings of hell? I thought it was the gut-bent one doing the weak stuff bullying, so I used plenty of the abilities I had deposited from Master Astleto to exterminate it.

Mitsu calls Satori a monkey monster. Following Mitsu's recollection of what he meant by fighting and annihilating without knowing, Mitsu stood up to Satori, who was obstinately attacking the four bodies that seemed to be dragon men, trying to cut and stop.

But thanks to Satori, who was heated up both by the Viscounts of Cyber and by the dragon men, he began attacking Mitsu without saying whether or not, so when Mitsu chanted Astleto's little trick, "Bangkokusenkin Crushed," a chunk of stone like volcanic debris appearing from the ground on one side around it poured down on Satori from all directions 360 degrees. Even if Satori could also read the consciousness of that mite, she just doesn't want it to get bogged down by that rubble.

(─ Well, you can't even read Satori, can you? Poor thing.)

"─ Yes, it's so lame that I can't take you anymore. I won't tolerate it if I do. Uh, I can't breathe, but I can't die.

"You're Yume now.

"Yes, it is. However, I am sorry to complain about the help I received because of this Astleto's ability, but it is very fuel-efficient. ─ ─ But I will refill the energy thoroughly, so it's okay.

That would be so. It's not very good to rattle that satori. It seemed to catch a glimpse of the horror of Astleto support mites though.

"You were. Surely there's nothing you can do with a move you can't escape no matter how much you can read in the other person's hand. But wasn't there a Cyber Viscount or something?

"Yes, when I noticed in Mr. Sabatra's words the troubles around here and remotely clairvoyed, none of you have confirmed who you are just because those four dragon men were already unilaterally hit.

That means after the Cyber Viscounts managed to get past Satori, Satori discovered the dragon men who came after Largo, and in return - no, I think that's close to eight hits - they must have strained to keep the dragon men bogged down.

(393) Mitsu vs Wufox

But I wonder why the dragon men have left their own weapons.

Perhaps if we were to try to stop the Largos, we would be more powerful, and weapons should be imperative.

Or, like the Largo's, did they rely on old information to brace their heights that something like this would not be in hell?

When I did approach Hell Gate, everyone was supposed to carry a monogothic weapon, like the dragon man I saw for a while on the ground but came after.

If they were to leave something like that proud weapon, it must be when they go through that Hell Gate first. Or you mean they made me take an oath to discuss it as a condition for letting me go inside?

If there's something there that makes people with tough postures like dragon men let go of their weapons that can be described as the outline of a favor to go after Largo in this hell, they don't know all that much about the talent in the Hell Gate, but Largo is the only one I can think of.

I'm sure by now, it's the one who says this with a slight face, looking down at the four people who go home in a pantyhose, lying like a bloody cloth.

"Ma Lu told Shiteng's opponent to fight with his bare hands.

In a way, Largo wrapped his tongue around that man, turning him into a human ascending deceased in this hell, perhaps more terrifying than King Jardaba.

"So what is that Mr. Meteor?

"Hi, the one above told me to confirm the anomaly in hell, confused by the absence of the Four Heavens Kings and Jailguards on each level so far, I discovered them all here and told them the circumstances, and it seemed that you had already grasped the disturbing movement in hell as well, and you were immediately convinced.

"Right. Even the one above hell, you've got that kind of movement.

"There were a few of them, so some of them took four of the dragon men back to the Hellgate, but there are still three or four of them left here. Shall I tell you something?

"Did I tell you about Valkyria?

"Oh, I haven't told you that yet.

"If you have any doubts about the situation in hell, I think that's important too. There's a chance that we can do something about going to eternal prison. Then maybe everyone can help me. Be sure to convince me.

"And my lord, with this group of me, I find it hard to rendezvous with you. So I'd like to give these people a chance to fly there somehow.

"But Mitsu, you won't be able to fly. I don't think I can fly either.

"What do you mean, maybe?

"No, because we're all together. I didn't think I could fly anyway, so I didn't try.

"What? - I'm now- I'm certainly not going to be able to fly, though. Still, we can get there faster than we can with this group.

"Then do me a favor. If we can do that, Sabatler and Hayahusa will be with us.

"No, I don't think you two can yet. Now this place is still in the flying hierarchy of the devil, so it's getting better and worse over and over again. Just me for now, and I'd like to head over there, wouldn't you?

"That would help if you could come to Mitsu. Anyway, it's just humans and foxes except me.

Nevertheless, I have the least reliance on it.

"There's also a raven.

"No, that's not what I mean. ─ ─ Then please.

"Got it. Just a moment longer, please, Lord.

I didn't give it away because I didn't think of it as a force of war. God's use of the deposits must be given back in good faith, without scratching.

"I don't know if Largo Han thinks he's just a tease for directions, but he's still so strong.

"I know. Mr. Yoshinaka shut him up in one shot.

"I don't know about that. Well, good to see you. Don't worry about what you see again.

Leave such a creepy word and shut your mouth or make fun of it.

After a while, Tamamo, who was walking well across me, makes a weird voice.

"I don't know what this is about, Zamas. I'm starting to feel weird.

"Tamamo Han, you're one of the best demons in the world, aren't you? I don't know, I don't know what else to say. ─ No, I do, but I do smell strange about this.

"What's wrong with you? We're both joking again.

"Tengya ahem. As it were..."

"Yes! I'm sorry.

Largo, who felt something nasty from the way they both said things, looked at the Yoshinaka and the others, where they both already did their earlier sinister mood. I stop a long time in front to change the color of my eyes and stick around in the same atmosphere as a freshly aged couple. Oh, my God, it's so embarrassing to watch.

Suddenly an unlike music rang in a place called Hell, and my uncle came out with a ghost dancing from the shadows screamed.

"Oh? I can't believe there's a fox or a crow in the middle of this hell, eyesopos fairytale.

If you ask me that, I feel like I've heard that story somewhere, but maybe that was about the fox taking away the crow's food.

I feel a little different from what I'm in right now.

Appearing with such a voice, his uncle, who adorned his slightly sister-talking bald head with something of a floral wheel, wore a degree of fur on the bare with a jawbeard puppy and held something like a wine glass in his hand. You may not have to, but the important part you're hiding is firmly erect.

But first, calm down and trigger a thousand eyes to see what's going on here.

Then earlier, when I heard and checked Yoshinaka's allegations, I saw little, what seems to be another spirit body of a different atmosphere than the demon, so much so that it seems like there is a large group of magpies around. This disgusting uncle to observe would be Josinaca's satyrus.

"What have you done to my people!

"I didn't do anything. These guys are beasts in the first place. I wonder why you don't return to the heart of the beast. My bears aren't sweet enough to prevent it with such a boring old passport. Boring guys get eaten by crows and foxes. Look, it's a treat!

I thought that was what they said, and when Yataka teased me, Tamamo suddenly hit me in combat mode.

"Yata-san, Tamamo-san, get sane!

Different eye color. I haven't heard this one at all. ─ It seems more unacceptable than...

Yasuko no 9 tails strike me like a long sharp blade to make a bumbling noise and chop up the largo.

When he exchanged them and fled, Yasuko's three legs raised his nails and blurred right in front of his cheek. Indeed, the self-declaration of being so strong is not Dada. Had I not been given such a handsome body in hell, I would have been caught in the first blow or two.

Where he barely escaped, now Tamamo opened his mouth and tried to bite him with a sloppy fang. I barely got away with it because I didn't get that combination at all, but I could barely afford it anymore.

(404) Mitsu vs Yataka Tease & Tamamo

(─ Shit! Now the two attacks are falling apart, but if we capture a combination, we may not be able to prevent them...)

As a last resort, you can wield the Devil's Cutting Sword, but if you can pull out this sword and beat it, the tail of an octopus with nine, and the foot of an octopus with three, will almost certainly be less than the number of common crows and foxes.

(─ No! I can't use it.

"Well, if you're just running around, you're gonna get caught someday.

Such a real shooting star jumped in between Largo and the Tamamos just fleeing with hesitation to interrupt what would or suddenly.

Largo's flying down on each other so they don't get involved unexpectedly.

At that time it was Mitsu who appeared as if he had jumped off a meteor, and stood before Largo.

"Were you okay? Lord."

"Mitsu, you're here.

"Yes. Of course.

When you look at that kind of mite unexpectedly, your free passport is alive and well on your wrist.

"Sorry, I haven't heard from you in a while.

I tried to explain the situation quickly and talk about what to do, but sooner than that, Mitsu takes the yo-yo out of the area around the chest of a simple piercing coat and stands in front of the two of them.

Probably came all the way through telescopic clairvoyance to see how the Largos were doing until they flew here.

"Leave this place to me.

"No! Hurt me or...

I would just like to say that for a bump - but it may be impossible to ask Mitsu, who has begun to use that power with caution, to regulate Astleto's ability to exercise it.

"Two Kemonos would be perfectly fine.

(─ Everyone is just being manipulated because they are called greedy demons.

And in my heart I tried to scream, but Mitsu stops in front of the two beasts that strike me when I say the last word away.

But it was easy for Largo to imagine what kind of tragedy would wind up if Mitsu, who confronted Tamamo with a tease of genuine mode, came completely insane and approached him, waved the power he had deposited from Astleto.

As Yasu praised himself, surely its strength is not half raw. At the time of the Battle of Valkyria, it is enough to regret why we could not fight with these two combinations.

If you try to stop it at all costs, of course you have to wield just the same power.

Even if Satori read his opponent's mind earlier, it should be noted that Satori was inferior to Valkyria in offense, except for his ability to read his opponent's mind, which was such an overwhelming force that he could not be very fat enough to feed it back to his head.

These two combinations could outperform Valkyria.

And if Mitsu tries to counter it, the more powerful martial arts deposited from Astleto must burst.

At the back of Largo's brain, if it sucks, a grill of round roasted birds and foxes that were ripped out of feathers and run out of fur, or at least like a fox and crow pan material with its roots squeezed up with Yoyo's captive function, comes to mind, but I soon found out that was over-thinking.

Mitsu sits back, hands pompous and depressed, and rolls the yo-yo to the ground. Then one and one fierce assassins already lined up quietly before the mites, as if they were completely unwilling to fight.

"Come on. You're both good kids. Hey, time's up. Yes, take the tamamo. Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo.

Mitsu was playing with the two, as if they were adorable owners of tamed dogs and hand-roaded literary birds. Too big on his hand, Yasu stops on the shoulder of a crouched mite, brooms from behind to the face of the mite, and Tamamo leans back in front of the mite to show his stomach and is sweet.

"Uh, why?

Well, Mitsu was given his abilities by the SS who dropped him off at the end.

I remember some of them, Hanako, Clay, and Heiji the Animal. Its ability cannot withstand its dominance as long as it is an animal, as it has also shown on the ground.

It seems to be an incomparable force of compulsion to the degree of stray of the mind that has become unstable from instinct.

Satyrus how he reached his angry mind rather than saying he was surprised to see it.

"I wonder what you're doing, you guys. How could that be..., uh, if this happened already?

"Now, what are we going to do 'when this happens already'?

Largo literally tells them to take out the "heirloom's sword" and show it off. Needless to say, this is the Tabernacle Card, the Tabernacle Blade, deposited by the Great Demon.

"Where the hell did you get that knife?

"Yes, you know. I hear there's nothing I can't cut. I'll have you disappeared, Evil Spirit dispersed!

Largo cuts and cuts and cuts a large group of things around him called the Yunxia Lust Demon.

Either that or it's more tedious than the chains that were on the Valkyria.

More and more disappeared than just the severing sword touched it to cut it off.

I think Largo has gotten a lot used to the move of letting himself be left to this severing sword and cutting it all up as soon as allowances or whatever.

"You bastard! Damn it, remember!

The ghosts fled together at first sight. Even if Mitsu didn't know what Mitsu was capable of, he would have seen the Tamamos' ability to fight so far, and if it had turned to his enemies, he would have thought he couldn't be very fat.

But it's called a line, what a deserving way to disperse from being hit by anything.

"Thank you, Mitsu, you saved me.

"No, I am sorry that I have ever left the Lord's side.

"We've almost cleaned up the greed demons around here already, so we're all right with the other two, right?

"─ So, who is that man?


When I saw it, Tomoe and Yoshinaka were both sleeping where they had just stopped, and it was looking pretty awful good.

At some point Yoshinaka had taken off all her armor and dressed a bit like a less kimono-like underwear like Chinese clothes, but that's even going to haddle her.

But Mitsu called me like that, and we both suddenly seemed to return to me. Anyway, Largo, I'm glad you managed not to take off just the easy X-ray stuff.

"─ Could this be Tomoe's original husband, who said he wanted to see you?

"Oh, yeah. See you here by chance. As I explained earlier, Mr. Yoshinaka is going to lead us to the entrance to eternal prison.

"Come on, you're going to someone like Margaretta now.

"Of course I do.

I haven't worn the armor I've taken off yet, but Yoshinaka pinches the words as I heal my standing.

"Ha, sure, in this direction, there's an castle out at the end of this hierarchy that's empty. I have heard from those below one level as if they had heard from a Necromancer who said they would let me use that castle exit.

I'm serious, but there's an unspeakable sense of awkwardness.

Tomoe and others have hidden themselves behind Yoshinaka, where the usual bravery goes. When he saw how it was, and some of it was pretty cute, Largo renewed his sight.

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