Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium: Erigos and Astleto

(356) Taken Astleto

(365) True Prophecy

(375) The Future Revealed

(386) Astleto's Bitter Cup

(396) The Last Champion of the Universe

(402) Everything Ends

(407) To the two great demons, Wang Du

This series of reveals--

Erigos, who wants to get Dantalian's secret book, summons Astleto by Sale's suggestion. When Astleto, whom I met a long time ago, was convinced that the line was the inheritance of Galenos. Largo was told that he had strained to stay out of human hands, and requested and obtained a secret book, Erigos feels uncomfortable with the unusual Astleto of man (the devil) under Largo's guidance, but cannot approach a rising book with the smell of repentance. Instead, he asked Astleto to read it out and perform an analysis of the prophecy written, listening to Astleto's advice familiar with the current state of Lago, confirming the credibility of another prophecy. It was assumed that another prophecy was no longer moving as a reality. During that exchange, it is revealed that Dora was a dragon man and that the successor was born as a dragon only to Dantalian and Astleto. Not knowing what's behind it, Erigos believes the identity determinant that saw it through to be an Aupert created tens of thousands of years ago.

From the prophecy, Erigos decided that in eternal prison after this, Largo would meet Dora to fulfill his true awakening and aim to conquer the world. But Astleto hid a sentence at the end of the prophecy that Erigos was convinced was correct, and when he heard its contents, Erigos understood that if Largo defeated Dragonman Explorer, the universe would vanish the next spring, and he would go to see Ronoweh in the king's capital as soon as possible, having to contact Largo, who had gone to eternal prison.

(356) Taken Astleto

He raised his voice as Salé approached him, away from the herd of Ghammon and following him from behind, under Erigos, who was blocked in eight directions and had thought away.

"Master Erigos, the Dantalians have forgotten something.

"It is. It's something that the world really wants. ─ ─ There were a lot of circumstances, and I was disappointed to find out that I couldn't pick them up after all.

"Is that so? I don't know what it would be if I were you, but let me get it for you?

"Uh, I see. If you were me, you'd be able to send humans in and out of other people's conjunctions. No, no, that's not how it works. Whatever it takes, we can't get in there.

"Is that so? Then why don't I just pick it up here? I'll take it with my hands for a little while.

"Is that good? It's inside the ex-Demon King's Castle, which springs from the Holy Springs. The moment I put your hand in it, it means living apart from one of its arms.

Exactly when he heard that, Salle originally said with even more pale disappointment the blue face.

"Uh, was that it? Please say that quickly. So you can't even make a metastasis.

"Well that's why. I appreciate your offer, but I don't think it's your turn this time.

"So what are we going to do?

"I'm looking for Astleto. He must have been your boss. If he is possessed by the right man, he can also resist the repentance of the Holy Springs. And with that safe house, it looks like the people involved will show up. Let me get in touch with that.

"Aye, please wait.


"If that's the case, shouldn't we bring Master Astleto here? With all due respect, why don't you say I'll get Master Astleto instead of forgetting something?

He does a lot of transferring, and he's just taking delivery jobs, which is the one that turns his head on interesting places. My former boss-- no, even though I've been away for a while, I still shouldn't have broken the relationship up and down. I could see that pretty much using that pattern to bring that like luggage.

"I see... So you're just gonna have to keep an eye out for him, huh? Demon King Galenos, make it the five great summoning demons and be rude to the Great Marquis' acorn, but I appreciate that. But he also has something called Fujiko. If they tell me it was taken like a forgotten object, it will scratch his majesty in the future." That's what I thought. Erigos shouted out loud at the demons who were stuck behind him. "Hey all, come stroll around this village, or around that lair, to the extent that you are not exposed to the repellence of the Holy Springs. Some follow the guard of Jammons. Then scatter immediately! Ah dantarians can stay here. All right, now it's just the inner circle of this matter. I'll tell you what, in the honor of Astleto, it's top secret that you handled him in his luggage. Good."

"Roger that.

"Neither do we.

Sooner or later, the devil Sale uses his skill to get an Astleto like a thing.

Astleto, who suddenly took the form of being stuck out, was an adult woman who looked like a cathedral woman, but Erigos soon sensed that it was the figure of a human being possessed by Astleto. Suddenly he is dragged out before Salé, and it is Astleto who is surprised.

"Hey, what? If you think you can do the same thing as the great sorcery and desire transfer that I use, it's still Sale!

For the junior demon, Salé, is a skilled and common metastasis technique, but for the great demon Astleto, great magic - these things are common stories.

"We are out of time, Master Astleto. If you'll excuse me, Mr. Erigos would like to.

"What? So you still treat me like I forgot something. - No, what? You think that's Erigos' order? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Isn't this the Great Prophet Erigos?

"I missed you, Astleto. Do you think it's because I feel like I've lost my temperament to say that I've gotten a little rounded after a while?

That's not what I'm saying in the look of that cathedral woman. It also seemed to emit auras like the priest Bozu, who was able to do something to the Archduke of Astleto, the leading militant among the demons summoned by Galenos the Demon.

"No, I don't think that's ever the case, but do you think the colors have changed slightly due to the guidance of the Lord Largo, who currently serves you - well, that's the place.

"I see. It's not because of that human woman who is currently possessed, is it?

"Absolutely. Will I ever be influenced by such things? Well, some of them, like Largo's SS, Whipley's Cross, have been made holy by the environment.

"Hmm. That's funny. You mean holy vampire? The world doesn't know much about it, but why is it so unusual?"

"Ha-ha-ha, because he borrows the pulse of the king by the life of Lago, Mei, and serves as the guardian of the royal family of kingdoms. Whatever it is, Lord Erigos seems well and above all. Let's get him to everyone and get him together as soon as possible. But his lord, Lago, is now..."

"Um, I understand it's an emergency. Tell me more later. I'd like to see the Ronowes early, but there are quite a few scattered demons here who have recovered from the sudden springing of holy springs in Demon King's Castle. I'd like to take them with me, but before I do, there's a reason I only called Astleto here. I want that cleaned up as soon as possible.

"Sounds like a pretty big deal, huh? As a matter of fact, I was currently wandering around looking for one wizard at the behest of a certain guest due to Ronowell's life. He's suddenly disappeared, so I think he's probably making a fuss. No, they may think I went looking for him somewhere. Anyway, I can't keep you away for too long.

"Really? I don't know about your urgency, but it won't take long. If it were you, I'd just use the transfer door that I would have already set up to have you go for a moment and pick up a book of forgotten things.

"Is that possibly the one called the Dantalian book there?


"Isn't that what you should have made Sale pick it up? You don't have to bother to pinch me out like a forgotten thing.

"No, that's what Dantalians are for, and they've forgotten the book inside the Castle of the Demon King. When that happens, there's only one Demon King's Castle that springs up in the Holy Springs, and you're the only one among us who can get in there.

"I see there is an abomination of the Holy Springs, and Lago's boundaries are stretched above it. But maybe the door to my metastasis isn't working in the junction. ─ ─ In the end, it's better to rely on the art of sairee. If that's all, that's okay with crosses, but I'm sure you guys know a lot about crosses. I have no choice.

"Oh, my God! Was it even Galenos' successor, Largo, whom we must serve?

"Right. You don't have to know. Actually, there's a lot going on. There is no way to dawn that Demon King's Castle in the hands of man, and in that way it is buried further beneath the seabed deep in the sea.

"Well, that's a legitimate thing to do as a heir. I wondered where the undelivered were, but I had no choice but to inherit them. All of that Demon King's Castle belongs to him.

To some extent, Astleto asks Dantalian questions that are sent in to finish understanding each other's situation and just go get the book.

"Then Dantalian, tell me where you put that.

"Yes, the Grand Marquis, do you know the watchtower I used to keep an eye on...?

After frequent meetings between Dantalians and Erigos about why the book was necessary, Astleto was immediately sent to the castle of the Demon King in the art of Salé, where he went to take Dantalian's book.

(365) True Prophecy

Erigos forced his former subordinate, Salé's power, who specializes in the art of metastasis, to summon the demon Astleto to explain the circumstances, before letting him take the secret book that Dantalian had forgotten, inside the castle of the Demon King, which we cannot enter ourselves. Among them should have been words written that prophesy the future chosen by Galenos the Demon King, which Erigos most desires to know at present.

As soon as Astleto is taking the book by the power of Salé, and in case, Erigos tells Salé not to spread the word too much about it, he also instructs Salé to return to Jamon first.

And after a while, Astleto came back with a thick book that looked familiar.

"This is it.

But a large book of bright white taken would have been exposed to the repellence of the Holy Springs while trapped in the junction of Demon King's Castle. Dantalians and Erigos, who are not close to each other, to a dangerous and abominable atmosphere that is impossible to stand up to.

"That's Astleto. But can't you do something about it?

"Hmm. But the repellence of the Holy Springs is not something you can take so quickly once it's on. Stay a little further. So, which area do you read? I'll read it here.

"Yes, then, I'm afraid...

Dantalian carefully instructed Astleto where he was.

The book of secrets is something that does not float the necessary information unless it is in the hands of Dantalians, but the content that appears once also does not disappear unless it is intended by Dantalians themselves, so at the end of the text that is floating conveniently a lot, there should have been that wording.

And finally, Astleto finds the page of Erigos' chosen Scenario of Galenos, the Demon King he wanted to know, in which the Trail Successor Largo will be the champion of the earth.

"Then I'll read it. Uh, the day the castle sleeps, the day it rises."

Once he listens to it, Erigos rushes to withhold Astleto from reading.

"Uh, no, no, I heard that. No, just remember that the Dantalians are the only ones with that sentence. The world wants to hear it next.

"Well, next time. The day the castle sleeps, the day it rises."

Exactly the same. How many times should I make him say the same thing, Erigos roughs up his voice that there is a limit to the warmth of his head, no matter how much he speaks of the Grand Duke of Astleto, the user of the Galenos Demon Castle.

"Well, wait, wait. Isn't that the same?

"No, calm down, it's the same beginning. Earlier, he said, 'On the day when the castle brings the demon to a sleeping sunrise, the servants of the Son of God wave the blade without knowing its meaning.' And then it's like, 'Tsuyoki things don't tend to beat each other right, they beat each other with their own lifeblood.' Until the next sentence is around it, the text is the same - 'I shake the blade without knowing what it means.' Next is different.

Come on. Early in Erigos, I can see you're in a bad mood, an inherently bloody Astleto.

But it could be. It would be strange if it weren't for the same place where the Demon King's Castle was attacked.

"I see, I'm sorry about that. Then read it from the beginning.

Have you cared for Erigos, who has metabolised, and Astleto begins reading again toward the book?

"Got it. Then - 'On the day when the castle brings the devil to a sleeping sunrise, the servants of the Son of God wave the blade without knowing its meaning. Good things. They will take the armament of this battle, and they will take the cripples, and there will be a virgin Abbess before them, and they will be found, and they will form a demon palace in the midst of the underworld. And the devil gathered unto it, and forgot the divine things, and dawned upon it, and made enemies before he dived with the devil's things into the flock of sheep, and smeared, and mourned. I seek the path that leads to the unwillingness of my power to rebel against dark searches and finally untangle my origins. After intervening in the Temple of Ambush and reaching the Daego Immunity, the hundred-year-old Heqing, for no reason, also relies on the power of the people of the United States, and then leaves the others, and at last even symbolizes the Son of the Dragon, and stands at the apex of all living and living things, with the grace of the earth, until the light of day comes upon him.'.


"What do you think, Erigos? This content-

Erigos nods again and again to divulge his thoughts after having his head crushed the sentence for a while.

"Hmm, this is for sure. It would certainly be a prophecy of a future that has become a reality, chosen by Master Galenos.

"Well, is it?

Unwrapping his arm, Erigos conveyed what he had largely deciphered.

"First of all, the beginning is the same, but 'good things win armies of this battle' must mean, of course, that we demons are evil and humans are good. It was the humans, not the demons, who won that battle.

"Surely if you say so, there would be one story that doesn't make sense right now that we are good. When people say that the world is good or right, it feels silly.

"Sa too. Because it's" The Devil "by name. And the place" I want to take the crippled up "is slightly irritating, but I must be referring to Lago, who was also taken to the King's Capital for many fears and captives while still in eggs. But more so with the crippled...

When I hear that, Astleto also seems to be slightly outraged, but that is not to the human opponent who has only the power when it comes to bugs. I guess he remembers his anger at his own fuzziness more than that.

I don't know if this is just a conjunction, but Erigos doesn't point out that it doesn't affect a lot of people.

"You're absolutely right. What a pleasure, albeit temporary. I just don't seem to remember you on most of the itinerary, but it didn't seem to hold up.

"Ha, that's a rigid thing to look forward to ahead. ─ ─ But I'm not sure what" virgin "means. In the previous sentence, there was" The Fountain of the Virgin of the Sheep, the Father, welcomes a new God, "which meant that there was a wording that seemed to be about the Holy Fountain, which had never been offended by the Demons. Now, can I understand this as a fountain, too?

"No, then I understand. Lago is first adored by Her Royal Highness the Princess Milian Rune in front of the ritual of adulthood after being entered into the royal castle. Moreover, he also met the good Whipleys, called the Legion of Beautiful Women, and organized the SS, which is made up of more than twenty demons who stand out as children. Isn't he referring to that princess or toddler's wipley as a virgin" pawn "? I hear that Whipley, who had a role to play in exploring everything Largo, has worked. And you remember-- you remember-- The man Satan brought in to make the good stuff, his name is..."

"Is that Euda?

Then we lived together in a lab in Gymon until a few days ago. He also told me that he did take him to the royal castle, and how he was adored there.

"That's right. From the Castle of the Demon King, where it sank into the sea, he brings out the eggs of the Lord Largo, hatches them on the road of the Church Army Triumph to the King's Capital, and listens as if one of the wiples who was watching the moment had noticed. Let's just say I found the missing Largo. And it was that made-to-measure coffee that made it. That's where the maid lives, probably if you call it the Demon Palace.

"Were you, I see. The neighborhood was a stranger to the world. You should have thanked him more. I didn't know you could connect me to your people. So you've become more and more credible that reality is moving forward as this prophecy suggests. And then," The Devil's Thing, the God-fearing thing, the God-fearing thing, "he says, means that Lago didn't realize he was a dragon.

Having heard the story, Astleto stares at Erigos with the book aside and shouts out like he made a fool of himself. What a disgruntled young Virgin she is.

"Oh, my God, what does Erigos get told about the slippage between them? Master Largo is revealed to be the Demon King. He will be the Great Demon King, who is of the same demonic lineage as us. If you're talking about demons, what do you mean, stupid Largo is a dragon?

(375) The Future Revealed

Astleto objected aloud to Erigos that Galenos' succession was a Divine Dragon, as if he had fooled around.

"Oh well. You didn't explain it to me either. Astleto, it's an easy truth to understand even if it's not you who have everything as knowledge through the past and the future. I'll let you hear it, but if Dantalian gets here too, he'll be a lottery student. It's useless to say anything else. As a matter of fact, Lago's mother, Dora, was born of a dragon without a clutter.

"Oh, my God! Is that a sincere story?

The woman possessed by Astleto, who overheard Largo's identity, solidified with her mouth wide open.

Or else, Erigos watches it and hits the signals in his mind, while strictly paying attention to Astleto as if he had even frozen.

"But right now, I want you to just talk about it here. If I knew such a story and joined it, I would be thrown into that dreadful eternal prison even if I knew the fact, because there are few demons in the superstition.

Astleto shrugs himself and pretends to tremble as the cold suddenly hit him, though time had stopped for a while.

I finally realize the horrible truth, and I see that my instincts are screaming that fear was approaching where it pertains to me. I can understand how the punishment of being sent to the land is horrible even for the demons, because there is a feeling of fear and fright with Astleto that I didn't think had any connection.

"What did you say? Is it true that such horrible things were happening near me? That woman, no, you think Master Dora is actually a dragon man? That grate or grate.

When I first heard that, Erigos shrunk himself to the seriousness of things, too, but Erigos replies with a slight derision that he had become accustomed to, even if he was as magnificent as Astleto.

"Are you that mouth, too? It's okay, that's just a legend. Just because you knew that fact doesn't mean you're going to jail forever.

"Really...? I'm sorry. My knowledge also accumulates all superstitions and rumours, so my emotions are pulled by a large number of people, even if they are such misinformation.

From Astleto, who speaks for a long time, there has been a series of statements of nuances different from those where I was at the Castle of the Demon King.

"Well, since when do you have such weak feelings?

"Oh, speaking of which, since I started dating Lago, I seem to be losing my mind. But I've always had feelings like it's fun to see humans suffer. If you ask me, when did weak emotions like anxiety and horror sprout? Okay, but... what do you mean, Ga, Galenos and Dora were sent to that place?

"That place", which the Archduke of Astleto, the demon who is neither pushed nor pushed in the demonic kingdom, speaks frighteningly of what he utters, is, of course, an eternal prison in which the demons tremble.

Plus I heard directly from Dora that the most painful of them all are not half-baked, they have to be thrown into something called the 'Nirvana Hare' and taste the literal ordeal permanently. The dragon woman said her mother would be taught such stories strictly from a very young age.

"─ If it were Stone Street, it would definitely be so first.

"Why didn't you stop knowing that? Erigos, are you insane?

"Of course I stopped it. Let's decide. But Mr. Galenos couldn't hear you. I wonder if I've been stuck with paranoia that what I've created will ravage the world. That's why they chose this future.

I hadn't deciphered it to the end yet, but the first sentence, which at the beginning assumed that battle was not a human victory, was also insufficient to say that the inheritance would be a champion on earth. Compared to this, in the text, it reads: 'Until the light of day is upon you, you shall be at the apex of all living and living things with the grace of the earth'. Until the end of this world, his status as the champion of the earth is well known, not least because he says he will reign over all living creatures on earth.

"You did, but that's what you did, Galenos.

Astleto, the way he barely embraced reality, seemed willing to manage to move on to deciphering the book.

But speaking of Dantalians, when I heard the word "that place in Astleto," it seemed that I had finally understood the seriousness of the matter, and by now I was trembling with my head.

"So, Astleto, you seem calm. Shall we look at the next one?

"Okay - 'Dive with the devil's things in the flock of sheep' is also true as far as I know. It blends in well with SS in humans." Make enemies before you go. "What is this?

As I heard rumors. And this expression came up again. In the previous sentence, it was also used as "a tendency to snuggle back, sounding like a kai song to the capital".

"Oh, that crunch was in one future document too. Fighting" rustling "means fighting. I hear your heirs have been standing around everywhere.

"Exactly. Prior to that, they ended the humans of the so-called witch Aradia's children, like the Mafia and Unitota.

"'Become a mourner', this doesn't make sense in the world either. But" mourning "generally means losing consciousness.

Ronoweh might know, but it's impossible to ask Astleto for something that Erigos doesn't even know.

But losing consciousness seems to be something Astleto remembers, and he began to speak with a very convincing face.

"Exactly, when they fought in a city called Bokovo, the doll they were manipulating was knocked down in the aftermath, about half a day, but they passed out. You witch, I'll never forget that grudge.

Even though Astleto is possessed, he has strength in the gripping bush of the woman. How sorry I am to hear it.

Erigos didn't know that much about it, but it was rumored that Largo had fallen at one time.

Probably, No. 14 taught me.

"That's what happened. Increasingly, then, as this future prophecy suggests, things may be moving forward." I rebuffed my dark exploration at the unwillingness of my power "- - I mean, I was exposed by someone to the phrase" I came to be unraveled "- that is, that I was a dragon, weren't I?

"No, I know you don't seem to be free to use your powers. Indeed, many humans feared the use of an identity determination machine, which wanted to make the Lord Largo a Divine Dragon. When I heard that story, I thought it was stupid, but from what I hear now, you mean you told the truth.

"Oh, my God! Was such a tool and such a determination out there? It undoubtedly revealed the identity of the heir. What a fearless magic tool to say that there is no longer a chance of a dragon on earth.

(386) Astleto's Bitter Cup

A magic tool is the embodiment of witchcraft conceived by a witch or dwarf. There is no way it can be said if what made that tool does not know the existence of such a thing. It is believed that in some way it determines the race or rank of what it possesses, based on its own abilities and characteristics, the magnitude of the power it possesses and, in some cases, the color of its power - its attributes. This means that if what made that tool creates it on the premise that there is a Divine Dragon, and at the same time does not know the characteristics of the Divine Dragon, there will be no way to identify it. Not to mention the fact that Largo is still a pre-awakening Divine Dragon, so it's also suspicious how many traits can be found.

For different reasons than Erigos thought so, Astleto leaks a surprise when he acknowledges Largo's identity and is now informed of the true power of the identity determinant.

"Really? I called the cross a dragon man or something. I thought it was an obnoxious trick tool.

"Cross, you said earlier that you said you were a dragon man with holy repellent whipley? Now, you've said that the cross serves the king of the kingdom, and the power of the pulse that it possesses -- that is, you can use the energy of the dragon pulse to use magic, too?

"That's right. With such a terrible amount of energy in the background, I was so depleted of magic that I was too soon defeated by him. What a pity.

When magic is depleted, I wonder if even just Astleto loses to Whipley, but if the opponent is to have a holy pulse in his body, albeit human, and in some places a royal family directly connected to the pulse in the backbone of magic, that means extrapolating, Erigos thinks.

However, I am somewhat impressed that Whipley, that cross, is something that, even though I would not have ever had such a power in the background before, once I acquired such power, I was able to carry out enough combat magic to often defeat Astleto.

"No, that would be it.

"─ What are you talking about?

Astleto reacted with a strange face to the dialogue affirming his bitter memories of his disastrous defeat of the Whipley style, but that was not what Erigos wanted to say.

"That's the basis for Whipley, the cross, to say he was found to be a dragon man.

"Why? In the devil tribe and dragon man, isn't it completely incompatible?

Indeed, the dragon man is a so-called beast man born between man and dragon, and moreover has the characteristics rarely seen by the beast man named Egg Raw. In contrast, the Demon Nation is said to be the outcast of a resentful spirit body with the magic each dragon had when the Divine Dragon, who even reigned over the Holy Spirit as a god on earth that time ago, forcibly reincarnated his desperate dragon soul into a living human being. In time, the pure spirit body close to the Divine Dragon is the Demon King, and what is just made of the Dragon is the Demon or the Advanced Demon Nation. Most of the other demons are below those demon kings, created by pure demons with magic.

For the record, it is said that roughly these lower-level demons do not have reproductive functions, and that even when they interact with beasts, small monsters - beasts - are never good. It is only when the pure dragon man and the advanced demon clan meet that some dragon is born, but it is nevertheless assumed that between the demon king and the pure dragon man, an authentic dragon is born. After that, the size of Largo's dragon is determined by what descent Dora is a dragon man.

But if such an instrument were to be judged to be a Divine Dragon, then perhaps Dora was quite a dragon man of blood.

(But then again, why did such a righteous dragon man challenge such absurd things as giving birth to a demon king's son...

Either way, Erigos had an idea of why what would be his identity determinant was a mistake in seeing who Cross was.

"No, I don't suppose that's looking at the cross itself, but at the magnitude and attributes of the forces moving in the cross? That's why I saw Cross as a dragon man, and I saw my heir as a dragon. I still don't think that magic tool, just made it. What if that's what they say is an au part passed down from the days of the Divine Dragon, beyond tens of thousands of years?

I see. The possessed woman of Astleto, who shows a convincing face.

"Was it? That's something I've insulted.

"That means the heir is likely to have noticed his own origins by that tool, right?

That's Astleto twisting his neck. It is clearly the face that I have not heard of it from Largo.

"Maybe if you ask me that. But if you don't ask our Lord Largo himself about it, I don't know for sure.

"I guess so. ─ ─ But, Astleto, the problem is the words that follow.

"Later -- what does this mean when you say, 'Seek the path that leads to this'?

"Let it be that I will meet my mother, Dora. Egg-born ability opens eyes to true power by drinking the mother's breast milk. In the previous sentence, this place was referred to many times as the" Sleeping God "and so on, and it was content to mourn its powerlessness.

"Does that mean you can use all your abilities, awaken to a true Divine Dragon? But why won't you even realize you're a dragon until then?

If you are a Demon, you manifest yourself in this world by understanding all of your roles and abilities from the time you are born. For example, it is born knowing all the abilities that cannot be used because of the magnitude of the power of the summoned thing. That's not supposed to be a summons, it's supposed to be the same for the very first time, but is it different around there in the Demons and Dragons? Or is that because you are not awake?

"Sure, that's where the world wonders a lot too. But there is no doubt that the heirs were desperately searched for what to do to awaken here.

And the awakened dragon will be the champion of the world - so the prophecy continues. Erigos is convinced that Galenos must have seen this trick with satisfaction.

"But speaking of Dora, by now...

"Yes, you are in that place. Isn't that why you needed to be directed to his land? When the world heard the story that the heirs were headed there, I also thought about telling you about my mother, but as far as the prophecies around here go, I can feel that it was already woven. But you also know what Astleto is trying to say. The place is the only place..."

Hearing that, Astleto shakes his head like he gave up, turning again to the book and trying to read on. But at last, from here on out, we're still going to talk about the future. I guess I don't have any idea.

"After that, it's somewhat elusive, and I don't know if I understand. The status quo cannot rescue the Krasabi from eternal prison, so we are headed to that land with supermen, wizards Satan, half-fishes, dragon descendants, etc. who want to rescue His Royal Highness the princess who was taken with us.

Erigos had something to pin when he heard it.

"Exactly." The people of the U.N. "will be the ones who were taken." Poor measures "are measures that I have come up with painfully. It means going to jail with no chance of success. But if you meet Dora over there in the Temple of the Voldemort, in eternal prison, Daego Immunity will mean awakening.

"I mean, from here on out, you mean even more from now on. After that, what do you mean by the devil's power and excitement, that it's finally our turn? It may include humans, human species, wizards and the Holy Spirit. Everything that comes towards the blade, drives these away. Hmm, the pleasant battlefield seems visible.

"That's right. At last, the dragon's sons, the dragon men, even symbolize them, and take the grace of the earth to the height of all living and living things, until the light of day comes upon them. Control over all creatures on earth. This means you can be the champion of the earth.

A satisfactory result. That's what Galenos produced over everything, no. It can be considered the future of choice.

(396) The Last Champion of the Universe

"No, but...

"What? Is something wrong?

Because of this, Astleto speaks differently to the great circle for the Demons.

"There are two things. One of the successors who has now gone there was left to tell us to be indispensable in the convenient life of man so that the devil tribe could live side by side with the devil tribe so that we could rule man first.

"Does that mean - I see - that it is the thoughts of the successor, and if it is to be the future from here, it is somewhat different in expression? But after being awakened, you may actually be moved by your own extra power, and then go enslaving humans.

That's an easy story to think of, but that said, saying it awakens also includes the fact that the successor Largo becomes aware of himself as a Divine Dragon. Even though he thought there was a contradiction in logic, Erigos waited for Astleto's words to react.

"No, but that's actually how the Ronowegian reading becomes what the Demons have to be in human life, and then they give in beneath it. This is what Lago interprets as a conquest of the world. And there is a strong consensus among the demons of Galenos who are currently in contact with us.

Though I thought the truth was nothing but naive human thinker bullshit that is odder than a fairy tale, Erigos is a little impressed that even foolish people sometimes say useful things.

"Right. So when you say here," Stand at the top of everything that lives and lives, "you mean it's not moldy domination, like the Demon King's" Rule the world with fear, "etc.?

"I see. Say something good. Strongly speaking, there is no place for me around here. So what do I think? I don't think I should pass on the contents of this book to Ronowell the Great Sage for analysis.

"Can you get in touch with Ronowell, too? He is also good at rhetoric then, and the reading of such elusive prophecies is not the ratio of the world. Then not only this, but what is said to be a detachment may also be helpful.

"I said I heard it earlier: 'The day the castle brings the demon to a sleeping sunrise, the servants of the Son of God wave the blade without knowing what it means. Tsuyokimono beats him with his life pulse without the right strength. At last, the fangs were broken, and the tendency to temper, and the fountain of the virgin" The Father "of the sheep who sang Kai songs in the capital, greets a new God. God, who knows not his name, hath captivated it, and hath repelled the peril of repeated generations, and hath accumulated the power of the reigning king. Of the devil. Obsessed with this, he controls the flock of sheep extensively. When he reaches out next door and kills the raw man facing the blade, and reaches even greater great success beyond the war, the dragon sons from the south kick the demon, and gather what he joins from the other side of the dragon's hump, the wave. The king asks for the power of the sleeping God to challenge him forever, and he grievously uses the hands of the devil to relate, but there is the snowflake of the twisted things that command the power of the provoking devil, and he climbs to heaven in the sleeping divine curtain pull, and in the sealed dawn, and the devil is plucked out of his fangs and obedient, and bright dawn is brought to the sheep.' That's the one.

Astleto reads it up and closes the book.

I don't know how long Dantalian, who was trembling with his head until then, had been returning to this story, but you understood he wasn't being taken to eternal prison. I sighed one towards the closed book without looking so frightened.

I guess it's a relief gesture that I could play one of my roles here.

"That's right. By the way, will Ronowell be caught soon?

"Absolutely. Until earlier, I was with him in that lair, but a little over the mountain, so I left the latter to the people at the scene, and went back to the king's capital with the crosses. Now we should be on the run to prepare for the defensive battle to come, but if we're at Buell's, when we get back to King's Capital-- well, if we find something as serious as this, why don't we just leave the errands unhurried and come back?

If so, good and hasty, but the devil hastened. I wanted to deliver the prophecy of the present progressive future to Ronowell as soon as possible, including this first sentence. I wanted to ask him to analyse the prophecy in further detail and to consider measures for its aftermath. To that end, I need a decree remembering both of these.

"I see, but let's shut up about Ronald and his repellence of the Sacred Springs. Then Dantalian. Fly to the king's capital and do your part. Remember that and tell Ronald without leaking a word. But don't let anyone talk about Master Largo that I just taught you, other than Ronouette. Make Ronald stop as hard as that.

"Yes, we have a strong mouth. If there is a risk of leakage to the rest of us, we will not even speak to Master Ronowell.

"All right, I asked for it. No, it's still early. Astleto, you haven't had the second point of interest I was saying earlier.

I almost accidentally, but if you think about it, Astleto only spoke of one of the two yet. Erigos thought that the second story was not something so unexpected, because the first is something that so much as puts a wedge into this prophecy.

"Have you remembered? I thought you'd forgotten. Yeah, well, that's another thing that makes me feel...

"What is that? Say it quickly.

"Do it with the Dantalians, and keep your ears shut often. ─ ─ Actually, there is an important last sentence in this sentence. I didn't dare say that.

Erigos snapped his neck in his heart wondering if it was a thoughtful story that he couldn't even tell Dantalian, who once even said Ichiloto Toshio and even made him listen to Largo's invitation.

"What? Isn't that the end of being at the top of the line until the time of day? I took that as meaning that only Lago would last forever.

"No, that's it. Don't be surprised to hear the last word?

"What a threat. Say it. I got a head start.

"Okay, then? Don't lose your hips.

Yeah, preface it. Astleto opens the book again and reads the last sentence from the same page. Listen to that. Exactly. Erigos don't pull.

"But his life was short, and he didn't see the flowers bloom. Everything comes to an end with its end.

"Oh, my God! So this future is the road to ruin?

I think he shouted too loud himself, but Astleto doesn't take that for granted or point out Erigos' wolf.

It is understandable that Astleto takes this content seriously, both from where this sentence was kept secret and from the considerations that prevented Dantalians from hearing it.

However, it seems that Astleto himself did not know what to do with it, so he told Erigos in this way.

"Don't bark at me. I'm not talking about it. It's written here.

"What is it, the end of it all? Read and see there again.

"I'll read it." But his life was short, and he didn't see the flowers bloom. Everything comes to an end with its end. '. "

To my great surprise, I have not forgotten the last words, but Erigos asks to be reconfirmed.

"I'm sorry, just before that...

"Come on, '─ Hit the devil's strength and turn away from the others, and at last even symbolize the dragon's son, and stand at the top of all living and living things, with the grace of the earth, until the light of day comes upon you.' Around here, okay?

"You did. I mean, what does it all mean to be a champion on earth? It seems that this is not just about us demons.

Yes. Erigos decides.

Having gained the consciousness of the Divine Dragon, Largo retreats from anything by hitting the Demon Nation, and, no, or perhaps not only the use of force, the Dragon Man also conquers and dominates the earth with all creatures. But it's a short life, and it ends in less than a year, and it's all -- that is, the universe itself is coming to an end.

(402) Everything Ends

"What makes you think that? Maybe when it comes to 'everything', but that's the word of prophecy. Let's take it anyway?

Astleto says sweet things, but as a prophetic professional, Erigos must make it clear that there is certainty here.

"That's what I think in contrast to the prophecy before that. In the last sentence it should have been said, The devil shall also be plucked out of his fangs, and he shall submit, and the sheep shall be brought a bright dawn. Seeing it, if it is only the demons, it is described as' the demons'. If it is only the humans, it is described as' the sheep '. When it comes to everything, it seems to mean all the creatures on this earth. Or of this universe..."

"What do you mean? So, Galenos, didn't they want to make Lago the last champion of the universe?

Erigos darkens in front of Astleto's just satanic predictions.

"I see, but it's a ruinous idea, but did you even think that you could extinguish every universe and escape eternal suffering? However, when I complimented you on the act at the time, Galenos said:" My best sorcery is super frozen. Using it, we can freeze even eternal prison.

─ ─ In the first place, only Mr. Galenos, who is a cryoslime, can use it. It's a terrible business that air can also become an individual.

"But I have also heard that if you use it, Master Galenos will be sent to eternal prison. I mean, he's the last of the demons.

Yeah, but if it's something that's been sent to eternal prison, that's not terrible either. It's just that in prison, maybe...

"That's right. Magic against others does not take effect.

I am often told that I cannot move one finger, which is probably expressed in comparison to it because the Demons can give more power than humans, but my knowledge states that I can move at the level of the deceased.

"Well, you can't freeze around if you do - which means you can only freeze as much as your contents. Still, it could be a good way to escape prison blame bitterness.

"I wonder if Galenos will use the technique himself. If Galenos could have eaten something else and let him catch his magic in his body, it might be possible.

"Really? Think about it, so that you can't use magic against others while wearing Madante Planta's collar, it seems plausible that Galenos, who is in prison for that move, will be used to block the effects from the outside.

Is it about clairvoyant that I can use with that on? We're just talking about clairvoyance.

"I see."

But what thanks is there for having clairvoyance while savoring the greatest possible suffering in such a world?

From what Satan told me, in the case of a collar, if the collar functions have stopped due to some mistake, there may be a lot that can be done in the exercise of magic even if it is worn, but it is very unlikely that such a thing will happen in eternal prison.

In the case of Galenos, where it is conclusive that he will be trapped in such a place forever, even if, as a result of pondering over, he considers that he has tried to end this entire universe and take the inheritance he has created once as the champion of this earth, but that is never possible, even if he has also tried to end his own suffering early and take heart with this universe.

"Aside from that, when such a ruin occurs, so does the demon world, no. This universe is even gone. Is that okay?

"Even so, this future is already in motion. I'm not moving in another direction now. That's what prophecy is all about.

"Even though we demons are happy with the ruin of human misfortune when it comes to the destruction of human intelligence and other frameworks.

"If it does mean that all this universe will be destroyed, then of course our demonic world, which is attached to it, and even this earth that is manifesting itself, will be gone. I mean, I try to rejoice in the misfortunes of others, like you, but I try to coexist, like my lord, but I can't help but lose everything in any case.

"Well, for example, it may be the opposite of thankful story for those who are specifically locked in eternal jails and so on, and are permanently tormented.

"You can't even go back to the demonic world, which means you die like a human being. Does that mean my life is over?

"I never thought about that, but no matter how you discount it, that's not a good idea.

"But the future was no longer chosen. If we keep going, this world will always end, even if the Lord Largo does not want it. Moreover, according to the prophecy, Lago was soon awakened from eternal prison, and then before the next spring - by then.

"What do you mean? I didn't know it would probably take a year for us to find the Lord we serve and think we could be active from now on, but it will take all of us to perish. Can't we manage to change that future?

"Unfortunately, we can't just change this future. Perhaps the future is already there. It was this sentence that took it out in fragmented words. Dantalians have been saying this before. There's no doubt about the effectiveness of the matter, the order in which it happens, but he said it's normal that it doesn't take much to intervene between them. But in this case, at least until it's all over since you dominated the world, it doesn't change anything but a year and a few months.

"If so, what do you think? If you slow down world domination a little. It gradually expands its scope without complete world domination. Isn't there something else wrong with us, no matter how many thousand years it takes? Especially here! Even seek out the last octopus.

"I see. I know exactly what you're saying. I'm telling you to wait for the next spring after you've conquered it.

"If that's what you mean! Not good."

"What's going on?

"What if. Suppose the word" octopus "or" certain dragon man. "

"You think he's a certain dragon man? Does anyone have any idea?

"You know what a legendary explorer is?

"I've heard the story. Those are the mighty dragon men.

"That's right. Those are what Lago is after.

"Oh, my God. I can't deny the theory that you call it an octopus by offering the Explorer, etc.

"In Ronowell's reading, he's now following Lord Largo - and probably infiltrating hell.

"Please! Keep them close to Master Largo.

"What if something around you buries them, even if it's not you?

"That's right. I won't have this universe until next spring! We have to manage to inform Master Largo of that.

"How? I'm not sure where you are right now.

"It's eternal prison. We have to send someone in there.

(407) To the two great demons, Wang Du

Then came Salé, who had driven him away to Jamon.

"Erigos, Lord Gymon wants to come home to the lab once, how about that?

"Right. Did you finally cut the paralysis?

But if you think about it, here's Astleto, where vampires who stubbornly guard and don't move the lair in that mountain will recognize him as the Lord "The Sagittarius". No, isn't that exactly who made that safe house? If we followed this immediately, it would have been Erigos, who I think would only solve getting inside, but it was Astleto at the time who was surprised to hear the words of that saire.

"What, is Jamon here?

It was Erigos who, in turn, was surprised by Astleto's first voice, which he uttered in surprise.

If you follow me, I was thinking in the corner of my head of what a slight hesitation should be to introduce a woman in seemingly untouchable witchcraft whose loyal vampires might fall down.

"What an Astleto. Are you talking about Jamon? ─ Oh, no, you did. Were you with me in a city called Bokovo?

But at the same time he raised his voice of surprise, Erigos remembered. Jamon told me that when we were together in the cities of Lago and Bokovo, we also met Astleto.

"It's not. We now let Hayami, the SS, take me to the lab and to the neighborhood, and set a new door for the transfer there, and we all visit the house of Ghamon, and then the house is empty. I was just looking around because the person in question is away.

That's a tough story - and Erigos was impressed.

In the first place, Jamon felt the resurrection of Samael, the evil spirit of old knowledge, and came so far to rely on his heart. The atmosphere made me fly to Sale, so I couldn't transfer right up to it and went out onto this beach.

The vampires from nearby neighborhoods wouldn't let us into the safe house, which I thought was even more obnoxious, and all that was inside was gone, but that was the Astletos, on top of which Astletos said they were moving to the lab to find Jamon.

"Say what! Earlier, Jamon and we were just coming from there. On the other hand, didn't you guys stay here until earlier?

"That's right. I had just come down to communicate with Samael in order to soften things that would pave the way for his eternal prison. While we were talking about it, I couldn't help but come down again, so I transferred the automaton to wander around the world from here to borrow it from Jamon.

"What a bad time between them. This is Jamon, who caught Samael resurrected and persuaded him not to do anything extra, as usual, to come this far with the help of Salé - well, we've been following that too. Because Jamon and his henchman, No. 14, know where you were. So, if Jamon goes back to the lab, he'll be able to meet Samuel, right? All right, then we don't have any help.

"What are we going to do?

Did you feel something slightly generous about Erigos, who suddenly rose up, holding a secret book and Astleto changing his complexion as well.

But I don't want you to hold that and lean too close, Erigos. I kept pushing Astleto with a gesture of calm, and first I flew down to Salé.

"Sale, explain the situation to the Gymons and return them to the lab with the people who came here. Fly the three of us to Buell before we do. Immediately."

"Erigos. Nothing. I don't even have the help of Salé. If you enter the safe house, there is the door to the transfer prepared by me. Of course, there is also a pair of them on the second floor of the borrower named Coffee Shop, where we used to be based, in the Wang capital where Buel is located. It's not dawn yet. It's just a short flight through the night sky from there.

"If so - let's hurry there.

Astleto - the woman in possession of the witch - comes close to the Erigos and says, holding the book of Dantalians' secrets.

"By the way, Erigos, what about this book?"

"Don't bring that thing anywhere near me. If you touch your body, it's going to collapse from that part, not very much.

"Okay. Then open the mouth of the transfer in the castle of the Demon King again, Salé.

"Are you sure about this?

Astleto, once he entered through the mouth of the metastasis and soon emerged from it again, no secret book was already in his hands.

"─ Okay, I put it back. This will do already.

"I feel like something's drifting from your body.

"It's my fault. It's my fault. Come on, let's go.

Yet I wonder if you are paying off the aftertaste of repentance that you have put on in the castle of the Demon King everywhere, with your sacred clothes all pampered.

That said, Astleto seems afraid that if he flies to the King's Capital with vague memories, Salé will fly him all over the city with a lot of people by mistake, etc.

It is still the middle of the night, but if it is a town like Wang Du, depending on the location, there will be endless overnight streets of Midnight Castle.

More than that, it seemed like he was definitely going to fly away and hide himself, once inside the building with a door connected to the inside of the coffee shop, asking what was going on outside from there, and move to Buell.

But there's still a group of Jammons Automatons in front of the safe house. Salé, who has already told Erigos to return the Ghammons to the lab and the companions he brought with him to wait for a while, led the demons to lean over.

You were tired of waiting, and you don't even seem to have to dare explain that Samael is waiting over there, and in less than a few minutes, the troops of the Geimons disappear.

Erigos tells the remaining demons to follow him inside the safe house with him and makes Astleto instruct the vampire who earlier stubbornly refused to enter the safe house, this time honestly opening the door to the safe house as he returned his palm earlier.

In the meantime, Erigos uses the door of the transfer to the King's Capital, where he asks his fellow Demons, who have brought him this far, to provide a place to wait, installed in Astleto and three bodies at the poke of the hallway in the lair.

"Ooh ya.

"As soon as Astleto enters the door of the transition, he tries to push the other door to open it, but there is no indication that it will open at all, just making chatter and noise.

"Such an idiot.

"What's going on?

"Someone seems to have closed the door to the transfer inside the coffee shop in some way from the outside. Can't we go out into the hallway of Wangdu's coffee shop now?

No matter how many times you chatter, they seem to have a pretty strong fixation. The door never tries to open.

"Hoof--I can't keep doing this. If you try to force it open, the door itself could be broken.

"Oh my goodness. I wish you hadn't returned Sale with me.

"Right. If so, will it be transferred to the Gymon Lab once?

"There's a way. As it is, the night dawns. That would make it harder and harder to get to Buell.

When the two demons were about to give up...

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