Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: Restructuring Compendium: Margaretta Resurrection and Diekichi Line Rendezvous

(390) Just look forward.

(395) Each Preparation

(401) The Real Phase of Your Highness

(406) Confrontation Cockatoo

This series of reveals--

After barely sealing Lilith and the fall of Alessandromaton and Satan, the Deakichis were about to receive a retaliatory lynching from the ghosts, but Margaretta helped them and renewed their determination to all head to His Highness's rescue. But the cockatoos that have squeaked out there expose how the Millins are already trapped in eternal prison, and also tell them how strong eternal prison is, but Margaretta doesn't look to change her will.

Cockatoo gets his word butt caught by Deekichi to give it away and knows how to go to eternal jail. A self-inflicted cocktail challenged Margaretta to battle, but a sparkling stream jumped in to interrupt between the two.

(390) Just look forward.

Lilith fell all around, and the prison guards, who burned a deceitful flame of anger behind both eyes, aroused with prey in their hands, surrounding the remaining Dirkichi.

"An undeserved man in the name of King Jardaba!

"What have I done to you, even Master Lilith?

"Don't move until the Necromancer! I can't forgive you!"

The jailer ghosts surrounding the three Deakichis were flashing their fighting spirit of vengeance in the line of Deakichi, who had also sealed that they had been deceived and, at the same time, had been named King Jardaba, to whom they pledged allegiance, to bury Lilith, whom they had to defend.

Diekichi takes to the immobile Alessandromaton, and the two spirits of Kagelow and Hayaji pinch him with their backs, each posing as a bare-handed quarrel, but too many are passive. Dirkichi screams pitifully.

"No more Akan-, Alessandro.

Everyone thought that the lynching against one weak living human being and the two ghosts of the dead would begin - by the eight prison guards.

"Do you think I would bother to miss that?



"Who said that?

"Mr. Margaretta, I've been waiting for you!

Dirkichi screamed but quickly, or Margaretta's moves, which had already been amply demonstrated, burst. For a long time now, Margaretta's physical skills cross over to the point where she wonders where Alessandromatons with the soul of Lagon and the fatigue that fought the battle between life and death lie. I don't know if the move so far is because I was reluctantly moving with orders from Lilith, or because even though I have such moves, it is actually Lilith who is thinking and moving them, even each of those moves was not the ratio of combat skills that came earlier.

Depending on what you think, it may be the result of the strength of the confronted opponent, no, trying to get behind the moves that would have been spotted with each other using the same moves, but thus blunted.

Either way, all the jailbirds lost their will and it didn't take 10 minutes for Margaretta to deliver the demonic spear.

I wondered what would happen for a while, and the Deekichis would buttocks on the spot when the thread of tension was loose.

Until earlier, Margaretta, who probably doesn't remember the battle between Alessandromatons and Dimensions in which Lagon's soul resided, asks gently, approaching the Deekichi and the others, acting as if he looked like a light exercise and tapped the dust of his clothes.

"Deakichi, what is this situation now? ─ ─ Apparently, I've caused you a lot of trouble.

"Hey Margaretta, I'm glad you're the only one who could help. If you hadn't come back to life with this, there would have been no Wye.

"This is--for the first time in hundreds of years, the abominable evil spirit Lilith has been resurrected, hasn't it? And what is the situation now?

Diekichi first tells us all about how they entered the Hell Gate from the well, but as sinners they saw the various hellfire arrangements in each hierarchy sent by that gatekeeper's carriage to the Fifth Reich, and how they got here by savoring it themselves. Lost in the upper hierarchy just crossing the gates Sabatler and Hayahusa, the deceased, who also appears to be Samurai of Yapan in the hierarchy of illness, mistakenly saw him as King Jardaba, and Cagelow came where he unwillingly pretended to be, telling him the secret of Alessandro's birth that he heard from the mouth of Cagelow's sister, who was the shadow of the former kingdom, and that Alessandro, who found out that he was not Sir Leold's son but a son of Bakemono, had become self-absorbed. or, face-to-face with King Jardaba himself, who was then about to come to see the evil spirit Lilith, as Alessandro bladed against King Jardaba, whom he had declared his father, he attacked the Yawn of the Giant - a hand-washing ghost combined with a hand-washing ghost - with a lightning bolt that Lem had gianted with the magic bill Alessandro had and annihilated it, but which flew retributively countless times from the lowest level, along with a hand-washing ghost whose soul King Jardaba had fallen out. Rem was also painful and quickly introduced in his proud tongue, for example, that he had healed Lucy's demonic nucleus, which appeared there.

From Satan's fall to the bottom, until he toured the Alessandro's here, Kagelow and Hayaji added commentary, explaining that the Lagon, who was defeated by a mighty enemy from eternal prison, captured as a kingdom brave man, and brought here in a cargo truck in pieces, was an automaton, as well as, in fact, that Alessandro was also an automaton on which Satan was carrying data of himself sucked up at Demon King's Castle, and that he overwrote Margaretta and Godfrey's moves with those of the copied Lagon, also with his consent for the Lilith offense, among other things.

Satan no longer fell, and Lagon was sealed without Alessandro's ego. Only Dirkichi could tell Margaretta the status quo of the rescue team that led here.

"When I met Straw, Lucy was in no magical condition, but Lem healed and the enclosed magic became available, and here Lilith manipulated you and Alessandromaton with Lagon data fought and managed to trap the evil spirit inside Alessandromaton, but Lucy was powerless on this street. Perhaps the data you had may have disappeared.

"So that means that Mr. Sabatra, who went to hell with you, Mr. Hayahusa and even Viscount Cyber, were sacrificed by the time we got here. And right now, I don't know if it's Alessandro or Kingdom Brave, but does that mean it's the Automaton, not the biological person, lying there anyway?

"Well, to be clear, that's what I mean.

"I wonder how Lucy is doing.

"I pushed it pretty hard, and I was saying things like using that technique.

"That technique means the technique of sealing the lilith that attaches the collar of the Madante planta.

"I guess Mr. Margaretta found out, too.

"Of course it is. Because the original evil spirit Lilith is what Satan had sealed in my body.

"I talked to Alessandro about how wizard life would suck if there was a demon nucleus, but I don't know if Wai is specialized around there either.

"Really? If I hadn't been made good by Lilith, I'm sorry I wouldn't have put everyone through all this trouble. Satan must have been angry at me for sawdust, right?

"Oh, my God. I didn't say a word about that. Except in this hell, Margaretta, whether you go or go back, I said there might be none without your help, and I worked so hard until I wore you out.

"You were. Too bad, if I hadn't been caught off guard with my enemies and broken the cross at that time...

"I regretted your crucifixion because I was soaked. Yeah, but I can't help saying that right now. Why don't we all do what we can, together? Let him." "

"I get it, Deekichi. Whatever you say is best... What shall we be where we repent? It's just moving forward.

(395) Each Preparation

Margaretta, who had regained her energy, but cared for her body, which had just come to an end with Alessandro, Deekichi asks.

"But how's Mr. Margaretta doing? What? As far as fighting ghosts earlier, you don't look well.

But the look on Margaretta's face seems to blow that worry away.

"It's okay. My body is somewhat sticky and disgusting, but refreshing as it is after exercising just fine. By the way, what the hell was I allowed to do until you guys got here?

"Uh, around... Mr. Lucy did what he saw with clairvoyance while he was here, but he didn't know because Wye didn't have that power.

Dirkichi, who had heard stories from Satan, knew what the evil spirit Lilith had been doing with Margaretta's body, thinly. But he did not have the means to tell the Virgin and Margaretta from the high calling church, and tried to escape, so hard to say, but Margaretta and Kagelow, who had no knowledge of her life, pinched her mouth.

"Mr. Margaretta. I've been in this hierarchy for a while, but this hierarchy...

Kagelow explains what Satan said was not strange if it was the sexuality of the evil spirit Lilith, who said that in this hierarchy the deceased was immersed in colour lust and what ugly acts were perpetrated between the deceased and others.

Kagelow was supposed to be a minor, but his life here seemed to be long, and he was so familiar with adult circumstances. Dikichi and Hayaji, who were familiar with Margaretta's qualities and reputation in the kingdom, have been listening silently for some time on the side, but finally can't wait to break it into stories.

"Hey Kagelow, what are you talking about!

"That's right. Speaking of Margaretta, to the best of our knowledge, you were the most pure and holy flower and caller to bloom in the cathedral within the Kingdom Castle.

Everyone cared that Margaretta would haunt their mind in terrible shock if they found out she was being used for such things, but Margaretta, who had been silent for a while, said one word without asking about the complexion around her worrying.

"─ Yes, you're no different from what you were doing on the ground. That evil spirit...

"Mr. Margaretta, you...

When Dirkichi heard it, he mumbled at Margaretta's previous life, perceiving that there was a shadow part that enclosed Lilith.

But Margaretta doesn't willingly do that.

I thought I'd regained my earlier bright expression again, and this is how I cut it out by turning to Dirkichi.

"Well, there's something I need to check here right now. Diekichi stays like this, and even in this state where Master Alessandro can no longer enter the war, does it change his feelings to help His Highness the Millian Rune?

Deekichi's feelings, questioned, were somewhat complicated, but did not envelop it and reveal it. Of course, when you try to move from this hierarchy to the next, it's nothing different than what you told Alessandro. Usually it is Deekichi in the body who leaves me out of my mouth and hides my heart and talks, but somehow after entering this hierarchy, I remembered the strange feeling of being able to talk about everything with honesty.

It was a mouthful three inches after birth when Diekichi, who had been in vagrant life with his uncertain, unscrupulous father and two, had managed to cultivate as a means of protecting himself, but in order to sift his power enough, he had to constantly dismiss his own righteous heart and live deceptively.

In that sense, Dirkichi had self-control that could be the true opposite of a well-informed ordinary person, so he doesn't even realize for himself that the original Dirkichi, who emerges in this area where his own nature appears unremitting, is an amazingly decent person completely different from his usual.

And now it was the enthusiasm for Alessandro, who became so honest that Dirkichi began to speak for real, walking the hard road together into hell and becoming an ally.

"I know you can't make a big deal out of it. But don't take Alessandro. Even in such a much-looking state. Satan, too. You can't leave me there. Heh. Mr. Margaretta, I told you I'd be your shield until I told you I was going to take that luggage too, but don't let them do it until the end.

Interpretation, I'm not sure about my arm. As for Deekichi's will, but if I go there without that Divine Dragon Largo, my will to go to eternal prison, which I may not be able to return to permanently, is not a daring word.

Margaretta, who seemed to know Dikichi's reputation thinly, but Margaretta, the natural Virgin of Vegetables, took it without saying anything to doubt whether she had spotted the heart of such Dikichi.

"Okay. I heard you were ready. Then I will ask the others. Now His Royal Highness the Princess of the Kingdom is trapped in eternal prison, and perhaps it is impossible for you, in your own power, to return to this world. That's why we came. When you hear the hard work the Dirkichi and the others have done so far, it's not very much, but even if it's Lago the Divine Dragon, it would be a tricky move to get so far with a bunch of biological humans. I've heard from Tao, Orton and Viscount Cyber who know that one on the ground as well, but they don't seem to be the kind of people who get abandoned and advanced along the way. If that's the case, unless you're lucky enough, it's hard to think that you'll be caught up here any minute. But I'm hesitant to wait for you there, and I don't know what His Highness the Millian Rune might be seeing. I'm just going to get ahead of us before it's irrevocable, but what are you guys going to do?

I didn't put my hair in the response and Hayaji ate just waiting.

"Of course I'll let you go. He has been a King of the North Hurn since his birth. Even if you lose your life, it doesn't change your guts. It's been a long time since that happened, North Haln, but I'm proud to be a King's people. The will of the immortal warrior Alessandro, the patron saint of the kingdom, will be firmly taken over.

He was a kagelow who had fallen behind in his representations, but began to speak to squeeze them out of his heart.

"I'll go, too. No, let me go! Master Alessandro, knowing the secrets of his birth, nevertheless tried to pave the way, literally, with all his own. So I remembered. Why did I die? [M] What did you risk your life for? With my sister, I totally forgot that even if they chased the kingdom for a while, they were going to save the world with all of us. Please take me! I'm pretty good at the next hierarchy, not all of it. Now there is no King Jardaba, so even though it's no big deal, I can also show you how to get to the bottom of the bottom so that you can't be found by evil spirits or anything else.

Kagelow is said to have broken himself once in this area because of his greed, but Deekichi also well understood that his eyes were burning in the sense of justice he had brought together in the first place.

Margaretta answers satisfactorily when she hears each other's feelings.

"Thanks, guys. Yes, let us save Your Highness, the kingdom, and the world.

(401) The Real Phase of Your Highness

A hitherto forgotten ghost Cockatoo follows up and speaks in an attitude where Margaretta and the others who mounted the team's consent are flourishing, knowing that they are often hesitant to snap their mouths.

"Um... can I speak for myself?

"What. Was there still a ghost?

Margaretta thinks there were still enemies left when she saw the cockatoos, and she puts her strength into the hands running through the devil's twin spears, but she panicked and Deekichi pushed them away.

For now, Cockatoo is a hell of a resident, but for Deekichi, it's a team that took Lagon out and became a companion with Satan in a way.

"No, wait a minute. Yeah, Mr. Margaretta. That ghost sounds like someone I know from Lagon. I don't know, but he doesn't work for King Jardaba, who just said he killed him.

"What do you mean? But if you turn your teeth, destroy them here."

And to Margaretta, who is still going to start the fight, I raise my hands that I have no will to fight at all, and cockatoos trying to start negotiations while showing up irresistible with gestures.

"No, it looks quite like a militant sister appearance. I have not sworn allegiance to King Jardaba, who has all this hell, as the man said. You're trying to help me again, and I'm familiar with the current situation of the things you call Her Royal Highness.

"Oh, my God. Do you have the truth about His Highness Millian Rune?

Actual Phase means something else in this hell in one sense, but I think we're doing something here that dares to take care of things in the lower sense, right now, so Cockatoo refuses to talk about time being uneven.

"─ Almost half a day ago, but things around there won't make a big difference. As far as I'm concerned, I don't want people like you getting into eternal prison, where you work and you're adjusting the logic of this universe correctly. At any rate, you will not be able to help them or return from there to the original world. I think it's Othi who is punished for treading and vandalizing that area with his earthfoot and being jailed in the same way. I know that and I can make you go there, but above all, I don't want you to disturb the peace in that area. So now I'm going to let you know what's going on with the people you're trying to help. And until I get here, I'll tell you everything I talked to that doll about. If you still can't give up, do as you please. I've been shown your strength a lot, but I'm not allowed to try and keep quiet about my role, either. I'm going to let you do whatever you can here.

"I'm not sure if you want to discuss how hostile I am, but if you want to give me information about eternal prison, I'd appreciate it. Let me hear that story.

Now the last situation of the Millins in eternal prison, which had only been heard scratching from Satan until he came here, was told. Cockatoos, however unable to help the Golden Wheel, also involved the privacy of a raucous young girl - and so on - whilst being subjected to the bitterness of hell by the throat of eternal prison, worked with Automaton Lagon against it, fighting it, but at last, being controlled by Valkyria until he lost consciousness of his actions and was transported to prison.

"That's what we're saying you guys are going to help, we took three women, two men, and decided that our inner ghost was an integral doll with two humans, and we felt the word that we sent two demons and one human woman that Lady Aradia had contacted us. Therefore, after consulting with Valkyria, the patron saint of our working eternal prison, who is deeply connected to and has the means to communicate with Aladia, Valkyria decided to stop the eternal incarceration of two women, excluding dolls, and first ask the Aladia officials who sent these people on the ground with their dolls, and then turn to them for instructions.

"Oh, my God! So, if it means jail time has come to an end, then the heirs haven't been locked up in eternal jail yet, have they?

Margaretta's voice plays, but when Cockatoo sees Margaretta like that, he shakes his head and responds in an unfortunate way.

"No, I'm sorry to make you have expectations, but because the jail mouth was already closed at that time with the procedure of opening two women to jail, in case you should say the real culprit, or if those things that were supposed to have to be locked up were brought in soon, they would be replaced, as stopping them in temporary jail, after they were no longer put in jail.

"Oh, my God.

"Unfortunately, as far as the history from this automaton is concerned, although I cannot say enough that the will of Master Aradia on earth has never gone in the wrong direction, I would almost certainly assume that those sent this time were sent by the will of Master Aradia. That means there's no other substitute for the two of us who put him in jail over there. It is unthinkable, so to speak, that the two captives should be the right prisoners, even if the Great Shaitan is offered, how to take them out of eternal prison with any help whatsoever.

No one immediately tried to raise their voice when they heard the brutal proclamation clearly given to them by Cockatoo.

Still, I won't give up Margaretta.

"So you're saying that two people, including what appears to be His Highness the Millian Rune, have already been held in eternal prison. And I need to be able to rescue whatever it is from there.

"That's right. There will be no specific master in eternal prison, but it will probably be Valkyria who is most free to make that place today. Even if Valkyria finds it wrong to throw those two in jail, she can never let those things go out. I also thought that until I heard the story on the ground from these Automatons, those three people - no, not exactly the two of them and the whole Automaton - Aradia who sent me to that place - should also be said to be the shadow of Aradia on the ground, to be precise - had themselves made some mistake and sent me something else with what I really had to send in. So I met ahead of time with the one in charge of putting me in jail, and now I'm stopping myself in a basket like a temporary building. So maybe it's not a story that you can't physically do if you try to drag this out, but to do that, you'd be right to say that a true sinner who really needs to be put in that jail will have to register in jail in advance for the number of people who drag him out - no, not exactly for the number of people who will. Of course, they will be taken into prison and will never be able to come home again.

Margaretta asks the question to explore whether she still has the means to bounce back that adversity when she wonders if she has felt sorry for herself when she finds out about Millin.

"I see. I know it's such a rule, but what happens if no one lets you in while you break that code and drag it out?

The cockatoos who heard it were surprisingly well placed, albeit scary, for ghosts - so to speak - to respond to the question by plainly loosening their face like a god of battle.

(406) Confrontation Cockatoo

Hearing the question Margaretta had asked, Cockatoo, who looked surprised, began to change shape and answer when he thought he had done the sort of trick that had swallowed the goku and spit.

"Don't say such horrible things to me. No one has ever done that before. Of course, none of the prison guards who serve in what is said to be the throat of eternal prison will allow that to happen. But if there's anything going on with that system, we're all taught that it absorbs everything around the rampage. I mean, think about if there's nobody around that prison anymore. For example, the hypothesis is that something happened that would have killed ghosts and evil spirits.

"You're saying it's the same thing when, for example, outlaws come to retrieve their people and all the ghosts are hit.

"Of course. It's a mechanism to suck in those impudent people, including ghosts who couldn't protect them in that case, and say they'll be trapped. For once, that must not happen by mistake, so when such a sucking phenomenon occurs just in case, there is a place of refuge where only ghosts know. Temporarily, if you hide yourself there, the suction will automatically heal when the prison can decide that you've inhaled all of those people. I hear such an unfortunate thing happened a long time ago. Nobody remembers if it was just an accident or deliberately. It is also said that what was close at that time, that is, that all those who know the circumstances, have disappeared into eternal prison.

"So you're saying that if we're trying to help His Highness trapped for the sin of innocence, and if we force it out of prison, the same thing will happen, and we'll be trapped there, too.

"That's right. That place must not be touched by human flair in the first place. It is a signpost that exists to preserve that peace and order in this universe with that fear that only those who have offended the reason of this world will be trapped forever. So even if you make a mistake, it's hard to get people to do things like step on the ground. We're putting everything at risk to keep it that way.

"─ I know full well that you all do, with all your spirits, maintain the reason of the universe, but we have also given up our lives to help the imprisoned princess under heaven and done so far. Even though he fell to the point of falling once, the expectations of all the people of the most prosperous kingdom on the continent of North Hurn depend on the hope of the future.

Listening to Margaretta's plea, Cockatoo's face is powerless and he looks around and begins to speak to all those around him with pity eyes.

"I'm sorry, but something that should not even be compared to the tranquil order of one or both of the princesses of such a country or of the two universes. If the entire universe could no longer be adjusted for one country, and the worst of all, the universe itself would have disappeared, the kingdom and its people would not have survived -- no, there would have been no existence itself. Give up and go home somehow. Wouldn't you stop? Look, this is the result of your risking your lives. No, it's true. The body here may not be a big deal. Some of them are evil spirits who have no enemies for you. It's the automatons that are falling apart, and it's the same there again. And the teachings that man professes are wizards of positions that he hears are incompatible in terms of doctrine, but if you ask me, it seems that one body of that automaton was trapped with something like a man's soul, and that wizard and his own soul should have helped you here. Take such sacrifices from the next to the next, and still you must go and help the princess, and destroy them all?

Margaretta, who, in the wake of the harshly spoken cockatoos, was thought to snap, still complains loudly in her eyes of an unscrewed fighting spirit.

"I will not exterminate them all. Because we have all earthly righteousness.

"All earthly righteousness? Are you saying that even the stupid Genesis God brought you here?

"Exactly. You, be surprised to hear who follows you behind the straw.

"This, Deekichi, you mustn't say such things, and you mustn't let that story be heard by something like this.

"No, it's nothing. It's nothing that's going to happen where I hear it. The reason for the eternal prison is that the present Salamandra God, in ascending from the earthly God to the cosmic God, has conceived and made it in the first place to exclude from the circle of the circle the disasters attributed to the intellectual soul, which are likely to occur in this world in the future. It is something that cannot even be moved by the original god of this hell, the Great Shaitan. To put it another way, the Salamandra God himself is considered untouchable. And it's not a commandment, because the technologically enlarged eternal prison system is beyond anyone's control.

Until now I had noticed lightly, but not by the bystanders of the rulers, but also as if the system were rampant, silently listening to the inner depths of eternal prison, a human deekichi with no power whatsoever devoured Cockatoo's word butt.

"What do you want? Is there nothing anyone can do to say that the person who made it is also good for you?

"That's right. Clearly, the eternal prison grew too independent. It can no longer be called a single god. Even if you can take advantage of it or maintain it, it's no longer something anyone in this universe can do, such as transform it or erase it for someone's convenience.

Margaretta, with an extraordinary sense of justice, chases after the detailed explanation that she no longer has any choice but to hide.

"If such an inconsiderate thing, if it's moving by mistake, doesn't someone have to be right!

"No one would struggle if that were easy. That said, we have no other way to keep the peace in this universe but to continue with this system."

When I hear that story, Hayaji, who finally looks unbearable, blames it out loud.

"Such an idiot! I won't admit it anymore, like the previous kingdoms, misguided politics go by, etc.!

"Speaking out like that, nobody can do anything about it! Give it up if you know. Then I must return and tell him what to do by delivering this wreckage to Hellgate as soon as possible, and what to dispose of in the eternal prison cage as soon as possible.

"Hey, could you... Back to eternal prison.

So, capturing someone else's inadvertent verbal butt was demonstrated by Deekichi's mainstay, which can be described as genius.

"Shit. Slip your mouth accidentally...

"I knew it, didn't I? You're not free to go to that prison, are you?

"Really? I see. Right.

"No, hey, that's a silence right now. Without Valkyria..."

"No, I came out. You know how to get in there, too. Let him? No. That's what it says on my face. I don't know. I can tell right away the whole face of the one you're lying to. My eyes are already swimming.

"Is that it anymore? Unfortunately, with my power, it seems I have to stop you guys.

"Hey, wait a minute. Don't let your opponent get away with it. But if you call me, call me! I don't know, Mr. Margaretta, but there are people like Harun the best or the second.

"This, Deekichi, should not be said that way. Even though we might still have room to discuss it.

Dickitch, who plucks fights in this state and verticals Margaretta on the person he bought it from, is also Dickitch, but Margaretta, who is still looking for a way to reconcile over this period, must also be called muscled.

"No, I'm not dependent on this one anymore. Unfortunately, no matter who comes, we cannot pay for this unless it is the use of the Salamandra God.

Cockatoos staring at each other like that have hit and unleashed an unusual killing vibe when they call it a luggage pulling ghost.

Between Margaretta and I, a spark of tough battle was even felt by an amateur deekichi at all when it comes to martial arts. Staring at each other that way for a few minutes, no. Maybe a few dozen seconds, but a stream like a spark chunk jumped in between the two strained by such a thread of tension.

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