Yukimo and the Fight - Ingredients The Devil Tribe Loses Himself to Differences

Chapter 8: The First Step Out Edition Oh, Early Reading

In the buffer area of the giant kingdom, Orton and Tao expose that Largo was on his way to help Milin, who was taken away to eternal prison by the giant nation Nandoya chief Kuiyata Loker and his mother, Onikil, the fierce general. Yatarokar orders his brother Onikil to send him to the kingdom with the seven-person selection.

Pespectiva, who was asked by Cross to cooperate, infiltrates Godfroy and the island to seal the stone of hope after travelling to Cumiko to ask him about the island of Caxie. To buy that time, surrounded by a commercial convoy gathered from an offshore harbor to almost yang the island's humans on the sandy beach, the half-fish homeland flagship Seaforth One was attacked and cleaned, and the island was occupied.

Shockeya can't match up with Aradia, who stayed separately on the border, and stomps to buy single chocolate. In fact, Aradia had found that route last night, but shortly afterwards, he sensed an anomaly by a flying locust that informed him of the anomaly of the lair, convinced that the demon king, who was resistant to the repellence of the Holy Springs, born as a successor to Galenos, had seized the island and rushed to activate a magical tool that would cause him to lose hope.

Yuscario used to introduce an anecdote about Spartan education, about the education of the demon king Galenos and his wife Dora's soon-to-be-born child, about the lion poking my son into the valley of Chihiro, and remembered that Satan also talked about having a fellow dragon who tried to do that to get him to wear an awesome ability = lucky invitation, in a kitchen of maid coffee with a quiet surrounding him.

I woke up. Krasabi confirms that Milin, who is with me, is wearing the Madante Planta collar, along with the fact that it is an eternal prison from the presence of the Demonic Kato. Moreover, suddenly Satan brought back memories sealed in Demon King's Castle, and he also realized why he was enduring, that Largo was a forbidden dragon, not a demon tribe, and that Dora, Largo's mother, was captured in this place. By helping Serene with the shadow beacons that were thrown in at that time, we have hope that Largo will come to save us.

Erigos summoned Astleto to obtain the Book of Secrets, confirming the credibility of another prophecy, convinced that it was undoubtedly moving as reality. Then he reveals that his successor Largo is a forbidden dragon, and decides that he intends to conquer the world. But from the last sentence of the prophecy, if Largo defeats Dragonman Explorer, he sees that the universe will vanish the following spring, and rushes to meet Ronowell to teach Largo, who went to eternal prison.

In Hell, on the other hand, Swuria tells Satori about the explorers, and with the Viscounts of Cyber follows them through the sixth hierarchy after Largo. On that road, it is absolutely impossible to rescue Milin from eternal prison, but leaks that Salamandra God has slight hope for Largo. But that required Largo to wear the 'luck invitation', and that must taste the fear of death three times, the fact that it was a challenge for the Divine Dragon lay low. Mariachi realizes that the unity of the meteor has flown away in a different direction, and SURIA is taught by Michisane that there are evils like silence inhibition in hell, and so on, and she begins to think that she needs information about the meteors.

In a hierarchy that opens up the desires of the deceased, Largo, who toured to Yoshinaka when Tomoe lost his peace, takes Yoshinaka by his side with the help of his return. On the road to eternal prison, Largo, who felt caught up in every great thing, was told the story because he saw a strange margaretta in this corner of the hierarchy. When I contacted Mitsu about the situation, Mitsu had just dropped Satori, which blurred the Dragonman Explorers. To Largo, who asked who looked like Margaretta, Mitsu left the queue to single ahead and allowed this because he wanted to rendezvous with Largo. But Satyrus, awakened there, appeared as he unleashed a massive amount of greed demons. The crow and the fox have gone mad and attacked, so Largo, who can't hurt his allies, is pushed to the pinch, but there Mitsu is put on a meteor and rushed to submit with Heiji's ability, and Largo sweeps away the greedy demon with a demon breaking sword to get rid of Satyrus and head out of the castle with Margaretta.

Satan, in the discussion of Lagon, Alessandro and Diekici, moved the performance of the Lagon to Alessandro's automaton and put all Alessandro's data back on the broken Demon Nucleus to Margaretta Rescue, one or eight bets. As a result, Lilith succeeds in sealing every Alessandromaton she tries to possess by leaving Margaretta, but the Demon Nucleus breaks and Satan herself falls. The resurrection Margaretta, who helped the Deakichis, who were then about to receive a retaliatory lynching from the ghosts, confirmed to the remaining members of the House of Lords that they were determined to make their way to the rescue. There Cockatoo exposes the Millins in eternal prison and tells them that rescue is impossible, but Margaretta's will remains unchanged. Besides, Cockatoo and Margaretta confront each other when Dirkichi captures his verbal butt and allegedly readmits him to prison, but in the meantime a sparkling stream jumps in.

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