When Erigos and Astleto, using the door of the transfer provided by Astleto to transfer to the Wang capital, were about to give up towards the shackled and unopened door on the outside, which rested in the Wang capital's coffee shop, the door was about to open with the noise of unchained chains that seemed to be chattering and on the outside, beyond the door where Astleto was no longer releasing his hand.

"Oh, what's going on?

"There's someone on the other side.

In a place like this, I'm worried that if humans blame Erigos, dressed in demonic, out-of-the-box, horrible armor, or creepy forms of Dantalian, that's all they'll make a fuss about. But what was beyond the open door was a man who looked familiar in a flashy pyjama, wearing a hiccup nightcap.

When I saw this one, the man was the first to utter a voice that sounded like he was going to be in a quiet house.

"Master Erigos...

That's what I said and panicked about blocking my mouth with my hands. Now Erigos shouted better.

"Oh, you are!

Not so long ago face-to-face. Erigos just broke up the other day, so to speak. Now the man says in a slightly push-kill voice.

"Yes, it is Euda.

"You, why are you here? Speaking of which, you, where there are plenty of people who will eat what you've made, and you were supposed to have Sale fly you somewhere, but... I see, you were here.

"Dear Erigos, why are you coming through a door like this? I heard that this door was sealed like this by saying that it had some sort of unspeakable magic on it. There are only about human daughters here right now, so I thought it sounded weird, and I came to see who they were...

Astleto, who heard it, was somewhat satisfied that the door he had set was rated 'not very nice', and also helped the other person to be Euda, roughly a young human woman - and the monks and other monks - spoke in a tone.

"I see. When I do connect from here, even if I open your door for a certain amount of time, I may go somewhere else. It would have looked odd if we had made it human.

Upon hearing the tone of his mouth, Euda immediately noticed that the priest was not a priest, and asked Astleto, who looked like a priest, when he returned the blemishes.

"Who were you when you said that?

"What is it, Euda? Have you forgotten me? ─ Uh, right. Sure, I can tell by this appearance, but I am Astleto. Now, I live possessed by this woman.

Thanks for being possessed by this ni monk, Astleto is a bit bogged down in his reply.

"I see, was it Master Astleto? I'm sorry to hear that. I thought I was just a human witch. And this one... Oh, I remember. Surely you were on top of the watchtower at Demon King's Castle.

"You remembered, didn't you? I'm delighted. We are Dantalians.

Once such a long stay at Demon King's Castle, Euda seemed to know Dantalians, who seemed to have extensive intimacy with the demons of the castle through food, and who could not be said to be near the Demon King's side.

Now that the greetings are over for now, when the Erigos go out the door into the hallway of a slightly narrower human house, Euda is shackling the door again as he has always done. Erigos felt uncomfortable with the narrow hallway and shrunk his own size to the same level as Euda so that Euda wouldn't even care what No. 14 was worried about, the weapon also fell into the armor, etc. And Erigos, who stood around to make sure there was no shadow, and looked like he had just wrapped a serpent around his armor, turns to Euda and speaks with respect.

"First of all, you have to thank Euda for whatever you do.

"Are you thankful? Did you like what I made?

I'm sorry for Yuscario, who seems happy to do the hand job, but that's not where Erigos intended to be. The story, of course, concerns Astleto and his loyalty to his successor Largo, who dug a lot earlier.

"No, that's not what I meant. I must thank him for what he has done to succeed me, which means that he took Lago out of the castle of the demon king and brought him to this land, and for letting me meet the wipleys who survived here.

"When I say the Whipleys, you mean the crusty ones, right?

That being said, Erigos remembered the wipley driven out by Satan's desire to help Euda in order to deceive Galenos, who told him to eat Dora when he was at Demon King's Castle, but Erigos himself apparently wasn't willing to remember the wipleys with as many as 10,000 - or because Euda was the only one who called her crusty or something, not 9037 at the time.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about the crunch, but they used to work for me when I asked you to move Master Dora to an underground prison, and they're all talking about the daughters of those people who were called in numbers.

"No, I did not plan such a thing. I was just wondering what I did with the eggs you kept. I couldn't even throw it out when I ran away, and what I brought out hatched and Largo, who was born, looked like a rare lizard, so much so that I plotted to catch the eye of His Royal Highness the Princess of this country, a cold-blooded beast lover and rumor. As a matter of fact, thanks to this, I am not very thankful for the fact that I have been granted the privilege of the royal castle. There is no doubt that Krasabi and Lago, who were born, were close to me just to feed Lago.

Listen to that, Erigos, face to face with Astleto.

"I see, was that what Euda, who was the one who said," It doesn't matter. "The connection to the Whipleys may be coincidence, but there is no doubt that all the futures are being driven by their driving. Again, thank you.

At the same time, the future seen by Galenos would also have shown Euda taking out eggs and offering them to the royal castle. As such, Galenos hit the big play of eating and asked Yuda, who knew he could not cook and deceived Dora before.

(If I had left it to the warm-headed devil's cooking number, I would have burned eggs without thinking ahead.

Erigos remembers that when Euda cooked the meat of a rare monster and tricked him into eating it as Dora, Galenos managed to get angry that this was different, in a sloppy seat. At that time, Galenos seemed quite obsessed with eating Dora.

At that time, I wondered if I was caught in the anecdote that eating a dragon man would gain many times more power, but now that I think about it, I don't think I'm shooting at it either.

"No, I'm still not sure what it is, but if it was to help your dear Lago, that would have been good.

That's what Euda says, and the story goes through a paragraph. Then Astleto, dressed as a witch, came a word all the time.

"But Erigos. Sometimes I wonder about it.

"What? If the world knows, I'll answer.

"Hmm, I don't know if Erigos knows... Why, Lord Largo, no. Why was the egg brought out of the Imperial Castle by this human Euskalio? In one theory, in the Wang Capital, a martial arts tale is told to Makoshiya that a female knight called Margaretta, who stormed the castle of the Demon King, stopped the son of Lord Galenos' succession. How it was to be brought up in the hands of this Euskalio. It is not surprising that he entered the royal castle again and was not suspected of being the heir of Master Galenos.

The question Astleto has thrown was a simple question as to why Largo is alive, even though in the human world the Demon King's Castle offense has passed with complete success and his legacy has also stopped him from breathing. Erigos, too, was not present on the spot, but he had an idea of resolving the question.

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