Suddenly, from Ronouet, Hatsuna, who was tasked with letting him grab false information through negotiations with one of the men that Aladia had brought, had no experience at all in that regard, so he begged for teachings from Natsumi, Quore and Yasko, who he thought already had such a mandate, but did not get the guidelines, and finally decided to consult Natsumi, the pioneer on that path.

But since Natsumi is in the Duke of Hahnnan's territory, it will be a communication on the wipline.

"What. If that were the case, I wish you'd talked to Atashi from the beginning.

"Because I, I've never seen anything like this before, so I didn't think I'd be ridiculed for asking a super veteran nutty, but I'm ashamed I don't know anything about it.

"I'm not ashamed of you. For the most part, I have no business mating with you. Instead of mating, you still hesitate to allow lips other than Lago.

"Huh? Even though I don't have a problem there. You wouldn't get blood from a human if you said that.

"Well, as you know, she has the ability to have a needle long enough to be considered the best Whipley, because it has the characteristics. You think it's easy to even get blood from a pretty giant monster? And since the SS was formed, Lago gave me direct blood at any time. Isn't that okay? Well, aside from that, I know more or less what you have to do with what I just heard. You said I told you first, but I don't think you'd mind that at all. But if you're doing anything, first, when you're called into a man's room...

Then, in the end, if it was a nut, this is how it would be. Oh, and the hands-on lecture continued.

Hatsuna assembles the contents of the note, as appropriate, in the order that leads to the conduct in bed among herself.

"After all, such advanced things are going to upset me. When am I supposed to cut out a human story?

"After all that talk, I knew it. That's what they call sleeping stories. The invisible walls of the first encounter between the two of them, after being removed by mating, spoke with forgiveness. Isn't that natural? If the other person wants to communicate at the first point, you can talk about it on it. Probably because a guy like that wants to do it for now as soon as possible, it won't be on your mind unless you do it first.

"Hmm, you're like that.

"While we're mating with that, there's definitely something I need to keep.

"What? That.

"I like the person I'm dealing with. Making you think that's how good that mate was, that's what matters.

"Good? What did you want?

"You're in trouble. The mating of a human woman is very pleasant, unlike a beast. I know Atashi's abilities are not even free to do that, but I can manipulate them, so I know them well as knowledge. Didn't you know?

"Because I've never done it myself.

"But this is also compatible, it feels a lot different depending on the person, and whether they treat it or not, it's something they prefer depending on their hobby.


"That's right. I want you to listen to yourself because that goes perfectly with you and you feel too good about them, that's how you take it. He wants you to know who you are. That would make it easier for you to talk about your old stories.

"Ah, that's what it is. I was worried it would look like I put it on somehow.

"Normally, a woman who sells her body in business doesn't sell her mind.

"About? What do you mean, sell the place?

"They don't like customers bought for money.

"That's not natural. If you liked it either way, you wouldn't hold it no matter how many it was from.

"Right. It's obvious, but this is hard again. In the case of human women, reproductive behavior is not just about having children. Well, I guess a man is more so. That means a lot different things. You know humans have a thing called affection. Among the affections, there is something special about the affection of a man and a woman, and there is a love connected by mating. That's why you can't deal with anywhere like a monster or a bird beast. Instead, sometimes if I did, I would feel affection for the other person. Women seem to be particularly vulnerable to being held. That's why businesswomen have to keep strict guards there. I don't care if you take off your clothes, do you feel like you're wearing armor on your mind?

"Something difficult. Do I get it?

"Right, because even the Demons can't have kids because they did that. But guards like this vary from person to person. It depends on the other person. I don't sell my body, but I have a woman who swallows a man in a liquor store or something. Even if a woman like that may let her touch her body a little, she won't let her mate besides her chosen opponent, or noble aristocratic ladies will depend on people, but some people even find it unfaithful to wave a love or smile that isn't in their hearts. Of course, people like that don't even let them touch their hands. Perhaps you also consider your expression of favor to be just for those who have decided, or for those whose Lord has forgiven you. Such a woman sometimes chooses to die if she is to be raped.

"When a human is dead, it's over?

"That's right. I suppose you think chastity is more important than life. I don't know how you can understand them. That's okay, but I mean, that's not a reproductive act for the Atashi and the Demons, but in the case of humans, yeah, that's how they really have kids. The woman doesn't, but she'll have to have a pregnant child. You're gonna have love for that kid, aren't you? So unlike animals, in the case of humans, instinct is not the only way to do that, it's a so-called expression of affection. I want to have that person's child because I like that person, and that's why I act reproductive - and I don't want to have a man's child that I can't love the other way around if I die. You know what I mean?

"Somehow. But you're not all like that. If it were a couple, even if they didn't like it, decided between houses and bound together.

"A couple like that, even if they don't like each other and get married, they do. That's what humans are like.

"So does a man who buys a whore?

"That's not true. The act of buying a woman is for the processing of lust. They say it's the same as sleeping cravings and appetites, but they also say it's more like an appetite for excretion.

"Something like a monster peeing around?

"Yes, yes. Or when the season gets better, grasshoppers fly pollen, right? Something that puts the seeds in the wind and flies them far away, or feeds the birds and lets only the seeds come out with excrement elsewhere. I wonder if that's the same thing.

"You're doing that. I didn't know that.

"Even with such mating, you should remember that human beings are connected to expressions of affection, so that feelings can sometimes budge on the person they mate with.

"How does that relate to my work? The story."

"A good thing? So if I were normal, I wouldn't have romantic feelings for a guy that was bought by a businesswoman like that, but that's what I would happen to have. That's going to be because there was so-called physical compatibility. Then the man, well, when a good woman tells me that from people like you, it's all the same. You trusted everything she said. That would make it easier to do your job, wouldn't it?

"Right! I mean, the woman tells me she likes me, so the other guy really likes me, too.

"For that, after all, the play is going to be pretty good, isn't it?

"Uh, that's a high hurdle. No.

"Then I'll just tell you the point, and then you'll even peek and study at the popular whores at the nearby luxury whorehouse. Or... a peek into the nightlife of a famous young couple who are close to each other in the neighborhood? You know, clairvoyance, if it changes to Kamal, it's easy, right?

Hatsuna, who has received such advice, is made to make that path even more extreme.

He finally took one of Aladia's men and let him grab some brilliant false information to succeed in rescuing Shockeye.

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