Mitsu was safe. By the time Krasabi fell, he should have barely kept his shape while wearing out enough that he was about to disappear, but he was resurrected? But I wonder why only Mitsu joined that rescue squad. None of the Demons participated in this eternal prison believing rumors that they couldn't move a finger - no, I know Largo didn't allow it. Then why did you bring only Mitsu?

If the Shadows just don't know the other members, and even if they can't move themselves, they only need it as a tank capable of supplying energy to those around them, the magic water supply system would be easier.

Reminiscent of the half-naked mites and ragons intertwined on the bed, the ragons seem to have been flown with themselves, and I don't think the lizard rago needs a human woman. Not to mention that Margaretta also participated, and the presence of the Shadow Buddhists shouldn't have meant that we really needed one woman.

(Let's not imagine anything weird. I'm sure I really needed something and had to bring it in.

I have an idea. Krasabi had just confirmed earlier that he looked just like Mitsu.

"Who else is coming? Does anyone know who I am?

"Yes, Captain Margaretta, who was accompanied by an investigative unit, Viscount Cyber, who was at the head of the Amphitheatre, and His Royal Highness Milian Rune's brother, you, Mr. Alessandro, should have been brought here to bring a civilian named Diekici, whom I spoke earlier. Later, Master Krasabi doesn't seem to know, but you'll remember the half-fishers who attacked our ship on the road and reconciled, won't you?

"Absolutely. The people who said Hamatilda, Katsuotto, right?

Hamatilda was taken care of by a fire in Abehalnville. There's no way I can forget.

"Is it their boss? If you are a half-fish brave man called Sabatler, or if you have a similar birth, this is Hayahusa, descendant of a dragon man. And a woman who is said to be the number when she helps according to the treaty from the Republic. But that one is supposedly the same shadow as the awkward ones. I can't figure out that you're in the Republic.

Sabutler has never met in person, but he knows it. The guardian of the prince, whom the troops of Mitsu and Lagon helped, but it is surprising that he was a brave man - and a brave man of the beast. But it should have even been on Bokovo, and Sabutler saw it at the bottom of that ocean. He believed in Largo, so he must have arrived. I don't know exactly what a number is, but surely the beard is right, it's odd that Shadow Xuan with confidential information about one country is in another country, and if something were to happen and he was in exile, it's odd to send such a person to the kingdom.

"That's a weird story, for sure.

"Later, Satan, who told us that Mr. Krasabi had come after he had fallen, Michisane, the Spirit of Yapan, and Tomoe, a female martial artist introduced by his acquaintance, are men who manipulate the fox's yawn. Oh, and then Lady Largo brought a girl named Young Clay, some of whom Deekichi got into the whole of the golem and made him look like a human. And there may be a saying about members, but there is a raven about teasing them as guides to this hell.

"Well, Master Satan knows, but after that, he's just the first human to hear it.

Some things I know to some extent, but well, Krasabi comes high that I wouldn't have a problem with saying that.

"However, instead of all of them coming in here, five men, including Rem, other than Michisane, went first, and Mitsu, Satan and Captain Margaretta were left in shiver. Because the chaser came after Master Largo.

Is it a party of witches to chase? But those 15 are such members.

"So? You still keep falling apart?

"Yes, but not as a member when I went to hell, the first male army was in a hierarchy where Sabtler and Hayahusa had just entered - because hell seems to be divided into eight hierarchies, and I fought the mighty known as the Four Heavens King on those two or three levels, and discovered in that hierarchy that I was doing my best. Thank you for your tiredness, and I think you'll have a good night there, and then you'll be coming after me."

"Worried about something?

"Yes, in the hierarchy that follows, attacks such as making you suspicious or sick are irritating. Even if you're a brave man or dragon man with arms, can you handle it?

"Really, how are the mites doing?

"I think Lago said that only Mitsu is being followed. Master Satan and Captain Margaretta do not know. Looks like Hannah Lizard moved a bit. Please wait a moment.

That's what I said. When I removed the cheeks I was snuggling with the jellyfish, I had a hanakaru condition and a beard trying to add a cutlet.

(Really? Maybe Mitsu's the only one who's been in hell? Did Satan and the others fight that chaser, or did they get into a fight? I don't...)

"By the way, why isn't Mr. Krasabi dressed?

That was the first time a beard with a batch in its hanakaru came back and visited it.

"I don't even know. If you notice anything here, you'll be dressed like this. It may not look good in the dark on that, but the truth is, His Highness Milian Rune is a little crazy about these clothes, too. I know you touched it, but I think they took my clothes off once and took my underwear away. ─ ─ Maybe I had a lot of hard eyes by the time I got here.

"Oh, that's sweet. So, Mr. Krasabi...?

Crassy doesn't know if there's such a shame in hell's blaming bitterness. I was just unconscious because I was losing my mind, and my body may have been likened to ghosts and such, but since the demonic body is like a provisional figure in the first place, nothing is inherently difficult, like how about chastity, unlike the biological Milin.

"I'm fine with you. I don't give a shit about that, if anything, because I've had a lot of hard times before.


With that said, I would be very unforgivable if they did that from anything other than Largo, because even if they just took my lips away from me by a humble human man trying to force me to poison him, I ran out of bees and accidentally killed him. But if I didn't say so in my mouth, I was going to get so angry that I had a weird imagination, and that story decided to close there. Krasabi came up with something much more than that.

"Hey, did Master Largo expose himself to anyone other than you?

"Yes. Actually, it's scary, but with something called the Identity Determiner, His Majesty the True King has uncovered the identities of Lago, Cross, and Mitsu.


I'm out of time. Even if the identity of the mites and crosses has been dispersed, I still suspect that this was once transformed by witch magic, and perhaps my identity, which I thought was hazy, must also be dispersed by the potato formula.

"But it seems that before you used it, His Majesty and his wife had spotted them.

"Oh, you mean me too?

"Yes, I understand that you are from the same line of dragon men as Master Cross?

"Riu! Dragon Man?!."

"Oh, was Mr. Krasabi possibly like Mr. Mitsu, a superman?

"Mitsu? What? What?

"Didn't you know? Mr. Mitsu has been found to be a superman with an identity detector.

I don't know what it is anymore. What a tangerine magic tool there was. Or is it that the tool cannot determine the demonic tribe?

"So who is Master Largo?

"Yes, we are exposed that we will be revealed in the Divine Dragon, but this has been paused hard by His Majesty the True King as a confidential matter of what was around us at the time of that judgment, and we who accompanied him have also been instructed to call you Lago.

"Uh, that's...

It is discernible that Largo is a Divine Dragon. Besides, that's not what Largo said, I don't know how far the tool called an identity machine goes, but it's a form where magic has revealed hidden truths. At least not a cumming out of Largo's mouth, which in the end seemed exposed with pointers from the outside. After all, there was no mistake in the memory and judgment of Krasabi. But Lago did not know who he was, and by that tool, for the first time, did he not understand that he was a dragon?

(No, I might still be half-hearted. Because Cross is a dragon man, and Mitsu is a superman, that's not what you mean by a nasty tool.

So it seems that you are supposed to be a dragon man or a superman, just like Cross or Mitsu. From what I've heard so far, everyone misunderstands as it continues to flow in that amphiciata, and if Lagon and Millin over there and I were flown here, Millin doesn't have any more information in it than then. I mean, I'd appreciate it if Milin also thought of Krasabi as a superman who was turned into a witch.

Then quickly, the most unwanted question arose from the beard in front of me, not Milin, who, of course, was losing his mind.

"So the truth is, Krasabi is a dragon man? Or Superman?"

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