Thanks to Mitsu, after Largo manages to finish repelling Satyrus, he regains his ego after a while because he was slightly tamamo, and he apologizes for attacking Largo and the two of us are getting smaller and reflecting.

Largo, who thus managed to regain his calm time and hurried to introduce Yoshinaka to Mitsu, had only listened to his voice since he went to hell, but his face confirmed his immediate worries to Mitsu, who had seen him in the crackle.

"So Mitsu didn't see the Cyber Viscounts by the time he flew here?

"Yes, I saw it a little away, but I'd say a little off the road, or I guess it's straighter that way, but they were headed straight for a wide road. I was wondering if there were two other strangers.

When Mitsu answered, he put the mites on and flew in, like a sparkling user-demon - maybe - a man suddenly raved his voice toward the mite.

"I thought the two of you said they were your own stalls. Don't say a word. It's too much of a problem to walk by."

"Mitsu, what about this one? Maybe it's someone named Mr. Meteor you were talking about earlier?

One of the people who said that Mitsu was exploring strange parts of Hell on orders from the one above him, who went around when he defeated Satori. Apparently, the fireworks jumped in earlier was what this meteor emits. Mitsu himself said he couldn't fly, so I guess he's had this guy put on it to hurry.

"Yes, it is. I was already seeing this state of battle from the way in, so I said I couldn't do it and had it come this far non-stop, so I seem a little in a bad mood.

I see. If you had an ordered boss in front of you, but you flew it shikato, you could say it was rude. But when did such a man and cybers patrol each other? More than that, that twat thing Four Heavenly Kings, how Satori met the Cyber Viscounts by slipping through a death fight with the Explorers, no. Maybe the Viscounts managed to get Satori through because of their alleged superiors.

If so, I don't think you should ever sell a bad face to that person or his men, Meteor. Largo.

"I'm sorry. If Mitsu hadn't come, we would have been in trouble. If your loved ones are with the Patterns, the more they will rendezvous, so I apologize for sharing the situation with you. So can you manage to forgive me?

"No, if it means an emergency, you will understand that your stall is very accommodating.

Good. That's how they manage to excuse themselves. On top of this, I don't want to spin it on my enemies to the minded keeper of hell. It doesn't have to be. There are shadows of evil gods living on the moon and all sorts of suspicious things, not only in hell, but in a four-song state. If those oyakatasamas are willing to engage with the Cyber Viscounts, Largo thinks sweet that they want to manage to get along and get support for eternal jail time if possible. But then, anxiety suddenly came to my chest because they were pushing through the same hierarchy of this hell.

"You're worried about how this looks. Viscount Cyber didn't originally wear that passport, and I think Mr. Numbers could have taken it in the fight earlier.

"Well, I think the activity of Master Largo earlier has exorcised some of your greedy demons here. The original greed demon is what that satyrus generates at one time, so it probably means that it's getting so thin at its source.

Yoshinaka, who knows about this layer, analyzes the current situation of the hierarchy, but until she met Yoshinaka like that, Tomoe also made a motion to Largo. Even though Satyrus would be depressed by what he did earlier, it would be impossible to bury away all the influence of the greedy demons who are in this hierarchy in the first place. Anyway, I thought that anything with risk factors that might develop such symptoms should get out of this hierarchy quickly.

"But we're all together. I've never done this before. Me and Mitsu will go to Margaretta, so Tomoe and the others will join us and wait at the exit of this hierarchy?

Even Tomoe and the others will mean Tomoe and Yoshinaka, and Tamamo on the butterfly road. Meteor is next, so I have a pale expectation that you'll put the mite on it, but you just won't be able to enforce it.

"I understand.

"My concubine Straw, sweet to your words, will also obey you.

"Don't let the two of you fight. Well, just now, it seemed like we could make up. Nice to see you, too, so that Tamamo doesn't have to rub around.

At the end of the day, I thought I'd become like a pair of yammies, but I don't care if they look at each other. I seem to have managed to unravel my mental obsession. It was Tomoe who wanted to see him until he came to hell in the first place. There's no way I hated Yoshinaka, I guess it was just the dissatisfaction that came out of being jealous of Yoshinaka, who was letting other women serve her when we met.

Largo is convinced that the impact of this hierarchy is by no means the only thing that already presents itself like a flirtatious couple.

After that, I didn't even ask for anything more, but the meteor put the mite on me as before, and Largo asked me to grab it because of his shoulder, and I was supposed to fly to the point of leaving the castle in one step.

He's definitely just in the direction, but there seems to be a cool distance, and from the ground it seems obnoxious to foresee that place where he was told to leave the castle.

When it rises in the universe and is telescopically fluoroscopic, several people are gathered in a wide area just in front of it. There are multiple ghosts falling.

"That could be Mitsu!

"Yes, no doubt, Mr. Margaretta and the Deekichis, it is Mr. Alessandro and Mr. Lucy who are falling.

"I can see everything. Yes. Yeah, yeah, I'll get that out of the way. The ghosts and evil spirits and dead spirits that I saw.

"Hurry up!

"Largo Han also grabs those legs with both hands. And just in case... if you'll excuse me for a moment, just keep going.

Because of that, I grabbed both shoulders of Largo with two legs. With the other leg that was excess, when I grabbed Largo's head, I opened my feathers so wide that I began to multiply my speed.

Then a stream of sparkling light, like fireworks, overtakes him, jumping beside him in front of Largo, who was fighting the Soo's earlier days.

On closer inspection, Mitsu's figure, desperately clinging with both hands to the root of the meteor, seemed clear in a blurry light.

When we were talking earlier, I decided to stop because rude imaginations such as the face of a meteor, which was serious with mild anger, somehow seemed to stretch beneath my nose because chunky mite tits were pressed through a thin piercing coat - through the corners of Largo's head, but it was rude to check its authenticity with clairvoyance.

But when it comes to not beating it, it leaks a harsh assessment because it increases speed and tease.

"I knew the man-handlers would work hard for a young, soft lady dinner.

Did you hear the voice because you were heartless, the light of the spark emitted by the meteor increased and the speed increased further? Doesn't that sound like mites, and the power to cling to meteors seems even stronger to go with it, and the intensity is definitely up. It will never be Largo's fault that I feel that the degree of burning on the face of the meteor is increasing.

Suddenly, the speed of trying to go about undefeated also increases, and Largo, who hangs only on his shoulders and head, hangs like a carp or a blowout.

(─ I'm glad you have a pretty sturdy body.

Soon they both reached the point where Margaretta and Cockatoo were staring at each other.

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