Even the thousand-eyed, invisible, are forced to simmer the business because they don't know what's going on in Largo, who is cornered and stuck in words.

"When you're a ghost, you can say whatever you want. Biscuit and make it easy on you.

"─ I don't know. My identity was rewritten by the system of eternal prison created by the power of the present Salamandra God. Unless it truly has more power than the same, it is impossible to invoke the nature of our being concealed by that system.

In the first place, being made to work connected to an eternal prison should have meant that, like Serene, the goddess of the moon, who was Valkyria, no memory could be brought together before being connected.

If that's the case, you can't help but convince yourself of his qualities. But that's why Largo doesn't know who the most likely person is.

I'm sure you haven't even heard about Valkyria, but although I don't know if you guessed it from the context before or after, or if you had any established knowledge, Yasu follows the painful spot for Cockatoos around.

"Even though I don't have anything to do with it, I say it great. Does that mean you don't know if you're right? Don't you think that would be a quiz?

"You mouthless crow. Whatever you say, it proves that this man is not a dragon.

It's true that it's not a Divine Dragon, but you can't admit that here. That said, a lago of absolute desperation that can't say a word back while still hitting a bitter choice.

It was then that the voice of no one who was supposed to be here resonated.

"Oh, if you're unscrupulous! I don't have that answer, I don't even know what I'm talking about. I don't even think the honest man did it!

Suddenly it took me from behind, Deekichi since I went to hell - no, the meteor suddenly kneels down to the voice of an elderly man who resembles the way Jamon spoke to me in his lifetime, staring at me with his eyes and mouth open pokanne.

I could tell from how they were doing that someone out there was out of the ordinary. Also, from the content of the words spoken, apparently they are not enemies. Besides, Largo thought he was grasping this confusing status quo.

Without getting her hair in, Deekichi leaks her voice.

"Oh, you, Sulya...

The name probably belonged to the gatekeeper of hell, who brought the Cyber Viscounts and the Deakiches to the fifth tier by carriage. Cockatoo shouts at the man.

"Who are you? The outgoing, would be an associate of the Hell Gate. Aren't you supposed to be antagonistic to yourself-- the perpetual prison staff? And what the hell do you know when you're new here?

"I know a lot of things. Above all, I've been gagging about who you are. If I wanted to know, I'd tell you. I don't know if you forgot, but I just changed my appearance and forgot about you. Look, take this.

Pooh and I were thrown out, I can tell by the way Cockatoo received it, but it is a weapon that looks heavy. It would be better such as a hammer than a spear. But Largo did recognize this weapon.

It was brought barely into the pain division by the fifth man, Valkyria the fourth heavenly king. I thought the number was taken with the Shadow Horse prey.

"Ko, what's this?

"I'm going to take someone else's" One "prey. Remind me to hold on to that. I don't know who I did it and why I could let you do this in here, Indra!

"Dear Mr SURIA, Oh, my God, is this Indra the one they say went missing?

"Seya, you look pretty different, but for sure. Indra's relatives. I can't believe I'm wrong.

What a complicated relationship, rather than an odd patrol, that Valkyria, who flattened out to the surprise of the meteor, but who was Serene, the goddess of the moon, was the jailer ghost who took him out of eternal prison, and who happened to be the gatekeeper when Dirkichi broke the gates of the Hell Gate, and was a relative of a meteor's boss named SURIA who brought the Cyber Viscounts to the path of hell because of it.

(No, but I feel like both Indra and Sulya said that the staff at Hell Gate meant that many of them were family members of the Great Demon. I mean, is everyone like relatives?

By the way, from this "everyone," I decide to skip the mumbling word capitalists.

"Swuria...? Swuria, there's something really familiar with this weapon.

"Aha, I don't know yet. Look, if Error One doesn't bite you anymore, you might not remember.

"Error One? Oh, if you say so!

It was Mitsu who raised his voice suddenly. He's also got an idea of what would make Swuria bite here, but where did he have time to make friends like that?

"What's going on? Mitsu."

"Mr. Takamura did say at Hell's Gate that Error One was an elephant owned by a man named Indra.

(It's an elephant! Speaking of elephants - but only the sinners of purgates who pulled them from the gates of Hell - said things like they had put them on unusual shapes of elephants.

The elephant thing doesn't put in the hair, and the proposed soulya is more familiar and reveals her relationship with Indra.

"Yes, Eller One is the elephant this guy kept. You got three heads?

"Yes. Up to two previous hierarchies, we were here together.

"Right. He's gonna bite me. But I don't think I'm gonna remember. I was so connected.

"I don't know myself about that. Why is there an elephant walking in hell?

Indeed, from what I am accustomed to this animal mindless hell world, it would not be an easy graphic to imagine an elephant strolling around in Bangkok tourist destinations with a large number of people even on a pedestal on their backs.

But a crow flies over its head, a meteor runs, and a fox runs on the ground. As much as one of the monstrous elephants, Largo was admitted in his spare time.

"If you don't want me to, why don't you bring me to a flying meteor?

"No, you don't have to.


Obviously, Largo doesn't miss talking differently than the usual mites. No, that's not a mite right now. From previous experience, the way you say it is.

"Error One!"

The voice echoed so far in a quiet hell. This must be Yume's ability to speak spiritually.

"You know, whatever your quiet face is, you sound pretty good, but is that really coming from two levels away?

"Maybe Yume...?

"Yes, because of Heiji's ability, he called me out when we broke up.

Sooner or later, from so far away as to be invisible to the naked eye, the vibration of a pretty heavy object named Dodd running faintly echoes through the air of Mori idle hell.

Besides, it started to sound louder and louder every time I followed time.

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