The coffin of Nirvana, it is a traumatic place, so to speak, where even though it is a demonic tribe that should not have the feeling of fear, even if it is merely put out in its mouth for the Demonic tribe, a wedge is directly struck into its soul and subjected to the fear of being further twisted. If eternal prison were to be 100%, it would be excessive to describe it as 1000%. If it weren't for such a special situation, instead of looking that way, I'm glad to say that there's even that real thing close to me, so silly that I'd like to forget it even using the spell of oblivion.

But now, Krasabi finally reaches out to Dora by opening that Nirvana coffin. Of course, Shadow Shadow Shadows, who are only the fragile people by their side, were instructed in advance to never put their hands on them at this moment.

The moment Krasabi gets his hands in the coffin, the pain that I've never felt this way since I was born as a demon clan, roughly comes together that I can't describe as fear or urgency. But from around the collar of the milin carrying it, Krasabi found that it had the effect of putting an end to it and was quickly neutralizing it. And as soon as I touched Dora's body, it conveys a different feeling from there again.

(Cold? Frozen in your body?

─ ─ A few minutes ago, Krasabi revealed his plan to rescue Dora to the two of them as something he could do here.

This is what her plan is for.

First, remove the feathercoat that causes you to lose weight of what you are wearing from Serene, the goddess of the moon.

After putting this on Millin tightly, the three of us hold Millin tight and get out of this basket.

Before that, Krasabi, stretches and wraps a yo-yo around a large coffin near the center of this prison and draws ourselves over there.

I dragged the subject out of there and followed him to Millin, and now the five of us come back to this basket.

As long as we leave Serene here, even though we won't know until we try, the effects of jail time once we get Millin out of here could cause Serene a great deal of pain.

So it was thought that this task needed to come back as soon as possible.

He explained that if we hit a fault, we wouldn't have time to go ahead and discuss with the three of us with our heads on what to do this time.

(Besides, time here runs even faster than hell, so I don't know when Lago will be able to come and help me if I'm faking it. You'd better stay in a cage a little closer to that entrance, wouldn't you?

So while in this basket, the three of them tested the various events envisaged and worked out measures.

First of all, can you float a bunch of bodies with a feather coat?

When we get down to the ground, will the demons around us come back to life and attack us?

Does the coffin open? Can you save him?

It was crusade, which had already concluded that this method was best in view of all possibilities, but if those problems arose, it was decided to withdraw immediately at the signal of the crusade if it did not seem possible to do so.

Out of the way, I had little problem worrying about it, and the ones suffering near the coffin were knocked out of the cage first with a yo-yo to keep them away, and the lid of the coffin itself only had an easy hanging from the outside, so I also crush this with a yo-yo to make sure the lid moves lightly. Crusty.

In the meantime, the two shadows take off their feathers from Serene, the goddess of the moon, and put them on the mirin. When I looked at him and asked him what he was bringing, he replied, "Hi, this feather could fly away if you don't keep the back of your sleeve on the ground."

That's because information from Mitsu instructed Largo to let everyone have the right part of the material and instructed him to stop by five and one, including Largo, so he could take care of the desolate Valkyria.

(That's a hell of a healthy feather.

Then if I don't use it the wrong way, I'll be able to bring that damned heavy Dora body up here.

Krasabi finally moved the conceived plan to execution. The success or failure was thought to lie in the yarn of yo-yo to be given between the coffin and this cage.

At first, Krasabi managed to wrap a yarn of yo-yo around the coffin itself, but that was impossible. So at first, entangling a string of yo-yo again in the neck of the Demonic Kato, who stunned the three before helping them, he swung it around with the silly power of the crusty, stretching a metal thread to a length that reached beyond the coffin to successfully slide it into the other side of the coffin. Then, the yarn slipped under the coffin, and now fastening the other side of the yarn to this cage took the form of two points tied together by a single sturdy rope.

The Shadows were finishing Millin's standby, tearing apart and roping the rollercoats that had been worn, and tying each body together as a lifeline. It takes the form of a crusty bearer of milin. I'm dressed in feathers to Dora, who dragged me out over there, and once the crusty bears me, I'm stepped up to make some milin on top of it.

Adding the unconscious milin, the four flew out of the cage. As he hurries to follow the thread by hand to the coffin, Krasabi first ascertains the situation of himself and Shadow Xu. Krasabi was little different than when he was in the cage, but Shadow Xuan got a slightly more rugged look. He looks like a worker even inside a dusty coal mine. I did just leave the cage and feel a little more bitterness, so clairvoyant about what was going on in the cage, Serene, the moon goddess who was losing her mind, also had a slightly harder look to sleep with. In other words, Krasabi is convinced that the comfort in the cage until now was what was ensured by the synergy between the collar and the cage, shake both hands and long live.

This is a signal to Serene, the goddess of the moon in the cage, who had decided beforehand with the two of them that there was no great anomaly. Krasabi told the two of them in advance that he could see through the cage even by the coffin, and when he came here, he decided to check first and express the state of Serene, the goddess of the moon.

(Now you don't have to panic so much.

Not in words, but the three nodded at each other.

But I don't know exactly what happens when I keep Milin away from the cage with the collar Milin is wearing. Moreover, taking into account that Largo was coming to the rescue, there was nothing that could have been guzzled.

Reaching the coffin and trying to open the lid, this is another big one. The coffin was square in shape and snoring, and even if the three of them joined forces, the crusty overwhelmingly gave them strength, and when they opened it, the two bodies were likely to fit well enough even in a size that was twice Dora's size.

At the same time, I can't say anything, like the stench from the abandonment place of the beast's carcass has drifted away, and there I feel something similar to a mixture of gases that are toxic to humans and the like, turning away and retreating the shadows behind my own ─ milin.

I limited myself to two bodies in the coffin because there's just a part in the middle that hits the separation zone, and if it's also a small body there - for example, if there's about one nagar, there's a base that's going to go in.

But only one Dora could see in it, and until then, I didn't even have the crunch in mind, nor did I see Galenos, who was supposed to be lying next to me. I suddenly remembered because I felt uncomfortable when I saw the whole space.

(Isn't that a one-handed drop?

That thought struck my mind, but I don't have time to think about such a long thing now. Begin work to carefully retrieve the Dora in the coffin.

It was then that Krasabi felt the sensation of the beginning.

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