Kagai can be an outrageous scene because of his role as a shadow beard.

In particular, it has long been the custom of the royal family to pay for meetings only with close relatives of the royal family, except for the gay - or, to be precise, the foreman of the shadow - from the spot.

And few things are on record about what was spoken or done in it.

Even tonight, from the moment Sir Leold, the king and his wife, who had suddenly come to visit him, entered the private room of His Majesty the True King, within the reach of instructions for such reasons, the two deaf places had been suspended by the non-kagays.

Because of the lack of vigilance between couples about the content, and because it is not good to spread too widely, it would still be nice to have other shadows and shadows withdrawn from these meetings.

After paying for people, Kagai let his subordinate, who called again on the signal, pick up the Hanakagi and Beard reports he received in Bokovo, saying that he should not be asked anything because it has become the subject of beloved demonic clans between the couple - Krasabi.

Even in the meantime, the True Kings were furthering the story of Sir Leold's visit to an elf country touching the national ban.

"No, actually, the business of example monster materials is around. If you had the raw material and you didn't want gold threaded, you wouldn't want gold in exchange for the monster's Coburn fangs, so you could have come.

"Because some things are really, really forbidden. Be careful. I don't want you to create a new spark because the Titans and I have a friendly relationship.

Recently, the Republic and I have signed a Security Pact, which also incorporates an inviolability clause in the War End Agreement with the giant countries, and are furthermore in the process of building a system of cooperation.

The fact that diplomacy is working in this way is even more trying to surround this, which can sometimes be a threat from other countries and forces. Because we have antagonized it so far, from the opposing forces that we believe were balanced, that balance will fall apart and we will not be able to muddle through the sense of crisis that we will be attacked by ourselves, which were against the kingdom.

Such fears were already so high on the agenda even in the Supreme Council. Of course, it is the Duke with eight daughters, said to be the brainchild warrior in the kingdom, who turns his attention to this and struggles to get it over.

"It's okay, it's okay. It was quite friendly. So I was grasping more or less the direction, but I finally found this.

Lilyn, who saw the thing Sir Leold had taken out of his bag, glanced at him with a look that seemed to pinch his nose.

"Is this the book? Something's so funny.

Lilyn is right, and it is obvious that even when a gay man sees it, it is not made by man's hand. But it was not something that had to move because it was a book in itself and I didn't think it was dangerous.

"Right. Just like this, some of the books I brought back also say how to make 'Example Medicine'. And both books had folds on the pages where King Yang supposedly read them. And in this book, if there's a heart nucleus in a human heart that can be removed after death, it's based on the strength of that person's lifetime thoughts, but it shows great power.

The covert word for example medicine would be used in order not to make public the use by the Predecessor of what he should never have done while he was the king who would be given the benefit of his pulse.

Lilyn, who swallowed it with Uh-huh breath, bit at the new keyword in order to move on.

"Great power?

"Yeah, one of its powers was that it could give the Demons a heart.

"Eh. That's what happened?

"I was just told this time by an elf wise man that the Demon Nation originally came from pulling out the 'demonic' ability to exercise its magical powers from its original existence as a human being. Humans, in particular, are said to have been created from doomed dragons. So all we can do is what humans and demons try to do as sons, with no life or form. No, should I say that nothing will ever be born? In the case of the Beast Man, he said he was born pulled out of a dragon transformed into a small beast, so a small monster was born.

"That's a dream story, so you're saying that Krasabi is a demon tribe that got someone's heart nucleus like that and lived in their heart?

"No, I'm just saying that I found out that I can do that, too, and I don't know the truth.

While having such conversations, the dagger the True King had put out was surprisingly meant to have been lost in the country.

The True King runs a little surprised that he was hiding it, but this is also something that should not even be remembered in the memory of a gay man.

"You, do you remember this?

"Even if I remember. A dagger that was made by a famous craftsman who hit Del Solomon. Though this is also said to be a royal sword, it would be something that Aradia, the grudging witch, supposedly took away because you hid it from her since that day.

As Sir Leold put it, it was a king sword of national treasures lined up in Del Solomon, also known as Petit Solomon.

"That's right. It's the sword that took King Yang's life that day. When I heard what I was saying, I remembered that day, too.

"About that day...?

"Yes, that day King Yang called me into this room. And I repented of everything I'd done wrong until then. But even if I regretted that already, the kingdom had come to a point where nothing could be done.

"Is that what you said?

"No, you don't have to tell me. She knew. And in my pocket, I had already stabbed him in the chest with this sword.

I run surprised at how that happened, but this is also on the record for nothing but the leader of the previous generation Shadow Xuan, the lizard who was with Largo the other day on his way to the Land of Yellow Springs, and King Yang definitely lost his life himself. However, at that time the lizard seemed to have suffered some damage to his right arm and later decided to quit his job.

"What! She confessed to you like that.

"Yeah, and when I die, he wants me to dedicate my heart nucleus to my pulse. Lilyn would be able to do it, but I've never heard anything like that before, like the core of my heart."

"No, if it's a use, it's still a story that people can't have. No matter how pulsating the royalty is. There's an alternative to that.

"Take the blood from that heart on yourself?

"Oh, you knew? Yes, it's also in this book.

"No, King Yang himself asked me to pull out this dagger. And if I could take out the nucleus of my heart, as the legend says, I wanted it, or else I would take the blood that would blow out of my heart and help me for my country, for the world. But I was scared and so..."

"Hasn't King Yang tried to dwell in your body as a nucleus of heart and to help the next generation of the reign at all by letting you bathe in the blood with which her will was placed? The book also touches upon the deeds of such forefathers.

For a while after Sir Leold finishes his remarks, Lilyn remains silent as if she recalls the day in turn. And after a beat, when his nagging face suddenly turned up, he told him to scream slightly.

"You still did. I've done sinful things.

"So you just ran out?

"No, a lizard who saw it came out before me and pulled this out in a flash, and King Yang died in the shock of pulling out his sword with a surprised face. With that sword-drawn lizard grabbing his arm..."

It was a tremendous incident, the first time after 15 years that the snark was heard was acceptable at that time, and today, enjoying so much peace, it was not something I could hear in serenity, but Kagai still had to take it.

"So King Yang's blood is in that shadow?

"Ah, yes. Mostly on the bald arm. The lizard was trying to stop the bleeding out, with its right hand, but in vain.

"You were such a miserable suicide. Looks like he did try to put what's written in this book into practice.

And then Kagezu left the country as a result of being invited to his right hand. At that time, the right arm was not damaged, not abominable, but it may be said that there was a curse.

"I was scared. Before I reign, he said that being in a way that killed people might make my pulse stop recognizing me.

His Majesty Lilyn looked out the window as if she had a distant memory.

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