Aladia strikes out to the last resort left to save all her time. I contacted the crow of the user demon with only one left.

"Dear Aladia, please contact me just in time.

"You need to fly off the scene now and go as fast as you can to the perimeter.

"Well, the wasps..."

"I know, about as much as it means I'm not a crow to fly. But that's not what I'm talking about! You fly without saying four or five!


Let the crow fly, who doesn't like to be forced to move, and connect to the shocker. We let all the energy into the flight, so the audio was interrupted until we reached the perimeter. Aradia's assumption is that it'll take at least three hours, but then we'll have to look for Shockeya.

Aradia, who thought she could no longer help being in this place, flew towards North Harun with an information cover-up junction.

Then for roughly four hours, on the sea of nothing, Aradia receives constant reports of breath from crows.

"Dear Aradia, I managed to get over the border area safely, but where should I go?

"You know the best hotel in town is near Miyagi. He should be here by lunch, but if it's three o'clock, a man named Shockeye should show up near that entrance, so if the church bell rings, leave your sight here.

"Got it. Then I'll also stay on the roof of the drinker in front of that hotel. So I have one report for you.

"Then let me know when you get there. For I will also find a place to rest by three o'clock, and slowly inform Shockeye of the current situation, so that she may be given instructions. Anyway, now the top priority is to get Shockeye to do the job.

"Ah, yes. Then...

Anyway, I'm not comfortable here. You have to calm down and think about what to tell and what to make you think.

If we rush here now to give false judgments and instructions, our friends, who lack so much resources, may be forced to struggle, even if they will no longer be as defeated as they were last time.

Indeed, it is good to think that the invisible and powerful enemy is Aradia's overcoming struggle. But in the Amphitheatre offense, they've sold bad faces to all those wizards who've turned to their enemies. Punish me on that one. Hopefully, I won't let it happen again, but I resented that one and loaded it on the kingdom, and it's bad in the end if I'm hitting my hands with this one.

Now that Margaretta, Viscount Cyber and, of course, Godfroy and his army are not there, that abominable Saint Girl Cross is the only one who seems to be a threat. Behemoth's snort makes him fly with a single shot. Shadowy, etc. is not enough to fear.

The demons wandering around Millin said they had been wiped out thanks to the Dragon Man, and the concerned Yuscario should have probably burned to death in the explosion in Aveharnville. At least he's also been badly injured, and I can't find him anywhere in the crow report he was putting on Royal Castle. Grandpa Gymon, who has played out his proud army of automatons and done his part, sent them to heaven, and Satan will be losing his way in hell.

For a while then, we discover an archipelago of coral reefs nearby and land them unbound, making sure they are deserted.

Not a single coconut tree has grown, but it's easy to stick out a broom and make a giant one, make a beard. It was time to get some space to slow down by about half an hour ago.

Well, then the moment I tried to concentrate on every thought, the crow gave me a spare.

It's too fast.

I thought so, but for now, connect the line and open sensory communications.

"Lady Aradia, can you look at it? Shockeye is here.

The crow was also allowed to watch during the shockeye recapture, so he knows his face.

I thought the crow had forgotten what I was about to say about the shockeye appearance considerably earlier than time. But even after, we now contend every second of every day. We need chocolate before anything else.

"Thank you. Go to your side and direct me to an unpopular place.

The crow, as instructed, therefore caught Shockeye's attention and lured him into the alley and descended on the little table in front of him - which would be the lid of the water storage area.

I'll keep complete control here later. Give directions to distant allies, etc., the way you always do it.

"Shockeye, I'm sorry. Something a little rough has happened.

"No, when we broke up last night, I heard there was something I couldn't do for you.

Something, I don't like that attitude where Aladia is told to be like a late habitual offender, but I don't want to communicate badly here, and I can't waste my time.

"It's not. I heard from the main office, and I was back in the safe house.

"Is it even a safe house in the South...?

Now Aladia hesitates to tell Shockeya that it might not be a good idea to destroy her home base.

With all the resources gone, Shockeye feared that even the rest of the Soldiers might lose their will.

You can always scatter, but once you have spoken, you cannot undo or pull in as long as it reaches the other person's ear.

This is Aradia, where I'm going to take the information down and start by moving on to winning chocolate.

(Well, even if you don't think about it beforehand, the owner of a clear brain can make an accurate decision.

The usual self-admiration turned my head and now I thought it would be a good idea to start by listening to Shockeya's defense instead of talking about myself anyway.

"That's right. But tell me more about it than that. So how'd it go? The defense."

"Yes, I'm sorry, but..."

I ran around in the morning to look for a chocolate supply route, but as my uncle told me last night, although it would be a realistic answer to say that access to chocolate is currently impossible to use in this city, Shockeya was just letting me grab some of the purchase money I gave her and get a list of places that seemed to flush me on the dark route.

They show it to the crow. The names of about 40 shops are lined up.

They got it by noon and hit the spots one by one based on it. But the results are all out. They've come to the point where there are five left, but some of them are absent, and they say it may be difficult to check everything out by the end of the day.

Let me see the list again, and I found the name of my uncle's shop I met last night on line 8 from the top among the hard to read characters in the running and writing. When I asked him, he went there, but a middle-aged woman turned him down.

"I don't think so. No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. A disciplined one.

"What do you mean?

Now Aladia will explain what happened last night.

"With that in mind, I came up with my name and picked it up - and I suddenly managed to say something about the deterioration in the capacity of my former father in the country or something, appropriately.

"Okay, but wouldn't I be suspicious?

"If you knew the circumstances we just talked about, you'd know it was the people involved. If you succeed in chocolate sourcing, you stay where you are. No one should ever take the chocolate you've got. It's gonna take a little while, but I'm gonna get there sooner or later, so when the sun goes down and the bell's on the second night, come back to that place.

"Yes, I understand.

Aradia is relieved that she will be okay with this, but the image of the town in the bordering realm that she is looking at by connection shakes at that time.

It's a sign that the crow of the demon is out of energy.

"Ah... Lady Aradia.

He cuts the Aradia connection from the crow and talks to me. This is not the usual thing to do.

"Hey, can't you do it anymore? You really didn't like long distances.

"If we don't report this, we have an offer for you, the royal fortune, and the date of your fortune to the diocese of Acantale, which passes through the course that Aladia was after.

"What! That's what you gotta say! What have you been so quiet about?

That said, it is Aladia who has put that behind us.

"I'm sorry..."

"Fine, when is that? If that's all I'm saying, you can die!

Harsh talk, but if the magic runs out, there will be no crow's life anyway, more than Aradia is not close.

"Two days after the next full moon, as soon as Wang Du is ready after breakfast..."

"Hey, just a little more...

The crow was already deafening.

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