"Hey, what's this noise!

"Really, I'm here. Eramon, you want to say something? Are you sure about that?

Largo seems to have confused Swuria as to what to call him because he says "mite" or "yume".

"Oh... I'm fine with either.

"What? Did you do two names all the time?

Somehow they seemed to misinterpret me as convenient here, and I didn't have to give a long explanation. While that is happening, Error One is rushing in a straight line toward Cockatoo, wrapping it around with three noses and lifting it high. Cockatoos were bewildered for the first time around, but lost words immediately to the sensation.

"What - this guy! This guy... No, he sure is his...

"Yeah. That's your love elephant, Eller One.

I've heard of dogs, horses, mistresses, loving wives, concubines, etc., but it's the first time I've heard of love elephants that I don't hate. But Eller One, worthy of being called that, licks his head with his right end mouth with his cockatoos pinched with three noses, kneading his feet with his left end mouth, and grabbing his butt with his mouth in between.

"Oh, you're Error One. Sure, I got it, I got it.

Love for adorable pets is a lot, and the memory manipulation that the eternal prison system concealed and flawlessly rejected a thousand eyes - no, it seemed to break down the personality manipulation brilliantly and at least remind Cockatoos of only their relationship with pets.

"Really? I'm Indra. And this weapon is Vazilla... No, you can't. I still can't throw out the role of forever prison watchman, Cockatoo, to myself.

Instead of the relationship between my name and the elephant, the memory of my little past returning, the awareness that was completely covering up one side seems to be doing both - or cockatoo.

But I can see that for a long time my sense of purpose as a cockatoo will not even severely tie my personality as an Indra apart from not breaking the chain.

(But if we stay in this state, we won't judge the eternal prison to have been betrayed by Cockatoos!

"That's all I remember. If I do, think more. Why are you making me do such a job? [M] Well, I didn't see it, but... Indra, you secretly turned into a deceased, unarmed, single, diving into the Eight Hierarchies of Hell to investigate what Bafomet would do in Hell at the behest of the Great. Perhaps at the end of the day, I met King Jardaba at the bottom. So you're out there, fighting fast, but honest about you, and hell goes wrong because the system of eternal prison is rampant or something, and the good thing is, even if you're incorporated into eternal prison as a staff, it's not really the same? Then take a look at it. I'm sorry you haven't been framed by a terrible trap and swept away by a mission pushed by the bad guys! The dragon there is going to cut me off, so please cut me off all the time.

As the momentum swept away by Sulya, she remembered her cockatoos. Indra traces her memories by looking to the universe. In the process of gradually changing to a convinced face, when I open my left hand in front of my eyes and let it feel, I leak anxiously with a slightly scary voice.

"But... If you cut this shackle on your left, left hand pharmacopoeia, it's directly connected to your heart, so when your life is gone, Valkyria will...

When he hears that, Swuriya reaches his angry mind, he scolds it with more than he has ever spoken.

"That's such an asshole story, what are you getting rounded up for good! Which one of you is dead in hell? Think about it. No, asshole.

"Ah... sure. Was that so? What I did...

Cockatoo that folds his upper body so he can hold his head and nod.

When Indra finally settles down and turns to Largo again, she quietly asks for the treatment of her relatives.

"That's not why. Brother of the Dragon... What did you do? Largo, no, Master Shinryu Largo? That's disgusting. Well, yeah, he said he did bash.

Disgusting is Largo who knows the facts, even if he understands to say different people or lizard difference, but what is it? It's a swurian rhetoric that makes me think of him as this guy.

But there was one hesitation in Largo when he asked me to fix everything up so far.

"Yes, so, Mr. Sulya, what the hell are you?

Ever since it all appeared, the unilaterally partitioned elderly Swuriya, though certainly not standing around at present for our convenience, truly steps on two feet wondering if we should be listening to that. Mitsu had an answer for that as soon as possible.

"Lord, I think this is the one who was on the meteor I overtook earlier, and was with the Viscounts of Cyber at that time.

"Largo, you are the original owner. About the second time in this universe, trust me. Yeah, get out of the way.

Then came the Covered Shooting, but when he heard it, Sulya was never the face who accepted the introduction.

Nevertheless, it seemed to be only between Yasushi and Shisu, and he immediately made a modest self-declaration against his surroundings.

"No, no, I'm a hell of a gatekeeper now. Besides, it's such a nuisance that the well-spoken people there trick you into inadvertently allowing you to break the gate. But the second one, what kind of tease is that?

But because of you, you don't have to be bad, and you just skip a mouthful of gratefulness to Swuria.

"Sorry Yasuya. Depending on what else you don't trust the most. If you disagree with him at all, why don't you just hang on to him?

"Well, not rationally. I don't know, but I don't think I'm convinced.

Whether it happened or not, the gatekeeper, Swuriya, who once had a sushi, was a relative of the missing strong Indra, and it was true that even with Takamura's words we left the judgment of the ordination to this' great background 'gatekeeper named Swuriya as well. I'm not going to lift my self-assessment, but Takamura believes in Largo as a Divine Dragon. It's not just that we're entrusted with judgment in the same line, and that we're free to use meteors to make us look down.

But first, we need to free the cockatoos that convinced us from the bondage of eternal prison as soon as possible, and get a ticket to jail. It is now that failure is unacceptable.

"I don't mind talking about that area anymore, Cockatoo, no, Mr. Indra. May I?

"Hmm, I feel like I still have something caught in the back of my throat, too, but by reason I could swallow it. And SURIYA, no, Brother SURIYA called me the Divine Dragon. If that's what happened, I'm sincerely willing to believe it.

Also, it has been believed as a Divine Dragon, but it is a late credit, but this is already driven by that misconception, and I decide that I have to do it.

Perhaps SURIYA, an official of the Gate of Hell, must be assuming that Michisane is a goddragon about herself with information from Takamura who blew it in. Takamura's rationale is that there was an introduction in Yapan to Michissane comparable to God, which was not denied by the demons acquired by Tomoe in the Takamura, and the Spirit on earth, and the rationale for that Michissane was...

(Yes, isn't Michisane's rationale around the wrong place because Yumeka is a reptile who came out of his pulse about me?

When I returned safely to the ground, I thought it would be better in terms of future dating to keep the fact that I was an edible demon with blood flowing around here.

"Then give me your left hand. And don't move. Because I don't want you to get hurt. So, Mitsu, if I break Mr. Indra's chain from now on, it'll be visible soon, so will you psychically slap them all off and keep them away from Mr. Indra? I can."

"Yes, Lord.

"Well, thank you.

Cockatoo, who halfway regained Indra's consciousness thanks to Swuriya's efforts and the advent of Error One, offered his left hand to Largo, as he had noticed.

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