"Now, if that's the case, Lady Divine Dragon Largo, we will accompany you on your unprecedented adventure by the command of Lord Surya. However, even though we are going with you, I know you've heard overlapping things before, but please be aware that you will never get there and you are on your way to your goal.

Those marichi voices weren't laughing anymore. No, one way or another, the expression has already turned into something harsh.

Largo, too, gets carried away when he hears Mariachi's voice.

"Yes, we have heard that from a variety of people many times. Even before I came into this hell...

To the Summoning Four Devils, to Masakato, and to Carrarattori, who was at the gates of Hell, to Cockatoos before returning to Indra... Everyone ran out of saying it was a reckless, hopeless and impossible challenge.

Still, the ones who joined me in this rescue squad, believing in the possibility of not even a tenth of a million -- no, they entrusted me, a non-Divine Dragon, to flip the possibility to equal that zero.

The only basis for Largo's response is that he was told in the prophecy of the Spirit's life, "Everyone can help you and make you suffer the consequences." But even if that's all you can count on, it's not just isolation.

Besides, Kundan said, "If listening to a prophecy changes the future, it's not a prophecy. 'This future is bound to come because he is a prophet who confidently utters it all up to. Absolutely, there must be both Millin and the two Shadow Shadows in" Everybody ".

In short, Largo was so firmly confident that he could say absolutely to the success of this mission.

"From what you have asked, King Jardaba, considered to be the greatest obstacle of the moment, is defeated and unknown, but behind it, the magician Bafomet, who has not even grasped its identity, refrains. Moreover, apparently even further manipulating it is said to be Diana the Evil Goddess, who kicked even Serene, that goddess, out of the moon and also buried Helbeim, the mighty and wishful angel who guards the east of Paradise. I don't know what means they're going to use in the future. This is their field.

I don't know what a Helbaim is, but the strength of expelling Serene, the goddess of the moon, who was so powerful as Valkyria, is so horrible.

"Yes, I know very well. But we can't just roll our tails around here and run back. Three things have already fallen and Ni's daughter, who promised that she would be taken home with her new moon goddess, Serene, has been imprisoned in eternal prison. You're never going to give up and go home here without bringing them back.

I ran out of clarity. Of course, I don't know about the prophecy of Kundan, but Largo's assertiveness should have been conveyed.

"I took it well prepared. Then let's go. No one has ever set foot on a tsu road. And no one could accomplish it -, exorcise with your hands a monster that even the Almighty Salamandra God cannot handle. From what you have heard of Master Swuriya, you seem to have a faint desire that that Salamandra God might be able to do if he were you. I intend to hang out with you, too.

Oh, my God, Swuriya was still right, there was a Salamandra God involved in this matter. I have also heard of the dispatch of Yasushi, and things like my hands were spinning around from behind. It probably expects that Michissane--Masakatrine will receive a false alarm that a Divine Dragon has appeared on the earth and that, based on it, the Sun God may be able to stop the rampage of his own eternal prison.

But it probably bears a caveat. It's a caveat that if it's the first dragon to appear on earth in tens of thousands of years... Very, it is not an expectation of the blood-flowing edible damned demons, judged by magical tools that cheat on answering mythical quizzes in the memory of previous life or make an inching move on the violent fear of the demons deceiving the repellence of the Holy Springs.

Besides, I thought it was a real dragon, and it takes a faint amount of hope.

Is it possible to expect a delicious lizard to have a good stock? I'm sorry for the damage caused to the system of the Great Demon, who protects the gates of Hell, by accompanying himself with such a hellhole without losing his life and causing irreparable damage to the marches.

"But Sulya said to you, to the extent that it was impossible.

You can't say no clearly, and you can't reveal who you are, but you should be advised not to poke your neck too gently.

"I know. But the only place I'm going to get in now is the place, and I'm not going to pull the reason in unless I'm forced through.

If parenthood is parenthood, is there such thing as subordination?

Sulya was also someone who felt like doing one thing or the other. Mariachi doesn't seem to have received much backwards that her boss, Sulya, has left the waste and, to put it badly, threw it out on the way home. Originally quite positive, or is it the possessor of positive thinking?

"No, what I'm saying is, if Mariachi and the others are in danger, please make sure they're safe and run away, rather than us.

"Roger that. Neither do we intend to waste our time wearing your mannequins to make your mannequins sad. When you run, we will let you run away.

I guess I'm not going to argue with Largo. He pulled me back lightly. But I couldn't read it from the bottom of my mind to its heart if that's what you're going to do, or if that's when you think it's going to be.

The current SURIYA troop formation consisted of Mariachi, an adult woman, and several Seven Saturday members were about Cross girls, five to be exact: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. According to the Viscount, until he got here, he was accompanied by a few of his meteor buddies who had made friends with Mitsu. He also heard that Mitsu told Cockatoo. But those meteors returned with Swuria, contacted by a boob lover meteor, and it looks like they're going back to the Hell Gate once.

Anyway, Michisane returns from work when the confirmation of the system of joint fronts with the Mariches has settled. I was quite in a rush for appearance.

"It's a lot, Mr. Yakuza.

"What's going on? Maybe Mitsu's got ghosts all over him.

"No, not quite, there are few jailbirds in the entire hierarchy we've just passed. There are only a few that are falling where we were and a few that have lost the mind of what Master Suulia thought to have been exorcised, and as far as we can see, there are not enough ghosts in other hierarchies.

"What do you mean?

"Mr. Mariachi, is there a shortcut to the next hierarchy, as in the earlier hierarchy?

Mariachi turned into a troubled face, asked Friday, and made a gesture to show her how well she was doing when she saw her calluses peeled.

"Maybe I do, but I'm not so familiar with..."

No choice, Largo asks the local deceased.

"What about Yoshinaka?

"Yes, I will sit in front of you the whole time.

Kagelow opens his mouth to no avail, who was in charge of guiding him so far there.

"Lago, I'm sorry. But it meant that the others were gathered here, and if it was where we just met, this one was closer, so we came here...

That's not what I meant to say. I just didn't want to be noticed by us and I just wanted to know if all the jailbirds could get away with this.

"No, it's nothing. That's not bad. Then I'm sure the ghosts escaped from there.

"Or maybe we went to the upper tier.

If so, it's not weird to bowl in with the Sabutlers or Hayahusa watching. The ghosts with Sabutler will fight with us in Mitsu's slavery. If that happens, Largo gave instructions to everyone to leave, even if many of them were passive and not energetic.

"Come on, it's the final hierarchy!

All walked out toward the spread of the final hierarchy.

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