Cross was troubled.

Because earlier, in small numbers, when I escorted His Majesty the New King and Sir Leold out of the Royal Castle building, I received an urgent communication that Ronoweh's order had been given to act for that rescue at the same time as the last remaining Summoning Demon Erigos discovery on the wipline.

(Last night, when I snuck into Hatch and Sir Leold's mansion and gave Lovelin a Samael recall, he came back because he said he was suddenly going to Jamon Lab, and suddenly what's happening on this busy day?

But now I am in the midst of leaving the castle and heading towards the hills behind the royal castle.

According to His Majesty the True King's word that he will be back by breakfast, he will not be in personal contact with anyone for approximately an hour. Except for the wipline, of course.

The directive also added that Yasko, who is a living maid, would be contacted at the guard's deputy secretary Zaknen's home to meet to see if his convenience could not be measured.

Indeed, when Cross used to go to the guard's headquarters, that man named Zaknen, who had Yasko on him, could possibly do something with his authority just until now.

(But what do you think? Yasko always said he couldn't get a hand on a guy named Zachnen at all.

Besides, no matter how much Cross introduced him, if the maid of the house had asked him to spill the suspicious on you, then Zaknen's own liability issue would not be spared no matter how later Cross went into the follow up.

But I can't help thinking alone. Or if you talk to Yasko, there might be some way. In the meantime, Cross decided to open the wipline once.

{Yasko? Actually, something went wrong.

{That's unusual. I can't believe Cross is in trouble.

It is rare, for example, to cry from myself, but Cross, who has been working since the early morning, finds himself lightly irritated by Yasko's reaction, which was somewhat slow, whether he slept despite the emergency.

{It's pretty tough. It was also said that the last Summoning Devil, Erigos, was confirmed to have survived the repellence of the Holy Springs in the ruins of the Demon King's Castle.

{That would have been nice. Why are you in such a hurry?

{That's right, I don't know the details, but it seems that Euda was carrying Erigos inside the capital early in the morning in that helmet. But by saying that I have the good fortune of His Majesty the New King today, since last night, the King's Capital has been acting like a half-conservative. So when I came to the neighborhood of Buell's example inn, it was quite suspicious that the neighborhood had been questioned about its duties and taken straight to the garrison.

{Speaking of garrisons around there, it's our neighborhood, right?

{That's right. So if I could talk and get Zachnen to move, I'd be briefly released, and I got an instruction to get in touch with you and do something about it. Unfortunately, I just left the Imperial Castle with His Majesty's escort. That's why I can't move like that for about an hour. Can you handle it at Yasko's? Yasko told me, you can't have me released.

{Right. That's what's happening. Too bad. I wonder if I could do it at all at this time yesterday, but not now. I knew I couldn't do it.

{What do you mean? Why not today? Why not yesterday? I'm just a maid of honor. From you, you can't ask me to do that.

{No, actually, I've just crossed the maid line for a few days now.

{Huh? Could it be that I finally did it?

{Well, in brief. But I don't feel the same way about that. Tell me you made sure of your love.

{Idiot, you can't possibly feel the Devil Clan loving you, can you?

{I don't care who holds me, I feel loved.

{Wow, that smells human. - Well, that's fine. Why not today? If you've already done it, you've become Kamar and you've flown away, but if you whisper a little in your ear, I mean, you're also sucking blood.

{That's right. I'm sucking blood, but I didn't say anything about being a slave. It's just... it's superimposing my abilities. So, for quite some time now, the effect -- because it doesn't even cut off from me -- is that if I switch it on, it feels like it's going to be close to slavery? That's how much I paint it. So if you can even get into the hole in your ear and get it switched on, you just have to flutter up to that garrison and let Zaknen be acquitted under the guise of a wind of investigation himself.

{That's another tough move I'm not used to hearing. How could you even do that?

{Don't you know that one? I think Zakunen has been chosen as the leader of a platoon following His Majesty's troops today.

{Well, yes. Right, because there's certainly no Captain Margaretta, and everyone seems to rely on me to start with Calabre. If the kingdom counts the number of mafias that have escaped so far, we'll have to gather our arms and get a good number of them together for now.

{So Zachnen wasn't chosen by Cross?

{That kind of detail will be done by the deputy captain, Calabre. I'm not part of the Kingsguard. I've been consulted on how many troops to make. You were. So Zachnen is given your toughness. I'll remember that.

{That's not the level we've ever been able to grant human beings. Actually, I don't know if I need to try it, but I think it's almost up to my range.

{That's not awesome. I can't believe you're tougher than a regular whipley.

{Eh. That's why I worked hard every day. Of course I got that energy. Zaknen also went out to work every day saying that he felt like he was getting something stronger every time he woke up, or that he was full of strength.

{Well, in the case of humans, that must be a matter of feelings. All right. In the end, you mean Zachnen doesn't do guard work now either. You've been staying in military quarters since yesterday.

{per. You know that there. I did the last good thing before lunch yesterday and left without taking a rest. Because I can sleep tonight anyway.

{Sooka. Then you can't blame Zachnen at all right now. Do you know who's doing this instead of Zachnen?

{I wonder if you're an old man, like Mr. Taine. He's the deputy secretary in front of Zachnen, and he seems to have pulled out of the other line. Grandpa's once more than Mr. Ronin's. You met Mr. Ronin, didn't you? He's on duty this afternoon, as always.

{Thene, I don't know. I don't know anyone like that. Mr. Ronin hasn't been around since noon. I've already left King's Capital. To introduce you again, Lieutenant Calabre will be busy burying herself right now.}

{What do you do? Forced breakthrough?}

{You can't do that. This is gonna be a big problem. I'm going to get banged up in town with Euda's arrangements and stuff.

{That's troublesome, then why don't you have Master Erigos quiet for an hour or so?

{But in an hour, as soon as you eat, you go out. I don't have time to go to the guard's headquarters or the garrison and whisper so I don't have to rub it. 'Cause you mean nobody's great you met the last time you asked, right? You're in real trouble.

{Who are you with now?

{His Majesty the True King and Sir Leold -, and then Shadow Buddha.

{Hey, hey, hey, Euda wasn't close to Krasabi.

{Well, say we were close, or I don't think that's the relationship.

{Yeah, that's okay. I mean, they think that Euda might be one of our... lords through Krasabi.

{Maybe so. He's been missing since that incident. More importantly, they think it's the Lord's "Divine Angel Animal Familia" - actually, it's him - and even Euda finds out it was him who brought in the lizard.

{So if Yuda, who had already become a royal castle, was working in another lord's relationship, the guard would have caught him.

{Um, but could your majesty move in this situation?

{What about Sir Leold? Can't you?

{Right. Then maybe after His Majesty leaves, you can move. Does the guard have a face?

{Kings and nobles, aren't you okay? Me, I'm going to fly to the garrison and contact Master Erigos so he can tell me what's going on and be patient with me.

{Helpful, I'll report all this to someone, it's hard stuff.

On the way home from King Yang's grave, requests for the liberation of Euda, spoken of by Cross, are made using the usual Cross visa capabilities.

Not only did Sir Leold soon take on pleasantly, but he was to be fulfilled with a sense of responsibility that he had to do it, even if it was not.

Cross leaves the King's Capital with Sir Leold in charge of everything, but nobody knows at this time that Erigos' helmet is destined to get taken to Sir Leold's residence and not be kept open for a long time, including Euda, who is unaware of whether Erigos must rush to Buell.

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