Yuguang curled up and hugged Li Jiu's right arm tightly.

In her expectant eyes, Li Jiu helped her remove the spiritual clothing core, and then placed it in the proud and tall snow peak.

As long as his spiritual power is impregnated, the angel aura will not shine in the short term, or no one will have to sleep tonight.

Enjoy silky and turn off the lights at the same time, this design is good!

While checking the information from the wristband, Li Jiu told the spirit pets the story of Qiwa singled out the snake essence disease alone, and heard Yan Yu smash the owner's chest with a small pink fist.

It's so unorthodox!

Still, I like to listen to it.

Li Jiu's right hand squeezed lightly, and whispered: "Yuguang, wake me up early tomorrow, there will be something at 8 o'clock." "


Sniffing their intoxicating body fragrance, Li Jiu's consciousness slowly fell silent.

Tonight's dream is finally not so exciting.

The next morning, Yuguang quickly woke up the master in his arms.

She knew that Li Jiu's rule of sleeping until he woke up naturally was related to the intensity of the sun, because he was in a foreign country and slept with the curtains open yesterday.

Like a child, Li Jiu held Yuguang dreaming and talking: "Well, sweet big dango.. Don't leave. "


As soon as Li Jiu walked out of the bathroom, he met Sakura Ruoxue, who had also just left the room and had sleepy eyes.

She was wearing a set of home pajamas, and her old shoulders were huge and slippery to reveal a touch of unreasonable snow white, which attracted Li's attention.

Those snow-white round thighs were exposed to the air and exuded an ivory-like sheen.

Ahem, can't look any more.

"Hmm~hey~Li Jiujun, good morning."

She seems to be sleepwalking? Looking like he didn't sleep, he nodded slightly to Li Jiu and entered the bathroom to start washing.

"Yay! The water is so cool! "

I didn't expect that Sakura Ruoxue in daily life was extremely cute and cute, and she was as cute as a white rabbit.


The two had just finished breakfast delivered by the hotel, and Zhen Meng's slightly heroic and iconic voice came from the door: "Two students, it's time to get up!"

Li Jiu shouted loudly, "It's coming." After

opening the door, the spiritual students behind Zhen Meng frantically probed, and the goddess in their hearts lived with the kid.

It won't be completely won by the first list, right?

Zhen Meng smiled and said: "Let's go, it's just the two of you, today is the day of the official competition, are you ready?"

Li Jiu nodded, his eyes fierce: "Kill them all."

Zhen Meng smiled awkwardly: "Ahem, it is strictly forbidden to kill players in the game, you must pay attention."

"Good teacher."


On the way to Tenglong Academy, Zhen Meng repeated the rules of this Illusion Desperate Realm again.

1. Before the official competition, each player's empty stone props (including space bracelets, etc.) will be searched, and it is strictly forbidden to bring any contraband, such as recovery medicine, short-term spiritual power enhancement elixir, etc.

2. It is strictly forbidden to kill the participants during the competition.

3. It is strictly forbidden for college players to form teams without permission.

This illusion desperate realm is the product of the Spirit Master Association's successful transformation on the basis of the abandoned secret realm, it has several maps, and the illusion will form a natural spiritual storm over time, which is extremely dangerous.

This spiritual storm is artificially manipulated, and it will shrink with a certain part of the map as the center, and the flow of time will become smaller and smaller until the winner is divided.

Contestants who enter a desperate situation will wear special Void Stone props, which will be forcibly teleported out when actively used or destroyed by enemies.

Of the 40 teams, only 10 teams qualify, and all others are eliminated.

The Spirit Master Association has also added new treasures to this desperate situation, and lucky players will be a white once in the secret realm even if they do not qualify, and they will not lose money.

In order to increase randomness and also give the civilian academy a chance, the Demon Guard will be randomly refreshed at random locations on the map.

Defeating these guards can give you a desperate treasure, which is a huge increase in equipment or elixirs in the Peerless Realm.

It depends on how the player plays.

After Li Jiu listened to it, he thought it was quite interesting.

I just don't know how strong this spiritual power storm is, can I use the wind of recovery plus holy healing to carry the wind and sand everywhere?

He has no interest in the fights of the players, and this mode of competition may not be easy to win if you can fight alone.

Moreover, the secret realm that can be white, Li Jiu can't wait to take all the treasures inside for himself.

He now needs to urgently improve his strength.

Today's Tenglong Academy is extremely lively, the entire college is surrounded by crowds, and there are people on the side of the road!

Civilians or spiritual masters have heard that this freshman competition is different from the rules of previous sessions, so they all come to see a lively and familiar look, what if they are on TV?

A young girl pointed to the Spirit Heart Academy: "Look at these blue-clothed people, it seems to be from the Spirit Heart Academy!"

"Groove, why is this girl so good-looking? Who is she?

"I don't know! When did Lingxin have such a beautiful girl? "

Grab it, grab it!"

The surrounding Tenglong students began to arch the fire.

Everyone in the Spirit Heart Academy was a little angry when they heard this, Ying Ruoxue belonged to the Spirit Heart Academy, how could she let Tenglong's group of rotten boys soak away?

They intentionally or unintentionally protected Sakura Ruoxue.

A certain Tenglong student said angrily: "Get out of the way, you are a dead head, delaying Lao Tzu to see the beauty."

"It is."

"You negative man, you actually look at other sisters?"


The uniform of Red Fire Academy is all red, Wind Thunder Academy is purple, and Tenglong Academy is yellow for easy identification.

"Huo Ruyun of Red Fire heard that it is very strong, and he is expected to fight with Tenglong this year."

"Isn't Lingxin a freshman Li Jiu this year, and I heard that the assessment score is the first in the Northern Region?"

A second-year Tenglong student scoffed, "First? What is that place in the Spirit Heart Academy, birds don't, what powerful people can there be?

"My younger brother who has only been established for two years."

"Cut, Tenglong's is amazing?" Passers-by around were a little annoyed.

"It is."

Tenglong Academy is too pretending, although people do have the qualifications to pretend, and the school has been occupying the title of the first school in the northern region for 5 years.

The student said on his toes, "What happened first? Tenglong students never participate in those secret realm assessments, and don't you beat your so-called first every year?

"Tenglong's, if you are optimistic this year, you will definitely hit you in the face!"

A beautiful sister from the Red Fire Academy shouted.

"Who is afraid of whom!"

"Come on Red Fire!"

The spirit masters outside the field had already divided into two factions, the noble faction led by the Tenglong Academy and the commoner faction led by the Red Fire Academy.

This class contradiction never ends.

Man is divided into 369 ranks, and all beings are equal, that is fooling fools.

Li Jiu thought he hadn't heard, and all this had nothing to do with me.

Li Jiu followed Zhen Meng to the school venue was crowded, and the surrounding audience seats were filled with black-pressed crowds!

Intensive phobia, hell of social phobia!

I didn't see it too late last night, and after a short night's work, an oversized monitor hung on the wall of the venue, broadcasting the contestants in the venue.

A square competition ring more than 10 meters wide was also temporarily built in the center of the playground track.

There were already several bigwigs sitting on the rostrum of the venue.

Among them are Liu Lao, who Li Jiu is more familiar with, Principal Lu Biehe, and how many of them seem to be the principals of various colleges?

Or is it the top level of the Spirit Master Association?

What's up? Isn't it a rookie race?

Li Jiu didn't expect the gold content of this competition to be so high?

"When the time comes, please be quiet." A slightly familiar voice came into my ears.

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