Everyone in the spirit heart looked up and saw that on the wide ring stood an old man in a purple robe, it was Zhang Lan.

He held the spiritual power microphone and said loudly: "Welcome everyone to watch this year's China Northern Region Newcomer Competition held by the Spirit Master Association.

"First of all, the old man will read the reward of this freshman competition."

Zhang Lan's words shifted the time of everyone in the competition venue to his slightly thin body.

Zhang Lan's face did not change color, and shouted loudly: "The third group of players in this year's freshman competition can get the Scorpion King Immortal Milk, and the second group of players can get the Water Divide Treasure Armor!" As

soon as his words fell, the crowd below was already exclaiming, [Scorpion King Immortal Milk] is an extremely precious poisonous spirit pet evolution material, a rare material that the king of the scorpion group above the ruling level has a chance to collect when he dies!

The Water Divide Armor is the latest ultimate armor developed by the Spirit Master Association, which has reached the level of a medium-grade spirit weapon, and is said to be able to completely resist the attacks of monsters below level 30.

If you can get it, it is equivalent to an extra life!

"The first group of players in the freshman competition can get the three-turn Yangyuan Dan!"

"I heard that it was specially refined by the Dan Demon Senior of the Spirit Master Association."

Li Jiu frowned slightly, he had heard of this [Dan Demon] name, like thunder.

The purity of the elixir refined by this person was quite high, and he deserved to be the first alchemist of the Hualong Kingdom.


"Is it really a three-turn Yangyuan Dan?"

It is said that the core material is taken from the true dragon blood, which can allow the user to unconditionally guarantee to break through the three physical strength levels, and can also increase the life expectancy of 30 years!

Dan Demon Alchemy Pill is as he wants, and the high-level of the Spirit Master Association cannot force him to mass-produce any pill, it all depends on the mood of the big guy.

Therefore, this pill is extremely expensive, even if there is more money, it cannot be bought.

All the contestants present, including Tenglong's group of noble students, also lit up their eyes, and no one could refuse the 30-year birthday!

But the first place in the group is extremely harsh, how can civilian students snatch meat from Tenglong Academy to eat?

All families and academies have told their most proud disciples that this competition must do their best for that three-turn Yangyuan Pill.

The competition had not yet begun, and the competitors were excited to try as if they had been stimulated.

"After the award is read, the organizer, Mr. Chancellor of Tenglong College, will be invited to speak."

It was obviously quite boring to go through the procedural link, and the audience was silent, and no one dared to complain.

This is the energy of Tenglong Academy!

A middle-aged man wearing a cyan Zhongshan suit walked slowly into the ring, with a national character face and a pair of black glasses.

"It's an honor that this freshman competition is still held in our school, and I also know that everyone doesn't like to listen to nonsense, so I will say a few words."

"This year's freshman competition is very different from the past, I sincerely advise all the participants, don't be blinded by the illusion in front of you, this assessment is not only your combat effectiveness..."

"I officially announce that this freshman competition has officially begun!"

Stormy applause sounded, and the vast majority of the audience were locals from Tenglong City, of course, cheering for their college.

"Red Fire Academy, come on!"

"Come on Wind Thunder!"

"Come on Lingxin!"

The middle-aged man walked back to the rostrum, sat down in his seat with a relaxed face, and said happily: "Sorry principals, this time the first place was won by our Tenglong Academy again."

Lu Biehe put down the mobile phone in his hand and squinted slightly: "Oh? Principal Lin, are you so sure? "

Principal Lu, I don't hide from you, there is a very perverted existence in this freshman class of our school."

The principal of the Red Fire Academy was an old man with long fiery red hair, who stroked his long beard that fell to his knees and said, "Principal Lin can create a dragon at such an age, there must be something outstanding, but the quality of our students this year may not be worse than yours!"

Principal Lin laughed and poured tea for the elders: "The good show has only begun now."

Lu Biehe's eyes were strange, and he continued to play the mobile game with his mobile phone, anyway, the game had not yet started.

Principal Lin said in his heart: What a strong man with a childlike heart!

The wind and thunder representative who hung up on the side was silent, silently staring at Li Jiu on the venue, I don't know what he was thinking?


The contestants lined up in an orderly manner in the vast ring, and the staff of the Spirit Master Association quickly moved over to a large turntable.

Li Jiu was also waiting for the desperate situation to open, and he urgently needed the elixir that greatly increased his physical strength level.

A magnetic boy came: "You are Li Jiu, right?" I heard that you are very strong, and I am looking forward to fighting you.

Li Jiu followed the source of the voice, he was wearing a dark gray shirt, a black brocade belt at the waist, an azure blue Langmu under his eyebrows, and a tall and strong figure, really a handsome man.

It was the dark gray shirt that looked out of place in the Dragon queue.

Li Jiu said, "You are?" The

black-haired handsome man said coldly: "My name is Lin Tiannan. Li

Jiuxin said: Look at the position, he is the eldest brother of Tenglong, he is about the same age as me, and his spiritual power level has reached level 19 and he is a master.

The surrounding Tenglong students agreed: "Brother Nan, what nonsense with him?"

"He qualifies as my opponent."


"Just by him?"

Lin Tiannan snorted coldly and said sharply: "Shut up." "

With Lin Tiannan's approval, the Tenglong students all looked at this black-haired and red-eyed young man, and they really couldn't see where he could compare with our Nan Ge?


Zhang Lan held the microphone and continued: "The preparation work has been completed, now start the drawing map!"

"Please check the contestants."

The staff of the Spirit Master Association came to the stage to start security checks, and all the contestants were forced to change into their usual civilian clothes.

The staff was very curious, and Li Jiu handed over the space ring prepared in advance and easily passed the security trial.

"The desperate map has deserts, snow, poisonous swamps, etc., and now a random map will be selected!"

With a wave of Zhang Lan's big hand, the mysterious turntable began to rotate continuously, and finally froze in the ruins in a sea of fire!

"Flame ruins, the gospel of fire attributes, spiritual storms will cause a lot of fire attribute damage to you, come on, all players!"


The mysterious turntable opens, revealing a special flame passage, like the gate of hell.

"It's officially started!"

Li Jiu took Sakura Ruoxue into the gate, and the other fighters rushed in, and their figures disappeared into the ring!

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