Li Jiu looked ahead, surrounded by endless wasteland, and bones were scattered everywhere, where tragic battles had taken place.

Only the burning ancient city exudes an incomparably strange aura.

According to the map, this is called the Undead City, and the Spirit Master Association also specially made a skull mark here to indicate danger, which is very eye-catching.

Yan Yu clenched his weapon, and a pair of starry eyes stared at the ancient city and said slowly: "The breath of gluttony is getting stronger and stronger, we have indeed come to the right place, master."

"Hesitate for what? Then let's go.

As the three of them hurried side by side, Li Jiu asked, "What ability does it have?"

Yan Yu closed his eyes and thought for a while, and said with a solemn face: "According to records, [Gluttony] can continuously restore vitality, just as [Lust] can continuously restore spiritual power, it is extremely strong. "

What about combat effectiveness?"

Yan Yu said, "It shouldn't be very strong, and the [Arrogance] who ignores any defense of the enemy throughout the whole process is a battle-type demon."

"As long as you beat him to the point of incapacitation, my sister has a way to absorb his power."


Li Jiu, who possessed the transformation of Xuan Spirit Art, did not have to worry about any enemy's spiritual power attributes, and he and his spiritual pet would always be able to fight attribute suppression.

The three of them stepped into the ruined ancient city, where the houses and walls and arrow towers were all ignited by nameless fire, but they were not burned to ashes by the fire.

Something strange.

The temperature in the city is getting higher and higher, fortunately, Li Jiu has a red fire suit to protect the body, otherwise it is really troublesome to face this high temperature.

The creaking sound of the door opening, the sound of flames burning continued to reach Li Jiu's ears.

In just a few minutes, Li Jiu's forehead had begun to 'rain', beads of sweat continued to drip down, and a strange feeling of panic came, which was then offset by the firm effect.

At the end of Li Jiu's sight, there is a building in the center of the ancient city covered by a sky-high fire, which looks like it should be the imperial palace of the ancient city.

Not surprisingly, such bosses are all imprisoned here, right?

With each step towards the palace, Li Jiu felt his hair stand on end, and this nameless fear far exceeded the darkness of the tunnel of the clown's venue.

The side verified Li Jiu's conjecture, and the demon in the mirror of the venue was far from the opponent of the seven demons.

Probably their little brother, right?

At this time, the angel beside Li Jiu gently grabbed his hand, and Yu Guangming's soft cheeks always had a reassuring smile: "Master, please rest assured, Yuguang will always be by your side." "


Li Jiu also gripped her jade hand tightly, and his fingers interlocked, and the frightening feeling was firmly eliminated.

Li Jiu's heart warmed, it was Yuguang who had always given him endless courage.

With this creepy silent fear, a spirit master who was less than level 40 could not advance half a step at all.

The three of them quickly rushed to the gate of the palace, the burning red fire was like a strange demon, and the sound of the flame seemed to be its wail.

Yan Yu walked here, she also grabbed Li Jiu's arm a little nervously and whispered: "Master, it should be here, I can already feel the power of gluttony."

Li Jiu glanced at the strange flames at the entrance of the palace.

[Ominous Shenyan]: Represents divine punishment, devouring all living beings, ordinary creatures cannot enter at all.


Cami's Seal?

Li Jiu smiled slightly, and took out the strange comic book that had not appeared for a long time from the system space-[Legend of X-Man]!

This comic book is chilling just looking at it, and it is really a good medicine to beat the heat!

The props produced by the system should be able to do this garbage card secret, right?

System: (ノ≧∀≦)ノ That's a must!

Li Jiu's big hand flicked hard, and the comic spiraled at high speed, flying directly into the ominous divine flame, and those flames seemed to have life, viciously rushing towards the comic.

And then they can't burn anymore.

The comic seemed to have endless energy, and it instantly absorbed all the ominous divine flames, and then turned into a white light and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Because all the props produced by the system are disposable.

It's a real pity that this thing is a summer artifact.

Li Jiu also thought about what would happen if [Bibo Ran] and [X-Man Biography] were put together?

The fire dispersed, and the gate of the palace had been opened, as if an abyss behemoth was opening its mouth wide, waiting for its prey.

Li Jiu fiercely kicked open the gate of the palace, and the inside of this palace was golden and intact, with no traces of destruction.

Not far in front of the red carpet under his feet, a figure with a red body sat on a high imperial throne.

An old and shrill man's voice came into Li Jiu's ears: "Uh... Is it Cammy on Dog Day?

"No, it's her power! And ... the breath of [lust].."

"Did you succeed? Chris? You managed to grab her body, right?

"Chris, you're here to save me, aren't you? .... I really miss you, forgive me, I will never follow her again. "

The gluttonous body began to wriggle from the excitement of coming out of trouble, but he couldn't get up.

Because his body was firmly tied to the throne by golden chains.

Let's give him something ruthless first!

Without saying a word, Li Jiu stood side by side with Yuguang, and his two arrows were aimed at the red figure on the throne.

Gently open the bowstring, double arrows go down, light fury and light feathers explode in turn!

Two dazzling bright lights flashed, and thick black smoke continued to rise from the imperial throne.

It won't be a conclusion that smoke is harmless, right?

"This is? Abominable angelic power! Yes!! I want you to die! "


After being injured by gluttony, he lost his mind, he struggled to get up regardless of his flesh, the sound of his flesh breaking and cutting continued to sound, and a large amount of red blood spurted out from the front!

Yan Yu looked at the black smoke with a solemn face, and whispered: "This little injury, he can't die." Li

Jiu was shocked in his heart after hearing this, and the injury of light anger was actually called a small injury?

A bruised red-haired man crawled out of the black smoke, his body already broken, presumably trying to break free from the chains and cause his flesh to fall apart.

The flesh and skin are connected, the flesh and blood are blurred, and the horror is extreme!

His scarlet pupils stared at Yan Yu's body and muttered, "Impossible, why aren't you a succubus?" Chris where is she? The

red-haired man looked quite handsome, and his face was full of disbelief and asked loudly: "This is obviously the power of [Lust]!"

"Chris, where are you?"

He dragged the remnants slowly squirming, and the more perfect fracture of his body was slowly healing.

After the man saw Yan Yu's magnificent face, his eyes were full of four points of obsession, two points of doubt, and four points of pain.

"You succeeded, right? This body really resembles her. "

Gluttony seems to have mistaken Yan Yu for someone else, and the Chris in his mouth should be a demon representing [Lust], right?

"I'll listen to you this time! Won't listen to her again!

Li Jiu looked at the gluttonous panel, unable to speak for a while.

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