
Grade Legendary Level


Introduction: One of the legendary Seven Sins Demon Heads, the demon fire attribute monster, for some reason was sealed here by the card, and the strength passed endlessly, and only a few percent remained.


: Immortal: Continuous recovery of vitality, rest until death

Life Extraction: Any damage caused by gluttony will absorb

the enemy's life force Black Tiger Heart: Flash behind the designated enemy after a short charge to cause 5S forced stun, the next attack comes with a high fire attribute damage

The source of all evil:

can not be completely eliminated Li Jiu after reading his attribute called perverted, can not be completely eliminated What does it mean?

The red-haired man found that Yan Yu's body had Li Jiu's breath, and he roared loudly: "Chris! How did you become the spiritual pet of this human being?

"No, it's not true!"

He seemed to have discovered that Yan Yu was not his companion!

Take advantage of his illness and ask for his life, first beat him to cripple.

Yan Yu quickly used the chain blade to attack the severely injured gluttony, and with the wooden dragon binding, he easily fixed his ruined body.

Just as Yuguang was holding two knives and preparing to mend them, Gluttony's eyes were full of anger, and he roared hoarsely: "You are not Chris! Who are you? The

red spiritual power instantly covered the broken body of gluttony, and he instantly returned to his best state as if a small universe had exploded.

The red-haired man covered his face and laughed like he was crazy: "Hahaha, it's really all my wishful thinking, how could Chris come in?"

The red pupils in his fingers stared at Yan Yu fiercely: "You stinky, you hurt us so badly."

"If you still want to absorb our power, you give me death!"

Before the words fell, Gluttony, who had recovered his combat effectiveness, immediately used the powerful trick of Black Tiger Heart Digging Heart to kill Yan Yu on the spot.

Yuguang's reaction speed was fast, her four wings danced, and she quickly rushed to the back of the stunned Yan Yu to block the fatal blow for her.

"Abominable angel, Cami's dog! What a mistake!

Li Jiu pulled out his weapon and rushed to the red-haired man's side, stabbing him hard at the waist: "Isn't the seven demons Dai Meng's dog?"

"Don't mention that's name!"

Yan Wan's voice reached Li Jiu's heart: "Master, I don't know why, his hatred value is all on me, you can use this."

Li Jiu felt that things were indeed a little bad, and Yan Yu himself did not have any control skills.

He quickly withdrew the power that Yan Wan had given himself.


The red-haired man struggled to block Yuguang's twin knives with both hands, and he stared at the black mist that entered Li Jiu's body.

"This taste, I didn't guess wrong, you vicious woman, die!"

He completely ignored Yan Yu and Yuguang in front of him and rushed directly towards Li Jiu.

"Damn it's you."

Li Jiu felt Yan Wan behind him gently hugging his consciousness, and this time he completely chose to trust her and accept her full power.

More demonic power enters the body, and the duration of advent is greatly increased due to the increase in fit.

Now it works for 3 minutes.

Gluttony looked at the black-haired youth in front of him, and a confident smile on his lips made him very disgusted.

Like that hateful woman, she looked strategic, calm and calm, and did not put my gluttony in her eyes at all!

The red-haired man flashed behind Li Jiu's back, intending to communicate with this hateful young man.

It's been a long time since I ate a human heart!

Li Jiu calmly opened [Divine Mercy].

Li Jiu's body burned with a thin layer of white flame, his spirit became extremely keen, and the uncontrollable effect of divine mercy successfully resisted the vertigo effect of gluttony.

Gluttony's eyes were round, he couldn't believe the picture in front of him, even the upper angel couldn't resist his black tiger's forced dizziness, who is this kid?

In the stunned and shocked eyes of Gluttony, the black dragon roared out, rolling up a monstrous wave to easily fix Gluttony's slightly strong body.

Another white dragon followed, as if a thousand pounds of hammer had hit his body.


"What is this power? How did my spiritual power become a dark attribute? "

Prisoner Dragon + Conversion, this set of combos is 100% hit rate at close range!

"Let your stupid demon taste the power of humanity!"

The biggest effect of [Divine Mercy] is to restore all spiritual power at the end of the effect, and this minute is the time when spiritual power pours out and unlimited fire power.

Yan Yu quickly blessed Yuguang with the light of recovery, and Li Jiu and Yuguang simultaneously unleashed the most gorgeous slash against the immobile gluttony!

Li Jiu's whole body spiritual power flowed wildly, his body speed soared to the limit, one knife was more ruthless, and the blue-black sword light was extremely dazzling.

In a few breaths, Li Jiu cooperated with Yuguang's combined attack to cut off the gluttonous limbs!

With up to 55% damage increase + holy light attribute suppression conditions, the speed of the feather light soared to the limit, and in her coquettish sound, the gluttonous head fell to the ground in response!

"This can't be!"

"A lot of nonsense!"

Li Jiu stomped fiercely on the head of the Gluttonous Shawl.

"Hmph, you can't kill me! Even Cami, who is invincible to that woman, can't kill me, can only trap me here, just rely on you an ant?

He roared loudly: "When I regain my strength, I will cut you open and chop you up!" A thousand cuts can not vent the hatred in my heart!

Ignoring the ruthless demon, Hakomi continued to swing his double swords to unload his body.

I have to say that normal Warcraft is already dead when it is cut like this, and this gluttony can still be crazy in this balabala.

Li Jiu used his gluttonous head as a leather ball and kicked it fiercely.

Yan Wan's gentle voice came into her mind: "Leave it to me." Li

Jiu lifted the arrival, the black mist on his body slowly separated from his body, and Yan Wan, who was dressed in black robes, appeared in front of his gluttony.

Lying on the ground, he stared at Yan Wan's body with hatred, and he cursed angrily: "I didn't expect it to be you?

Yan Wan's eyes were full of coldness, ordinary people would feel cold behind if they were stared at by this kind of gaze, she said coldly in a tone that Li Jiu had never heard before: "You know me?

"You, I know you even if you turn to ashes!"

Gluttony saw that Yan Wan's essence was a succubus, and he asked maniacally: "What about Chris, she was killed by you?"

Yan Wan rolled her eyes, and then smiled slightly: "Yes." "


"Not only her, but even you are going to die!"

"Hmph, I see how you can kill me? Want to use magic to suck my power? Before I die, it's not a big loss for me to be cool.

Gluttony laughed wildly: "No desire immortal absorption is all for nothing, hahahaha."

Yan Wan cast pure black spiritual power to move the gluttonous head back, she grabbed the gluttonous hair and hung him up, and said coldly: "My body will always belong only to the master.

"Your power, I will receive it."

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