Xiao Ritian sneered: "Interesting, are the geniuses in the mortal world so arrogant?" Every one says so.

Li Jiu raised his eyebrows and looked at the purple-haired young man in front of him with a playful expression: "Mortal? How? Are you a god cooking?

"Even if you are really some kind of god, if you don't stay at home and come out and bite people, I'm afraid it's a waste that will be swept away."

Li Jiu's words were like breaking armor with a critical attack, directly breaking Xiao Ritian's heart.

Xiao Ritian was furious on the spot: "You are looking for death!" "

He stopped talking nonsense and summoned two strangely shaped spirit pets!

One of them resembles a human ghost, with a bald head like a hump, holding an iron fork, with a hideous and terrifying face, and extremely sharp fangs in its mouth.

【Blood Yasha】

Grade Elite Level

Level 22

Introduction: A relatively rare demon race, doubling the ability

in the dark Skill

: Eat Me a Fork: Throwing an iron brake causes damage through

Nightfall: After a short charge, it can create a dark fog for one minute, and the enemy in the dense fog is randomly fixed for a second

Bloodthirsty: gnaw the target, Absorb the blood of the enemy, increase your ability value

, and the current synchronization value: 46

It also has a wonderful creature composed of black mist around it, without limbs, and two blue fires constantly burn what seems to be the eyes of monsters.

【Nightmare Demon】

Grade Monarch

Level 18

Introduction: A very powerful demon that can invade enemy dreams and absorb spiritual

power skills

: layers of fear: enemies who have been harmed by nightmare demons, mental power will be greatly reduced

Nightmare: Raid into an enemy's body, trap the enemy's feast with dreams

: Use on enemies with low mental power, Inflict a lot of dark damage while fearing the other party.

Current synchronization value: 50

After watching Xiao Ritian's two spirit pets, Li Jiu probably understood why this purple hair was so arrogant.

This Yasha and Nightmare Demon are extremely ugly, which makes people look crazy.

Combined with the Nightmare Demon's skills, it is easier to deal mental damage to enemies.

Although the grade of Blood Yasha is not high, in this world, the grade only represents the growth qualification, not the full strength.

Xiao Ritian licked his lips and said, "I can't wait to see the scene of your fart and urine, little genius." Li

Jiu also summoned Yuguang Yanyu and prepared for battle.

The referee shouted at the top of his voice: "The game begins!" That

Blood Yasha roared, emitting a strange black mist from under his armpits, completely enveloping the bodies of several people!

Li Jiu directly turned on the advent mode, send this fool home early!

"What plane?" I can't see it again!

"Every time this Xiao Ritian strikes, it will be like this."

"I hope Li Jiu can stick to it."

Xiao Ritian successfully sacrificed after nightfall, and did not taste defeat.


Zi Mao laughed maniacally, "Do you think I will give you the opportunity to fight in close combat?" "

Fear, hahaha."

The Nightmare Demon and Blood Yasha wandered in the darkness, constantly sneaking up on the three of Rijiu from the blind spot of vision.

"Your spirit pets look so beautiful, I wonder what they taste like?"

Li Jiu's face did not change color, and said indifferently: "Are you capable of this?" Pretend to be a ghost. "

Threw a light feather into the endless darkness.

It seemed that the shot was deflected, and there was no reaction, and then Li Jiu kept opening the bow left and right, shooting several duets as he pleased.

Xiao Ritian's harsh laughter came from his ears: "It turns out that you will still be remote, not bad, not bad."

"It's just that the arrow that loses its target has a fart use?"

Li Jiu smiled and said, "Oh? Is it? "

The Nightmare Demon in the Darkness seemed to be eyeing Yan Yu, who looked relatively easy to bully, and it controlled the double blade of the dark spiritual power to slash towards Yan Yu's leg!

"All good things will disappear!"

With the help of the feather's 10% full attribute bonus, Yuguang easily helped Yan Yu block the attack behind him.

Between the electric stone fire, the aimless duo seemed to smell the smell and accelerated sharply through the stiff body of the Nightmare Demon.

The overall power speed of the Arrow of Light is linked to Li Jiu's own spiritual power, and the Duet's changing Arrow of Light is more like an arrow than a bullet controlled by spiritual power.

Go with your heart, go with your desire.

"Impossible! Open the bow without turning back the arrow, this is against the rules of the world! "

Put the P of NM!"

Yuguang, who was accustomed to the speed of three people, immediately took a bow and shot an arrow, a blind sniper, and accurately shot Xiao Ritian in the dark!


An arrow of light stained with blood flew out of the ring and slammed into the stone wall below the rostrum!

"Ah! You've completely me off!

Xiao Ritian, who was shot through his right chest by the arrow of light, looked at the blood in front of him, and while he trembled, he roared angrily: "My father has never hit me!"

"I'm going to make you live better than die, I'm going to let you be ravaged by my madness in your dreams, I'm going to green you!"


Xiao Ritian's body turned into a black mist, which became like his nightmare, and suddenly attacked in the direction of Li Jiu.

Li Jiu decisively turned on the divine mercy and made a quick decision.

The Nightmare Demon also uses its housekeeping skills, and it intends to break into the spirit world of Yuguang, but he does not know that this behavior is to seek his own death.

The firm effect can even be immune to the magic of the body!

A nightmare demon, it is not worth lifting shoes for the succubus queen!

Tulis: Am I that awesome? Add me a chicken leg, thanks.

Xiao Ritian turned into a black mist and pounced on Li Jiu, and he seemed to be unharmed in this state?

"Just now, just say hello casually, I want to enter your spiritual world and trample on your self-esteem well!"

"In dreams, I am the king!"

Xiao Ritian let out a standard yellow-haired laugh: "Hehe, hey, hey." "

He didn't use the Xuanling Technique to do evil in women's dreams.

Li Jiu looked at the disgusting touch attached to himself, similar to a slug...

"It's just a mayfly shaking a tree."

"Hmph, I see how long you can hold out?"

In less than ten seconds, Xiao Ritian and the Nightmare Demon let out the same roar as the predecessors of the beast, which stinked!

The two black fogs hit the wall at the same time, and flew backwards by the spiritual backlash, and the body fell to the ground like a cannonball, setting off a burst of black smoke, and life and death were unknown.

Golden opportunity.

Yuguang and Li Jiu set out at the same time, and the dazzling holy light suddenly illuminated the ring!

The Light Wing Four locks onto two unconscious bodies at the same time.

They were originally enemies of the demon lineage, and they no longer needed Li Jiu's transformation power.

Blood Yasha's combat power soared in the black mist, its owner and companions fell, and it could only helplessly hold the steel fork to face the two alone.

Yan Yu snorted lightly: "You really underestimate me." The

three flying wooden dragons turned into a brown tornado, blowing away part of the black mist while biting Blood Yasha's ugly body with precision.

That Blood Yasha's body was fixed, it actually licked its scarlet tongue towards Yuguang's body, and the act of throwing Blood Yasha in the direction of Yan Yu angered

Li Jiu, he poured spiritual power into the Snow Moon Double Blade in his hand, the dazzling spiritual power seemed to respond to his inner expectations, and the flames formed by the compression of spiritual power reflected Blood Yasha's ugly face.

Hakomitsu is ready, no need to keep your hands this time!

The effect of divine mercy is immune to all control, and Li Jiu's body turned into a black lightning bolt, bringing a string of phantoms straight to Blood Yasha.

The holy light is staggered, the light blade is flying, and the blue and black spiritual power is constantly flashing to cut out a brilliant knife light, like the most beautiful fireworks in summer.

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