Mars splashed, half of Yasha's head was cut off by the light blade on the spot, those ugly scales were mixed with red and white things, it didn't even scream out, and died on the spot!

As soon as Xiao Ritian came back from his spiritual reaction, he found that his soul connection with Blood Yasha had been disconnected.

"You are obviously a group of fighters who are good at close combat, how can you be immune to spiritual attacks!"

"This is not: No way! "

The melee ability of Blood Yasha in the black mist is comparable to that of a monarch-level spirit pet, how can he lose?

Xiao Ritian, who was wearing a cape, crawled out of the deep pit and cut out the nightmare demon next door by the way.

"Thank you for the black fog."

His ears echoed with a voice like the death knell of hell.

In just two seconds, Xiao Ritian's face was full of fear, disbelief, shock, anger and other expressions, it was a pity not to be an actor.

Li Jiu's scarlet eyes were like a demon god in the night, giving an ultimatum to Xiao Ritian.

"I'll ruin you."

A contemptuous sneer sounded: "Let me listen, your wailing, struggling, begging for mercy, crazy swing performance."

"No, you can't do this, my dad is..." Before

the black fog dissipated, Li Jiu put away his weapon, and a big mouth that seemed to contain the power of a thousand pounds slapped Xiao Ritian's arrogant face fiercely.

His body was lifted uncontrollably by a powerful force, rotated 720 degrees in the air, and fell to the ground in the posture of a dog eating.

Xiao Ritian mainly relies on the dark sneak attacks of Blood Yasha and the spiritual attacks of the Nightmare Demon to play with the opponent's mind.

He and the Nightmare Demon cooperated to suppress one by one, and then used Blood Yasha's solo ability, which can be described as invincible and invincible.

When he meets an opponent who is firm in his heart, or immune to spiritual attacks, there is only one outcome.

That's being kicked in the hair.


Li Jiu kicked the most vulnerable part of his body, and the chicken flew and the egg was beaten.

Li Jiu then grabbed his bloodstained purple hair and threw Xiao Ritian up, "Normally, anyone who intends to attack my spiritual pet must die.

"Today is an open competition, even if you pick it up, I will show mercy and leave you with a dog's life, let's go."

"Be careful when walking outside in the future, don't be caught by me, he."

Xiao Ritian's body was like a discarded garbage bag, and after turning around a few times in the air, he was smashed on the edge of the ring, and blood burst out.

The black fog gradually dispersed...

Xiao Ritian, who was lying on the ground in confusion, looked at the back of the black-haired young man in front of him, and jealousy arose from his heart!

His heart roared: I Xiao Ritian is not a defeater! I'm not rubbish! Whoever is better than me dies!

Xiao Ritian bit the tip of his tongue fiercely, blood continued to ooze from his mouth, and a strange voice came out of his throat: "Die!" "

Heaven-given Imperial Arts—Sacrifice!

Xiao Ritian's Heaven-given Imperial Art can completely sacrifice the life of a spirit pet and greatly strengthen his full attributes.

This is why his spiritual pet grade is so low!

The body of the dead Blood Yasha was torn into pieces and absorbed into pieces.

The two blue fires of the Nightmare Demon seemed to have a look of fear, and it felt that its spiritual power was slowly absorbed by its master.

"Spirit heart won?"

"Li Jiu NB!"


The spiritual students hugged excitedly, and in the future, they will no longer be at the tail of the crane, and they can straighten their waists when they go out.

"Yay!" Xiaoguang, who was eating instant noodles in the library, jumped up excitedly when he saw the results of the competition.

Although the referee Tenglong was a little unconvinced, he still helped Tenglong teach this arrogant Xiao Ritian.

Before he could announce the verdict, Xiao Ritian's body turned into a black figure, and a devil-like hoarse voice came out of his mouth: "I haven't lost yet!"

"I'm not defeated yet!"


Li Jiu's time for divine mercy had expired, and he found that Xiao Ritian in front of him seemed to have also obtained strange possession powers.

Where did his spiritual pet go?

The bodies of the Nightmare Demon and Blood Yasha disappeared?

A blood-colored steel fork, a dark knife appeared in Xiao Ritian's hand, his whole body spiritual power rushed away, and his white clothes bulged like a leather ball.

Xiao Ritian clearly knew what the consequences would be if this blow went down, wasn't it killing someone?

Hey, hey, hey.

So he roared particularly viciously, pretending to be out of control, and kicked his legs towards Li Jiu!

"This is? The skills of the Xiao family in the Northern Regions? Lu Biehe, who was sitting on the rostrum, suddenly stood up.

"Forbidden Skill - Sacrifice!"

"I heard that this move will sacrifice the life of the spirit pet to obtain a short-term explosive power, which is completely a life-fighting battle, but its power is enough to kill the immortal slaughtering god?"

"Is this kid crazy?"

Principal Yan's eyes also flashed a trace of panic: "He obviously promised not to use this trick, his father knows that he will bring him back."

Principal Lin sighed: "It's not strange that Xiao Ritian did this, he can't afford to lose, as a disciple of the Xiao family, he was beaten like this by the genius of the mortal world."

Lu Biehe said, "Do you want to end the game?"

Liu Lao glanced at the situation at the venue: "If it involves a danger to life, I will make a move." The

surrounding discussion made Ying Ruoxue's smiling face gradually tense, and she silently said in her heart: Li Jiujun, you need to come on!

Xiao Ritian, who turned into a powerful ghost, came head-on, and the speed was jaw-dropping, judging the two of them!

Li Jiu was not afraid at all, but he was not careless, and the lion fighting rabbit should also do his best!

Yan Yu quickly retreated, throwing a recovery technique towards Yuguang and could only exit sadly, losing her sister's blessing, she was an ordinary assistant.

Three wooden dragons roared out and quickly trapped Xiao Ritian's body!

"It's useless! Blacken me! "

It belongs to the power of Blood Yasha, and a large amount of black fog emanating from his armpits once again covers the ring field.

"Five minutes, solve you!" The devil roared in his ear.

The feather light shot an arrow towards Xiao Ritian, and the collision of blood-colored spiritual power and light fury produced strong ripples, and the space seemed to be torn apart!

The blood-colored spiritual power took a few steps back, and after just a few seconds of stagnation, swept up again, and the huge coercion enveloped Li Jiu and the three!

After all, this is the life art of the three people's power expanded several times through the secret method.

The bonus effect is terrifying.

How hard is it to do?

Only one move can determine the victory, five minutes down, baby Yanyu will definitely be injured.

Yuguang looked sideways, and the two people with similar hearts instantly knew what the other party was thinking, and Yan Yu quickly transferred the light of recovery to Li Jiu in the rear.

"Your strength can actually compete with my perfect posture!"

"Even the eldest brother is not as good as you!"

There are also light feathers on the field, and if you want to take this guy easily, it may expose the power of Shenyan.

Forget it, you can't hide it, rush!

Xiao Ritian raised the steel fork with furious power and struck towards Li Jiu's body!

Even Liu Lao, who was sitting in the audience, had already stood up, and as long as the situation was a little out of control, he was about to finish the game.

In the next instant, Xiao Ritian's devil body flew in front of Li Jiu, as fast as lightning, and he let out a miserable roar: "Finally, I was too scared to walk?" He

was greeted by countless chains in his palm, and black and white double dragons alternately appeared, fixing the manic ghost in front of him, and the steel fork could not pierce a centimeter.

"Prisoner Dragon!"

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