"It's this abominable binding technique again!"

Li Jiu quickly shot an arrow of light with the effect of divine order at the other party.

Xiao Ritian's facial muscles were twisted by excessive anger, and he put on a foul-smelling expression that was definitely not something that humans could make.

It is a pity that he has thousands of magical powers that are also suppressed to death by the [Prisoner Dragon].

In just two seconds, Li Jiu had already charged her double-bladed enchantment through the feather light chain, and the Divine Flame Fire burned again!

A different use of Shenyan.

Xiao Ritian's binding effect was lifted, and he laughed wildly: "Just this little injury? How do I lose! His

arm exerted force, and the steel fork with a large amount of dark spiritual power suddenly poked towards Li Jiu, and the spiritual power leaking out of his body was like a cunning poisonous snake.

Li Jiu calmly took a step back, all the foreshadowing had been completed, and the rest was completely handed over to Yu Guang.


"One chop!"

The feather light sounded behind Xiao Ritian, he couldn't help but be shocked, and the voice of the spirit pet was so good?

Two fleeting cold lights brought up a large patch of black blood, and Xiao Ritian's eyes were full of shock again.

It turns out that the angel is not his....

His body was like a poisonous snake that had been beaten to seven inches, curled up in pain, and then he fought his whole body to resist!

Yu Guang's face was expressionless, and with his body as the axis, he kicked Xiao Ritian's face door with a brilliant turnaround.

"My teeth..."

"It's useless."

Xiao Ritian covered his face in pain, looking at the broken teeth with black blood in the ground, and he barked like a mad dog.

Countless knife marks, accompanied by strong burning Shenyan, continued to disintegrate his body.

OB Half a day's Li Jiu finally hit Long Xiao Qihu and flew away with a kick.

Xiao Ritian was unable to support his body, his pupils were extremely dilated, and he seemed to be so shocked that he fainted from his body.

Just when Li Jiu was about to use the Lightwing style to take away the last head.

A terrifyingly powerful realm of spiritual power instantly suppressed the two in battle.

Liu Lao's body teleported in front of Li Jiu like a ghost, and he said softly: "Stop Li Jiu, the victory and defeat have been divided, he will die if you go down this knife, and then you will completely offend the Xiao family." "

The entire ring was covered by Elder Liu's spiritual power enchantment, and all communications from the outside world were temporarily blocked.

"My day, what's going on inside?"

"There won't be shady scenes, will there?" Onlookers questioned.

"What's the shady curtain, Xiao Ritian has already exploded."


Within the enchantment.

Li Jiu was no longer a young man on the spot, his eyes were like arrows staring at Xiao Ritian, who was beaten back to his original form in the distance.

"If I let him go, will the Xiao family let me go?" Li Jiu said word by word.

Liu Lao's face showed a hint of embarrassment, and he said helplessly: "I may not let you go, because these hidden families are quite short-sighted."

"Then I'll cut the grass and remove the roots."

Li Jiu's voice did not carry a trace of emotion, and it was as resolute as iron: "Yuguang, let's do it, send Xiao Gongzi on the road."

Liu Lao also understood Li Jiu's mood, he did not choose to block it, but just sighed helplessly on the side.

Li Jiu did not blame Liu Lao for not being brainless to protect himself, he represented the Spirit Master Association, and it was impossible to make claims for personal feelings.

What shit Xiao family, can raise such scum to do evil, it is simply unforgivable.

The Holy Wing Angel was about to end Xiao Ritian's dirty life with a sword, when another magnetic voice came into Li Jiu's ears.

Li Jiuhu looked at the visitor suspiciously, and spoke, "How?" Even Lord Principal won't let me kill him? "

Kill him, you will be chased and killed by the Xiao family, and the review of the task force, or leave it to the old man."

With a wave of his hand, Lu Biehe summoned a beautiful green-haired girl, who held a heart-shaped magic wand and waved it a few times, and strange spiritual power fluctuations covered Xiao Ritian's scarred body.

"Once your angel moves the knife, this matter is very troublesome."

"In this way, he will lose too much blood and die, and it is none of our business."

As Lu Biehe said, what the green girl gave Xiao Ritian was a skill to increase the excitement of the body, and the blood in the whole body accelerated its flow.

In just a few seconds, the invincible Xiao Ritian was killed.

Liu Lao couldn't help it: "Old Lu, are you counting this as murder?"

Lu Biehe raised his hand and said with a straight face: "What about me?" The Xiao family's group of miscellaneous people broke the rules first, and they came to beat me if they didn't obey? "

The domineering of the words shows the style of a big man.

"As long as this kid loses to Li Jiu, that group of smelly guys will come over to find fault no matter what."

"Die to face and live to suffer."

"Protect the short, Lao Tzu will too."

Liu Lao sighed: "Li Jiu will please you."

Lu Biehe patted his chest and swore and said: "A group of selfish elements, Li Jiu, you don't have to worry, the old man will be able to protect you."

Li Jiu looked at Xiao Ritian's corpse and said lightly: "It is really because of a great background that he has such an arrogant personality.

"Then thank you Headmaster, students improve their strength as soon as possible, and before that, they will be tired of Lord Principal."

Lu Biehe and Liu Lao looked at each other and shook their heads at the same time.

Li Jiu's personality is really rare, and the reason why Xiao Ritian was beaten like this is arrogant, and the other is to talk about Li Jiu's spiritual pet.

The white flame on the pure white sword of the white angel has never even seen an old antique like them.

Liu always wanted to sell Li Jiu's personal favor so that he could join the Spirit Master Association in the future.

Lu Biehe is a simple love talent and a short protection.

Lu Biehe said, "How does Xiaoyan explain there?"

Liu Lao waved his hand: "If she were in charge, she would have ended long ago, I don't know what this woman is thinking."

"Okay, so be it."

The spiritual power enchantment slowly dissipated, and standing on the stage were Li Jiu and Liu Lao.

The referee hurriedly took the stage to announce the result of the competition: "The winner of the final is Li Jiu from Lingxin Academy!"

"Groove! 666! "

Spiritual Heart Academy is rising!"

The keyboard man said: "Cut, just a new person!" "

Tenglong is the first in the world!"

"Those who buy Tenglong win are lined up on the rooftop, and those who buy Li Jiu win have already gone to the clubhouse."

A rough voice came: "Li Jiu, I love you!" "


Li Jiu didn't care about the shouts and cheers around him, he just wanted to rest for a while, and then go to find the fire fox that he had in mind.

As for the revenge of the people of the Xiao family, no matter how strong the Xiao family is, can there be a Kamiqiang?

Or better than the Seven Sins Demon King?

It is estimated that even the level of the New Soul Seven-Star Monarch cannot be reached.

Sakura Ruoxue hugged her excitedly, enjoying a soft place.

"Li Jiujun, you are so good!"

"It's okay."

In the end, Xiao Ritian was completely pronounced dead on the way to the hospital, and the obituary was written when he arrived at the hospital.

Cause of death: The already seriously injured and bleeding body forcibly opened the sacrifice, resulting in excessive blood loss and death.

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