Put away the mobile phone that fell on the ground, Li Jiu held Yan Wan again to wash, it is really not easy to be the owner, take a bath at least three times a day.

At that moment he understood, not Yan Wan bragging.

Strong, indeed.

Once the sea was difficult to water, but Wushan is not a cloud.

The restless tail wrapped around Li Jiu's neck again.

"No, tomorrow..." The

extremely charming blue eyes under the willow eyebrows did not give Li Jiu a chance to refute, she was really a demon with deep sins.

I wonder if it's the reason for the power of gluttony?

Li Jiu quickly closed his eyes and fixed his mind, and he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have something to do today.

Let's draw it.

"Do you run a daily draw?" The sound of the system is somewhat cold.


Today was a dazzling white light, which made Li Jiu a little dazzling.

"Congratulations on getting it—[There are goji berries at home]!"

Li Jiu looked at the goji gift bag in the system space and glanced at it.

【Goji berries at home】: After eating, the strength level will be increased by 2, and the effect will be doubled with [Drink more hot water]. (Level 20 or below)

Li Jiu: [Are you hinting at something?] System

: (✪ω✪)

Li Jiu grabbed the naughty tail and said in his heart: [You seem to have said very little recently, system. [

Ahem, because you are busy every day, I can only draw circles in the small black room.] The

surface of the water is calm, and only a small number of bubbles slowly surface....

[I have a question, I have been wondering for a long time. 【

What?】 【

Who produced such an intelligent system as yours?】 [

Well, it's a secret, you'll know it later.] The sound of the system has become a little softer.

This unconscionable daily wandering bush still knows whether this system is dead or alive.

Although my function is not very powerful, I can't do this!

(。 -'ω ́-)

Li Jiudao: [I understand the truth of drinking water and thinking about the source. 【

Just curious about the so-called system, are you really artificial intelligence?】 【

It won't be some powerful avatar will, right?】 The

system said: [The novel has seen you a lot, if I really have the ability to reach the heavens, and also assist you to dry the hammer, I will directly ascend to the Dao. 【

Hehe, then you just ask for me?】 The

system said with a slight anger: [Hmph, what is it to ask for you?] 【

Some things can't be known in advance, that book of the world, do you know its end?】 [

Well, the key place was destroyed seven seven eight eight. [

To give you a little hint, if you can completely collect all its fragments and restore the Book of the World, you will naturally understand everything.]

Then her voice disappeared completely, as if she was offline, and there was no response to any shouting.

Li Jiu hugged Yan Wan, who was like an octopus on his body, insisting on the principle that he could not be extravagant and wasteful, and the two worked together to charge the sapphire crystal, and there was a sound in his ears that the fit increased by 1 point.

The best way to eliminate fear is to face it, and the front is just over!


The next afternoon, Li Jiu slowly opened his eyes, pulled the blue hair from his face, and then skillfully untied the tail wrapped around his neck.

Yesterday, I played with the three of them all night, first watching TV, playing electric, and then playing horseback riding games, of course, Li Jiu is a horse, don't think crookedly.

After resting, it's time to get down to business.

"Get up!"

Why is Yan Yu's little girl so heavy, and the pressure on her face is a little breathless.

Yan Yu, who had sleepy eyes, said in a daze: "Woo~ master, good morning."

Li Jiu gently patted the jade leg and said with a smile: "Good morning, the sun is about to set." "


Yan Yu's pretty face instantly turned red, and she quickly got up and ran away.

Li Jiu carefully took out the angel aura from Yuguang's chest and helped her wipe it on the top of her head.

"Master, early~"

The spirit pets are actually lazier than the master!

How can this work?

A numbing voice came into the ears: "Master, it's time to eat!"

Yan Wan was only wearing a pure white shirt, unbuttoned, revealing a snow-white shoulder that had been blown apart.

Beautiful and silky flowing purple hair hangs lazily above the canyon.

She holds a fragrant beef curry rice in one hand and a steaming thermos cup in the other.

It looked like a new wife welcoming her husband home at the doorstep.

"Master? Fascinated by me? Hehe~"

Yan Wan leaned over with a smile and handed over the curry rice she had prepared with her heart.

"Open mouth

, ah~" "ah~" The

tender beef with the mellow curry flavor, it is hard to believe that Yan Wan can make a dish.

"Is it delicious? Master? Yuguang

, who rubbed her eyes to see the reality, was dumbfounded, she never expected that Yan Wan would use this trick to attack the master!

This time, it was me who lost.

Yuguang clenched his fists hard, secretly determined that he would never sleep lazy again!

This cunning demon must keep an eye on her!

Last night a little more relaxed, the owner was almost completely eaten by her.

She could only leave the bedroom indignantly and clean up the house.

Yan Yu, who was hiding at the bedroom door, secretly took a small book to remember her sister's sultry methods.

Yan Yu was very envious of her sister's courage, and she couldn't do it at all.


"Drink some water."

The seductive red lips blew slightly towards the mouth of the thermos cup, and Yan Wan was afraid that the hot water would scald Li Jiu.

Li Jiu saw Yan Wan, who looked like a virtuous wife in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a different kind of emotion in his heart.

I love her a little more.

No, the blood trough is empty.

Li Jiu took a sip, huh?

Goji berries in a thermos cup? I'm not that age yet.

"Heehee, this is a reward for the master, you must cheer well in the future."

Yan Wan put the tableware on the bedside table, smiled slightly, and naturally leaned into Li Jiu's arms.

Stupid little angel, this time it was me who won!

A strong sense of happiness enveloped the two, and after enjoying it for a while, Li Jiu put away the spirit pet and rushed to Lu Biehe's office.

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