Li Jiu is now a celebrity in the Spiritual Heart Academy, and in order not to be conspicuous, he wore a less recognizable Spiritual Heart uniform and went out on the street.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and most of the students were going home from school.

As soon as he entered the gate of the Spiritual Heart School, the sharp-eyed guard uncle still found him.

The uncle's eyes were full of wisdom, and he stammered a little: "This is not our newcomer king, why has Li been here for a long time?"

Li Jiu hurriedly made a gesture and said, "Uncle, you better say two words less." Conveniently

bypassing the large army after school, Li Jiu quickly slipped to the top floor of the Welcome Building.

Coming to the door of Lu Biehe's office, Lu Biehe's slightly impatient voice came from inside.

"I said it all. The Chen family boy skipped class by himself, he didn't know where to run, and the school was not responsible. "

Didn't you read the admission email?"

"What does it matter to me that your child is lost?"


Li Jiu knocked lightly on the door.

"Please come in."

Li Jiu pushed the door in, and said with a kind smile: "Principal, it's me."

"Hey, you're here, it's annoying."

Li Jiu asked knowingly, "Principal? What happened?

Lu Biehe slapped his desk angrily, and said with anger in his eyes: "It's not the Chen Bo in your class, he disappeared during school, and he asked me for someone." "

A Chen family, a Xiao family, when my Spirit Heart Academy is his doorman's room?"

"How do I know where this unfortunate child has gone? If you don't go to school well, you want to skip class, I'm afraid that I won't be taken by the monster outside the city to feed the cubs. He quickly lit a cigarette with spiritual power, sat down on the office chair and smoked it leisurely.

"Forget it, don't mention it."

Lu Biehe took out a shiny space ring from his pocket and placed it on the table with some reluctance.

He sighed heavily, and seemed to be much older: "This is what I promised you, it's all here." "

Take it."

Li Jiu did not immediately step forward to take the ring, he slowly walked to the window to overlook the school playground.

"Lord Principal, is it the pressure of the Xiao family?" Li Jiu asked.

Lu Biehe spit out the smoke ring, patted his legs and got up and said, "Yes, it's not."

"Let me tell you so, these people of the hidden family cannot participate in the struggle of ordinary people, let alone take sides for any organization."

"This is a secret agreement between the Spirit Master Association and their various families."

Lu Biehe strode over to Li Jiu and patted him heavily on the shoulder.

"So don't worry, as long as you are in Anlong City, I will guarantee your personal safety."

"I don't know how you got that strange power, promise me to live well, I've seen too many geniuses fall in my life." He finished his cigarette in one gulp and extinguished it fiercely.

"In fact, my qualifications are average in the same class, and geniuses all died young."

Li Jiu nodded and replied, "Okay." "

This unorthodox principal is still very good to himself, and a warm current flows through Li Jiu's heart.

"Don't be too proud, we may be strong in the world, but on this mysterious Holy Spirit Star, there are too many unknown dangers."

"This Xiao Ritian is just the son of a concubine, and he can't get mixed up in the clan and runs out."

"There is no legal reason on the Xiao family's side, it is that they have suffered losses first, and they cannot formally seek revenge from you."

Lu Biehe changed his tone and said with a serious expression: "Although they may not retaliate against you, you must still be extremely careful." "

It's dangerous to be sharp."

Li Jiu smiled, looked into the distance and said, "The sword is out of its sheath, why hide the front."

"You're right, I'm old."

Li Jiu turned around and went back to get the space ring, and before leaving, he suddenly remembered something, and quickly asked: "Principal, do you think I have a chance to go to Neon for a stroll?" Lu

Biehe just sat back in front of the computer, the mouse was moved to the interface of [Play Again], I never expected this kid to kill a horse gun.

"Are you going to [Peach Sakura] Academy?"

"Aren't you surrounded by superb women? According to my opinion, you can copy their skills, presumably the synchronization value has already been..."

He suddenly showed an understanding expression and said: "There is a set of places, who do you want to travel with at public expense?" "

Men, it's normal to spend their hearts, and three wives and four concubines for the strong are the norm in this world.

"Sakura Ruoxue?"

"Good fellow, eating from the bowl, chopsticks with meat and still thinking about the pot?"

"She is the little princess of the neon district, coming and going freely, not counting the quota." Lu Biehe stroked his beard and nodded.

"You have to find another person, and one person can't pass the trial."

Li Jiu racked his brains and thought about it, so let that Wang Chen, who looked quite pleasant, take a ride.

"Hmm... Then Wang Chen in the first grade, my old classmate in the past.

Lu Biehe took out a notepad and wrote something: "Okay, you go back and contact him, when will you leave?"

"The sooner the better, if you can want to go tonight."

"Urge! Hey ~ okay, who called you really awesome, hang the dragon to give me a long face, I will go to help you apply now. Riku

turned off the game and opened a mysterious website, constantly tapping on the keyboard.

"Thank you, Headmaster." Li Jiu solemnly performed a spiritual master salute.

"In the future, if you are asked to play for the school, I have made a significant investment in you."

"Complete OJ8K!"

Li Jiu left the principal's room very happily, he could completely trust Principal Lu's efficiency, this old man's background was unfathomable!

Now I want to find this kid Wang Chen, and I don't know where he ran?

According to his previous urine sex, he may go to that KTV to spend days drinking and his sister.

Now, I wonder if he has really completely rehabilitated?

Through the stimulation of the Xiao family incident, Li Jiu does not plan to fight alone in this world, and he also wants to form his own forces.

The fist is always the last word, and the power of many people is great!

It's time to look for a few smart little brothers.

Although when he first met Wang Chen, this kid was like an SB, but he still grew a lot, and he was always a hundred times stronger than that stupid brother.


The underground training room of the Spiritual Training Building.

Li Jiu had never been here, and most of the self-strengthening spirit masters exercised their comprehensive ability here after class.

Although Spirit Heart Academy adopts a free-range system, students are not forced to undergo any trials or studies at all.

But every month, the college conducts a ranking test, and according to the ranking, it allocates student resources and whether to focus on classes.

Jerks who fall in the ranking of two consecutive tests will be completely expelled and will never be hired.

It's a sweet trap.

Li Jiu, who had just entered the first floor of the basement, had not seen the surrounding situation clearly, and a large group of beautiful sisters leaned over.

Baihuahua's arms and thighs are a little dazzling in this dark night.

Spiritual masters who can absorb spiritual power will be improved, which means that those who become spiritual masters basically have no ugly men and women.

If you still look like Xiao Ritian, you are basically helpless.

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