A two-and-a-half-meter-tall purple fox strongly blocked in front of Sakura Ruoxue, and Inoue Hiroshi behind it immediately urged the imperial art to help Sakura Ruoxue defuse this wave of attacks.

Ying Ruoxue also quickly summoned two fox spirit pets to protect herself.

Fatty Chen fixed his eyes on the other party's young master, and he couldn't be rude?

He could only order his men to temporarily stop the attack.

Inoue looked at his only son with a look of surprise.

He actually protected outsiders at this crucial time?

The man roared madly: "You bastard, do you know what you are doing?

"Did you forget everything I told you? She is obviously a monster who has come to take revenge.

"She must die today!"

Inoue Hiroshi changed his previous temperament and looked solemnly at his crazy father: "If it is true that as my father said, Xuemei is here to collect debts, and if we don't treat her well, we will only make our sins worse." "

Father-sama is afraid that he is caught in the way of the devil."

Inoue slapped his thigh angrily, pointed at his son's nose and scolded: "Mess! You actually dare to talk back? "

This is his only son, change someone and he went to slash in the morning!"

The man persuaded his son bitterly: "Everything you have was given to you by the Inoue family and the Extreme Group, if you let this demon go today, he will have to eat it every day!"

Inoue Hong's eyes were as calm as water, and he firmly protected Sakura Ruoxue's body and said bravely: "Father, what you said is right.

"Without everything you give, I would be a waste second ancestor."

The man's eyes revealed a hint of hope, and he said excitedly: "You don't understand anything, hurry up and give me over, and I'll tell you the cause and effect of everything later!"

"But, I refuse!" The style of painting changed.

"It is my brother's responsibility to protect my sister!"

"If you can't even protect your own family, then you can't even compare to waste!"

A trace of cruelty flashed in Inoue's eyes, and he was really angry: "You rebel! It's really me off! He

quickly pulled out his sword and summoned his spirit pet, a level 40 swift thunder wolf!

"Today I'm going to clean the portal!"


After a fierce fight, Inoue Hiroshi is still defeated by his father.

After Inoue personally stunned his son, he found that Sakura Ruoxue, who was hiding behind the purple fox, had long disappeared!

He turned back like a devil, grabbed the fat man's collar that was nibbling on the chicken leg, and said a little maniacally: "What about people? What about people? What about the stinky fox?

"And put that chicken drumstick!"

"What about people!"

The fat man looked a little dazed and said, "I don't do it?"

"Isn't this your family affair? I'm not good at meddling.

"I told you to stare at her and tell me I don't know?"

The fat man tentatively asked, "Then what else can I do after I catch her?"

Inoue's complexion became extremely distorted, like a demon in hell, and his green tendons burst out.

"When is TM, and you still think about those rotten things?"

"After the matter is done, I will take you to play all kinds of beautiful women."

The fat little brother quickly leaned over and muttered a few words softly.

The fat man quickly nodded and said, "Okay Inoue-kun, my spirit pet has already smelled her." The

crazy Inoue Ji held a Tang knife and pointed at the gate of the courtyard: "Chase!" Must kill her!

"To see people in life, to see corpses when you die!"


Sakura Ruoxue saw the gesture behind her brother and signaled her to run away.

At a critical moment, she could not care about her mother's ashes and her brother's life and death, so she could only escape alone.

When she heard that beast father talk about Lao Chen, she immediately reacted when she added that Fatty Chen's ugly and wretched face, and she was as smart as a fox.

This Fatty Chen is not a neon man, and should be Chen Bo's family to take revenge on himself through the information provided by the new soul.

But now she can't escape to Li Jiu, she knows very well the style of the Extreme Group, which will drag him down with the burial.

The Neon District is not the continent of Hualong Country.

In Crimson City, the Extreme Group is the Earth Emperor, representing everything.

Sakura Ruoxue is very fond of foxes, but this is nothing new in neon.

She didn't understand why the beast father called her a vengeful fox?

Even want to put her to death?

Where should I run to?

Lord Kitsune, please tell me what to do?

In a panic, Sakura Ruoxue fled in the direction of Fox God Peak on a red fox, and the path she chose was extremely dangerous, and it was a route for natives to go up the mountain to pick mushrooms.

This is parallel to the homestay where Li Jiu is located, and the normal climbing route is also parallel, and you can even see the shop fire in the distance.

Her eyes darkened, and she muttered, "Li Jiujun, I miss you so much.. It's obviously a happy thing... Why is this happening?

"I just missed my mother."

At this time, an extremely lewd voice entered her eardrums: "Little beauty, don't run away, do you want to watch goldfish with your uncle?"

"I like your beautiful chicks."

She turned around and saw that Fatty Chen was riding the demon wolf of the latest product of the new soul and chasing after him, fortunately, Xiao Yan's outbreak was very fast, and they would not be able to catch up for a while.

Ying Ruoxue still had time to think, but there were more than 40 people on the other side, and the level of the spirit master was still very high, and it was impossible to fight.

Is that the only way to do it?

On the rugged and winding path on the outskirts of the neon district, a red flame is galloping to fight the wolves behind them for life and death.

The demon wolves behind him have reached the level of level 30 on average, and they will soon catch up with Ying Ruoxue's Firefox.

Through the slender plank road under your feet, you will reach Fox God Peak, which is the last road.

The younger brother of the Chen family looked at Ying Ruoxue, who was far away and stepped on the plank road, and said with some hesitation: "Boss, are you still chasing here?" She went up the boardwalk.

"It's too dangerous."

The fat man's face was solemn, she ran to this place to want to die together, but thinking of her old mother at home, Fatty Chen could only bite the bullet and say.

"Chase! The head of the family spoke, kill her everything, and if you can't kill our family, you will suffer. Ying

Ruoxue turned around and looked at it, those Chen family dog thieves were chasing her, they were forcing her to a corner.

In that case, let's die together.

Sakura Ruoxue immediately judged that even if she was crushed and broken, she could not let the adulterer tarnish her innocence.

She stopped the escape route and summoned the ice fox, and the spiritual power of Sakura Ruoxue, who entered the posture of the imperial fox, was fully opened, and the red flame ice lotus bloomed at the same time, the ice and fire merged, and the powerful friction of spiritual power distorted the surrounding air!

The resulting explosion hit the fallen wooden boardwalk at your feet.

In an instant, the sky shattered!

"I'll make it, this lady is really playing jade and burning!"


This broken bridge split in two like a broken string, breaking Sakura's last idea of life.

Everyone's bodies fell vertically, and Sakura Ruoxue was no exception, her long black hair flew with the fierce wind, and she looked at the fireworks in the distance, and a tear of unwillingness slipped from her eyes.

The girl's last love has not yet been expressed.

She closed her eyes tightly, clasped her hands together and said silently in her heart: Great Lord Fox God, please save me, I haven't confessed to someone I like.

Does my whole life stop there?

No, I'm not convinced!

I hate the world, why is it so unfair to me?

Why is my life so bleak?

The mother who loves me the most is sick and dead, and my brother is worried about the uncertain life and death?

The men's bodies were smashed into mashed meat, and the air emitted a foul smell.

The sound of bones breaking, the sound of minced meat hitting the ground, and the sound of blood flowing kept ringing in Sakura's ears.

Li Jiujun, you must not look for me, I died so ugly, you don't want to look.

"Kill all the betrayers, kill everyone." Her lips spat out syllables and made a voice that didn't belong to her.

It may be that Lord Fox God appeared, and Sakura-wakayuki's body disappeared out of thin air.

The red firefox and the blue ice fox lay on the ground and looked at each other, their broken bodies and looked around, and they did not see the corpse of their owner.

Is she okay?

Then the consciousness of the two foxes completely disappeared, and there was still a touch of serenity at the corners of their mouths before they died.


Fatty Chen's trouser belt was firmly grasped by a vulture, his body was suspended in the air, and he said in horror: "I... Fortunately, Lao Tzu prepared the flying spirit pet in advance, or he would have died here today.

"It should be dead, right? Now that the task has been completed, go and take care of the aftermath. "

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