More than half an hour later, Inoue Ji, who heard the news, followed Fatty Chen to the place for an autopsy.

About a few hundred meters below the abyss, a foul smell came from inside the pit.

There were deformed corpses of men everywhere and a large number of demon wolves who fell to death, which were miserable.

They searched here for a long time, and finally found the bodies of the two poor foxes, but there was no body of Sakura.

Inoue Ji's brows frowned slightly, and his face showed a solemn expression: "That's it?"

Fatty Chen patted his chest and said, "At that time, the situation was urgent, and I also escaped by relying on vultures."

"What did I say? Death to see the corpse! Fatty

Chen was also a little angry: "I also sought revenge on her, I saw her fall off the cliff, more than thirty level spirit masters are dead, how can she live as a weak woman?"

"Our cooperation is over, I'm going back!"

Inoue smiled cruelly: "Want to go?" Heard so many of our secrets! Do you still want to go back alive?

Fatty Chen's face changed drastically, and he took a few steps back: "I'm a person under the Broken Army Star Monarch!" You can't move me!

"You all fell into the abyss because of chasing and killing the little girl.. Hey. Inoue

Ji showed his cruel minions, and he wanted to use Fatty Chen to help him get rid of the foxes that were in his way from the beginning, and then kill these broken army star kings to plant the eyeliner around him.

Fatty Chen was unable to stand alone, and was soon hacked to death by the people of the extreme upper group.

Inoue nodded with great satisfaction, no one could interfere with his 'God Making' plan now.

What new dragon group, new soul, and spirit master association all have to make way for themselves.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of Fox God Peak and muttered, "The power of the Fox God is mine!" The

junior brother of the Extreme Group rushed over, bowed his head and said: "Boss, there is still that Li Jiu left, don't use him..."

He made a gesture of beheading.

Inoue Ji said: "There is no need to startle the snakes, because they will die soon."

"You guys add manpower and dig three feet into the ground to find Ying Ruoxue's body."

"Remember, death is to see the corpse!"

"Yes!" All the younger brothers replied in unison.

"Hurry up and dispose of these corpses, as well as the bridge above, and repair it for me tomorrow morning."

Perfect black eats black, and everyone in the Chen family has been reduced to migrant workers.


Li Jiu had already tasted the neon special lotus tip cardamom tea, which was not bitter at all, and his nose was full of sweetness.

He put on a bath towel and went out of the bath, and looked around the room and found no trace of Sakura.

Why is there no sound at all from Sakura Ruoxue?

Li Jiu picked up the wristband on the table, which prompted bubbles with new news.

"Li Jiujun, I'll go home."

Only the brief message she left, Li Jiu frowned slightly, always feeling that something was wrong?

"Master~ shall we continue to be merry?" The plump giant rabbit rushed over.

"No, something is wrong, Sakura Ruoxue disappeared."

Li Jiu draped a bath towel for Yan Wan, and the two slowly sat on the tatami.

"I always suspected that she was not an ordinary person, and I always had a hunch that she had something to do with the fox I was looking for."

Yu Guang wiped the beads of sweat with the bath towel on his jade neck, and said with a slightly worried expression: "The master is worried about her?" Then let's go find her.

"Let's wait first, just to help Yan Yu evolve first."

"Yu'er, come quickly."

The breathtakingly beautiful white lotus flower in the water slowly comes out of the bath.

The peach blossoms on the human face are red, and there are dragonflies standing on their heads.


The three returned to their rooms, and Li Jiu took the fragrant Yan jade in his arms, and there was a little crystal rain on his long blue flowing hair.

The white and flawless, weak and boneless pure white girl leaned quietly against her chest.

She narrowed her eyes and muttered, "Master, I'm ready, lighter."

"Say what? I'm a serious master.

Li Jiu smiled and took out the lustrous Spirit Pill, which could repair her broken soul to the greatest extent.

"Open your mouth." Gently peel off the pair of tender red lips, and the fragrance comes to your face.

"Ah~" The

rich and fragrant elixir was contained by her, and soon, Yan Yu's body emitted a dazzling light!

The medicinal properties are absorbed so quickly!

Brilliant light soars into the sky.

The girl's already slightly plump Yufeng seemed to have become a little bigger, and the whole body height also became a little taller.

The eyes that are as clear as water become more and more shining and charming, the whole person's appearance is slightly raised, and the temperament is greatly improved!

The unique lotus flower on her head became more and more white and pure, could it be that lotus flower was the essence?

[Holy Flower Fairy]

Grade: Epic

level: Level 16

Introduction: The body created by the peerless rare reincarnation lotus is now bound to the soul of the original succubus, and the elf with strong wood spiritual power, most of the skills are control system, recovery system, and belong to the spirit pet that is biased towards assistance.


: Wind of Recovery: Blessing the target, slowly and continuously restoring vitality and spiritual power, can maintain the skill effect of both goals at the same time.

Wood Dragon Binding: Summons several wooden dragons, deals locked wood attribute damage to the target, and comes with a 3S binding effect Chill

Thorn Sitting Lotus: Summon a thorn lotus at the target location, the thorn automatically whips all enemies within range, the damage is equivalent to the normal attack, and the speed effect sync

value is 70

"Master, am I getting better?" Yan Yu smiled and rode on Li Jiu, she liked to play horseback riding games, the serious kind.

"Well, I can't help it."

Yan Yu snorted lightly and ran away.

The evolved Yan Yu soul has been restored as before, and the newborn skill is called [Ice Shooter]!

The most important thing is that the wind of recovery hangs to the two at the same time, which is a qualitative change!

With Li Jiu's divine mercy effect, my mother no longer has to worry about my blue enough!

[Holy Wing Angel

] Grade: Legendary Level

: Level 19 Sync Value: 89

Feather Light successfully devoured the [Loyal] Spirit Core, plus Li Jiu's transformation of colorful spirit core supplies also reached level 19

, only one step away from the level 20 mark.


Yan Yu wants Li Jiu to accompany her to play horseback riding games, she liked riding dolls at first, and now she likes to ride the owner?

Li Jiu still spoiled this little sister who was immature in her heart.

What are you afraid of? Will ride back sooner or later!

The corners of Yan Wan's mouth rose slightly: "Yu'er, you don't know how to ride a horse at all, I'll teach you later, don't play horseback riding games with the master." "

Okay..." at

two o'clock in the morning.

The night is like water, and the clear moonlight shines on the round and smooth waves, revealing warmth, like a bow.

Li Jiu had no intention of sleeping, and while admiring the moonlight, he thought about Sakura Ruoxue.

Unreasonable disappearance, legend of the fox god, fox god peak, leaving the soul tower, special aura in the neon area.

He secretly pulled away the Yan Yu on his body and let the two sisters hug each other.

Go to the door and talk to the bosses and ask for information, right?

"Master?" Yuguang rubbed his eyes and said softly.

"Don't try to get rid of us." The pink eyes in the dark are extremely dazzling.

It turned out that they were all awake, and sure enough, they couldn't hide anything from the spiritual pets.

"Then let's go together."

The black fog was shrouded, and Li Jiu took the slender jade hands of the two women and walked towards the door of the homestay.

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