Although the use of lightning strikes will temporarily overdraw the spiritual power of the whole body, everyone who has seen this move is dead.

"Die, stinky fox!"

Inoue Ji silently swore in his heart that after today's battle, he would eat his flesh and drink his blood every day!

At this moment, Yuguang exerted her newly realized loyalty, and her body turned into a burst of white light, and then instantly appeared in front of Ying Ruoxue and Yan Yu.

The wings behind her had long disappeared, and the four wings turned into light feathers in the sky, and then formed a pure white giant shield, firmly protecting the three of them behind.

"Trying to use soft feathers to block the furious heavenly thunder?"


Inoue Jiji slashed at the sacred shield, and the image that stunned him was born

! The shield seemed to be a living creature constantly devouring the thunder power on his sword, and six thick feathers immediately grew around the shield to channel the furious thunder power to the outside world!

This sword completely destroyed the entire combined army

! There are no shortage of high-level spirit masters of more than 40 levels, how could they be perfectly dissolved by this level 20 angel in front of me?

"Nice job, Yuguang!"

Sakura Ruoxue, who was hiding behind the holy shield, shot a burning star right in Inoue's chest, and a continuous blood cloud poured out with the hatred she had accumulated for many years

! "Poof!"

Inoue's extremely Jedi counterattack move, whose strength had plummeted, was broken, and his psychological defense disappeared like this thunder light.

No way!

I am...

"The villain who steals the power of others, fall into eternal pain!"

Inoue Jiu wanted to use the spring breeze to treat himself, but it was too late

! Li Jiu jumped high, slammed his right arm, and rushed to the back of the seriously injured Inoue Pole like a meteor and stabbed several

times, the scene was extremely cruel! Although the damage of the Snow Moon Double Blade blessed by the Demon Forge was not as good as that of Shen Yan, the armor-breaking effect of the dark attribute was still very fragrant!

As long as Li Jiu's attack speed is fast enough, each slash comes with 20% dark attribute spiritual damage.

Yuguang performed the same operation, and the two staggered their positions.

The Blood Flame and the Mysterious White Flame slowly devoured Inoue's last vitality.

The main damage in this battle is still from Sakura Ruoxue, and her two stackable burning effects are extremely cruel to the enemy!

Without the output of the battery, Riku and Hamitsu will have to fight at least a few more rounds to completely kill Inoue Ji.

This is the power of the Shinra-level spirit pet, which infinitely amplifies the advantages of the fire attribute, the core of endless output, and the flame of nothingness that breaks thousands of enemies.


100 meters away from Ning'an Tower.

The Broken Army Star Jun slowly put down the special spiritual power telescope, and then smiled slightly: "Human strength has a limit after all, even the Heaven-Conquering Array will be limited by the array eyes. "

He saw all the battles between Riku and Inoue Ji.

A black-robed masked man appeared from the shadows: "Broken Army, what are you guys doing, why don't you help?" "

Wuqu, the people from the Spirit Master Association are coming immediately, do you want me to send me to death?"

"I'm just trying to get to the organization's goals as quickly as possible."

Wuqu Xingjun seemed to be a violent temper, he strode up to the broken army and shouted: "On the contrary, you, why did you watch my subordinates being cut off by the dragon hunting debris?"

Wuqu said angrily: "You guy always likes to observe others like this, old pervert!" "

Young man, the old man likes to look at the distant scenery in his spare time, your temper is too big and it is easy to shorten your life."

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about a bad old man who is half-cut into the soil." Wuqu

Xingjun could only give up when he heard that the task was completed.


Inoue Pole hangs, this special Majin will not leave any crystal nuclei, and the person who was extracted by him to become Majin has not been restored.

Ying Ruoxue has successfully recovered a small number of her own powers, and her level has reached level 14, her situation is relatively special, and she does not need any breakthrough evolution for the time being.

Li Jiu plans to go back and ask Teacher Xiaoguang, what is the Shinra level?

It is worth mentioning that the spirit pet needs to break through and upgrade only at the level of 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, and 100.

The high-grade sisters Yuguangyanwan were not embarrassed at level 20, and they comprehended powerful skills respectively.

Sakura looked blankly at Inoue Ji's burned ashes, and muttered, "Is it finally over?"


Jiujun slowly leaned to her side, gently touching the pair of fox ears on the top of her head, it felt so good~

"Thank you Li Jiujun." She

could no longer control the mixed feelings in her heart, love, relief, resentment, and comfort welled up in her heart.

Li Jiu gently hugged her without speaking.

A long time.

"Let's go, let's go home.

"Well, honey. Sakura Ruoxue slowly raised her head, this was the first time she smiled from the bottom of her heart since turning into a fox.

Li Jiu's wristband rang.

"Li Jiu, are you all right?" Lao Chu's hologram came from the wristband.

"It's okay, it's all over.

"You know, the reinforcements of the large forces of the Spirit Master Association have all arrived.

"Nothing, I still want to be in Neon for a few days."

Old Chu laughed: "It doesn't matter, when the army comes, these little trash fish will be suppressed immediately."

"Uncle Chu, what about that Hu Guan?"

"Ran away, I unloaded one of this grandson's arms." "

So lightly crippled the new soul steward,

this is the uncle who plays cards every day in the security room downstairs?

Li Jiu admired Lu Biehe's energy more and more.

"Wang Chen, this kid is out of love, yesterday he just got the girl's contact information, and today he became a fox demon.

Wang Chen's worried voice came faintly: "Uncle Chu, don't say anything."

Li Jiu smiled: "You guys wait a while, I'll come to the transfer station immediately."

After shutting down communications, Li Jiu leisurely rushed to the transfer station.

He wanted to help Ying Ruoxue kill all the foxes in Crimson City, but this was very unrealistic.

The large army of the Spirit Master Association is all here, he better honestly return to the transfer station, he doesn't want to be a walking 50W, in case he is tortured as an inner ghost, it will be broken.

Moreover, the remnants of the Royal Three Families have not been thoroughly purged, and the fact that Chiyan Evil Fox is Lord Fox God is stabbed out, he may be arrested by the Spirit Master Association.

It is absolutely impossible for them to let this kind of combat power comparable to the level of nuclear weapons in the world run around.

Fortunately, the current insiders are almost dead.

In other words, as long as the spirit pets can develop to level 50 with peace of mind, they who open the third form are their most powerful hole cards.

It is still necessary to be meticulous.

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