On the way back, it was no longer so dangerous, and a large number of high-level spirit masters with powerful spirit pets were divided by two to solve the demon wandering on the side of the road.

The culprit, Inoue Ji, has been burned to ashes by the flame of nothingness, and with the death of all the core leaders of the three imperial families, the true secret of the Heaven-Conquering Array has also been lost.

Old Chu saw that Li Jiu returned to the transfer station unharmed, and the hanging heart in his heart was finally put down.

Old Chuhaha smiled: "You kid can be counted as coming back, let's go back to the mainland together, right?" Li

Jiu waved his hand: "I still have some things to do here."

"Then you may have to wait for several days, and now you are suppressing Operation Majin."

"I'm not in a hurry, I'm originally wandering."

Wang Chen took out a space ring and handed it to Li Jiu: "Brother Li is too dangerous here, my strength is low, I will go back first, this ring contains some common breakthrough materials for light system spirit pets, can you see if you can use it?"

Here is the Radiant Stone that he took at auction last night for Li Jiu.

"Okay, thanks. Li Jiu didn't be polite to him either.

Wang Chen bowed his head slightly: "Thank you, Brother Li, I sold that small book yesterday, 10 million."

"It's over, I'm losing.

Old Chu patted Li Jiu's shoulder: "There may be personnel from the Spirit Master Association to review you in a while, and your attitude should be better."


Old Chu pulled Li Jiu to a corner with a solemn expression.

"By the way, I will keep the matter about that new soul star sovereign secret for you, so don't tell the Spirit Master Association." "

Lao Chu deeply realized the horror of the new soul, and the other party in a battle with the broken army was completely releasing water.

"Don't worry, Uncle Chu, I'm not a fool.

Old Chu sighed heavily: "The Spirit Master Association is not a 'good place', I think you also know it, right?" Li

Jiu nodded, those manipulated demon guards in the Flame Desperate Realm should also be the primary experiments of the Spirit Master Association, and they also studied the methods of controlling Warcraft in the background.

If this group of people discovers that they are related to the leader of the new soul, torture is definitely indispensable.

Old Chu was also afraid that Li Jiu's mind would simply be coaxed in by the people of the Spirit Master Association.

"In the future, you must not join the Spirit Master Association, they just act from the perspective of the righteousness of the Terrans, and their personal ego will be sacrificed.


"If you know the proportions, then I'll send him back first, I'll go and report to the headmaster that he's dying." "

At that time, all the neon spiritual power liaison stations were attacked by the demon to varying degrees, and Lu Biehe, who was far away in the spiritual heart, could not enter the game when he heard the news of the neon drastic change.

In this way, Lao Chu took Wang Chen and rode the swift wing dragon out of Li Jiu's sight.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye....

The remaining demons in Crimson City were wiped out by the Spirit Master troops.

After this battle, the population of Crimson City was sharply reduced by half, and the three imperial families were also hit to varying degrees, and in order to protect the security of the territory, the mainland sent more spirit masters to settle in the Neon District.

Fox God Peak was seriously damaged due to the infighting of the three families, and after awakening, Inoue Hiro, as the only heir of the Inoue family, naturally became the head of the family to take over the Extreme Group.

He and the other two newly appointed heads of the family made a 'decision against the ancestors', and the new three families joined forces to completely destroy the Soul Gathering Tower and the underground array.

Since the three divine forces have disappeared, and there is no need for the Heaven-Conquering Array to exist, this neon incident is caused by the desires in people's hearts, so let's completely cut off the root of evil.

The three families hid the existence of the Soul Gathering Tower from the Spirit Master Association, and the true insiders all avoided talking about it, and privately demolished the large array layout covering the entire Neon Island in the following days.

The researchers of the Spirit Master Association found that the mysterious spiritual power of Neon Island no longer existed, and the country did not reduce the autonomy level of the neon area, but completely opened the neon area to the mainland, and then went freely.

Inoue Ji carried all the black pots, and all the basins were buttoned on his head, and he was listed as the most wanted criminal of the SS level by the Spirit Master Association, with a bounty of 10 billion spirit coins.

The neon incident came to an end.

In the guesthouse at the foot of Mount Fox God.

Li Jiu lazily lay on Yan Wan's soft thighs, enjoying the service of Yuguang's hand-pinching legs.

At this time, Sakura Ruoxue turned into a petite nine-tailed fox, she squinted her eyes and lay comfortably on Li Jiu's chest, and Li Jiu's heart rippled with nine furry tails.

Ying Ruoxue looked at the other three women and thought: You are all humanoid spirit pets, for now, I am the most special, only I can become a furry beast spirit pet.

The fork will waist out.

(● ́∀'●)ノ

Lijiu's lottery prizes in the past few days are all spirit core bags, which are quite good for the level improvement of the four women.

The spirit core package belongs to the more powerful props in the later stage, because there are very few high-level Warcraft, so the high-level spirit core is extremely expensive.

A few people who had just come out of the bath watched the neon broadcast on TV, and now the neon area has returned to normal.

"Master Se, let's go see the sea!" said Yan Yu excitedly.

It's a holiday, we can do whatever we want. "

Before leaving Neon, you must fulfill Ruoxue's wish.

Li Jiu got up and picked up Sakura Ruoxue in his arms and lifted her high, and the little red fox nodded happily.

Li Jiu only took the fox state of Sakura Ruoxue to the street, and four peerless beauties with all manners appeared on the street at the same time, even if they were spiritual pets, they would become the focus of everyone.

What's more, he held back in the guesthouse for three days, evaded the investigation of the Spirit Master Association, and now pretending to be in the limelight is equivalent to losing his previous achievements.

Those nine tails fused together looked like a beautiful flame fox to outsiders, although it was very beautiful, but it did not cause too much commotion.

After all, almost everyone in the neon area has a fox spirit pet.

The big fox happily hung on Li Jiu's shoulder, and this sense of preferential treatment from the owner made her extremely happy.

The first stop is Inoue's house.

Li Jiu and the guards expressed their purpose, and Inoue Hiroshi personally came to welcome Li Jiu into the hospital after hearing this.

The arrogant Second Lord lost his father and sister in just a few days, and now he has become the patriarch of the Extreme Group, and the heavy responsibility pressure almost overwhelmed him, but this also made his whole person become calm and steady.

"Li: Hisashi

Inoue's mind was dizzy, and he vaguely remembered that he had spoken on the phone with the handsome black-haired young man in front of him.

However, the sequelae of brainwashing and the power of the forbidden fruit of reincarnation made those memories in his mind extremely chaotic.

"Well, go inside and say.


Sakura Ruoxue looked at the familiar Inoue family, Stone Mountain, Green Bamboo, Red Maple and Moss, everything was so familiar.

It's a pity that things have long been human....

"Li Jiujun, please drink tea.

Inoue Hiroshi sat upright making tea for the visitors, and the clear water outside the courtyard gurgled from the bamboo trough into the well, with a few green leaves floating in the water.

Li Jiu laughed: "Inoue-kun, I'm not an elegant person, I did it directly." "

A sip of cow drink, the refreshing aroma of tea overflows in the mouth.

"Good tea!"

Inoue smiled: "Happy! I like the temper of mainlanders."

Li Jiuyi changed his expression and said seriously: "Do you remember that you have a sister?"

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