At the head of the majestic cross-island bridge, a biting sea breeze hit Lijiu!

With Li Jiu's current level and spiritual power, he couldn't react to the sneak attack of a high-level spiritual master at all!

"Boy, you give me death!"

At this moment, Ying Ruoxue's high-grade role was reflected, although she did not have the magical ability of Yuguang to detect nearby spiritual power, but her ability to adapt to changes was even better.

The figure of the blood-colored nine-tailed fox galloped out like a bolt of lightning, and she easily dodged the spinning flying blade attack that appeared out of thin air in the shadow on the right with Li Jiu, and bought valuable debut time for Yuguang and Yan Yu.

Li Jiu instantly calmed his mind and analyzed the current situation.

Isn't that right? The old man of the Liu family is still howling with a handful of snot and tears at the white skeleton?

It was obvious that the Liu family did not know that Liu Cheng was dead, so who were these spirit masters who attacked them in front of them?

Could it be the Ye family or the Qin family?

That means that your current position is not safe, and you may suffer from enemies.

However, the bridge leading to Fox God Island has been occupied by these two old immortals, do you want to start a bloody battle and fight the momentum of the broken cauldron and sink the boat?

However, if the information of the Supreme Xuanling Art is leaked, he will become a fragrant bounty in the eyes of all Xuanling Masters.

What to do about it?


The Xuanling masters around the battlefield who seemed to be returning home from school saw everything in front of them, and couldn't help but widen their eyes and exclaimed: "Lying groove, are these two people crazy?" When the street sneaks up on juniors?

"Sarilang! Sarilang!

"You say two words less." His companion immediately covered his mouth.

"Is this kid lucky or unlucky?"

", these people are too doggy! I have to help him! "A beautiful spirit master with big breasts in her 30s couldn't help but want to help after seeing Li Jiu being attacked by a sneak attack.

"Big sister, think about it, this kid has offended Xuanling Master, we can't afford to provoke it!"

"That's it, let's go if you don't see it, big sister."

"I don't care!"

"Old Fourth, Old Seven, take the eldest sister away together." Seeing that the situation was not good, the vice captain of the squad quickly covered the woman's mouth.

There were also several kind-hearted Xuanling Masters who wanted to help, but the moment they saw Qin Wen and Qin Wu's spiritual power level, they withdrew their little goodwill.

This young man's enemy is really too strong, 2 spirit masters of about level 40, which means that if you want to help, at least 6 spirit pets of level 30 or so are even higher!

The grade of the spirit pet only determines the growth of the spirit pet, and each step is a qualitative improvement, not to mention the opposite 2 people and 6 pets?

So they slowly retracted their feet back into the crowd queue.

Of course, the combat power of the spirit masters is not infinitely expanded.

Before the Spirit Master level reaches level 60, let you have as many Spirit Pets, and there are only 3 Spirit Pets that will fight at the same time.

Otherwise, the Warcraft would have been killed by the Spirit Master using the tactics of the sea of people.

Most ordinary spirit masters are also unable to cultivate several powerful spirit pets at the same time.

Their strongest spiritual pets tend to be Godsends, because they have been with their owners for the longest time and have the highest synchronization value.

"Let's go, let's go, we can't see."

"Stop looking."



Qin Wu looked at Li Jiu who was instantly out of the range of his shadow dance beast's sneak attack.

He was extremely curious in his heart, what kind of grade was this blood-colored fox?

How did the response be so rapid?

They didn't dare to use their signature spirit pets, and if the attack on the junior in broad daylight was exposed, the status of the Qin family would plummet.

This is also the main reason why he didn't come up and send the strongest spiritual pet.

Although Qin Wu's shadow dance beast is a fourth-order leader level, and its level is not the highest, the special skill that can be integrated into the shadow was actually so lightly dissolved by the blood fox that was less than the third order in front of him?

"Up! Since the sneak attack can't be done, then kill with all your strength, this is really not an ordinary newcomer! The black-clothed Qin Wen standing on the bridge shouted!

2 people and 6 powerful high-level spirit pets with different shapes pounced on Li Jiu while steaming, while Ying Ruoxue used her speed advantage to glide a long distance and spread a distance.

Li Jiu jumped off the fox's back and said coldly: "Ruoxue, get ready to fight." "

Li Jiu, who has no flying mount, will definitely be caught up if he blindly escapes.

"Well, my dear, I will definitely protect you."

"Boy, didn't you run away?" Qin Wu commanded the eagle-bodied banshee above his head to attack first.

Half-orc - Eagle Banshee, a flying spirit pet that specializes in long-range powerful wind attacks, and its signature skill is the high-speed wind blade.

"Obey, my master."

This eagle-bodied banshee has the high-speed flight ability of an eagle, its claws can easily tear the surrounding space, and invisible wind blades visible to the naked eye mixed with endless killing intent are rolling towards Li Jiu at high speed!


Yan Yu quickly exerted the wind of revival for Sakura Ruoxue and her master after her appearance.

She instantly completed the release pre-setting of the Cold Jing Sitting Lotus, but this time the target was not to attack.

A green thorn more than six meters tall broke through the ground in front of Li Jiu, which could block most of the extremely powerful high-speed wind blades, and Li Jiu successfully defused this trick with the cold wattle sitting lotus as a cover.


Then a large number of wind blades cut this cold wattle lotus in half, and this crushing from the high level was somewhat desperate.

"This black-haired young man has skills, his spiritual pets are all in the second form, no wonder someone wants to hunt him down?"

The crowd watching the battle had never seen such a powerful summoning technique.

Their departure stopped abruptly, and they were all driven by instinct to stop and watch this battle of life and death.

"Hehe~ You junior has something!"

"Geniuses will die!"

Yuguang gracefully retreated, and a bowstring shot a dazzling light fury arrow in the direction of Qin Wen and Qin Wu, like a brilliant meteor in the dark night constantly tearing the space, and the manic spiritual power emitted from the tip of the arrow was enough to leapfrog and kill a high-level spirit master!

"Not good!"

"Puppet Wood Warrior, Wood Barrier!"

In the face of Yuguang's light angry arrow, the two did not dare to be careless, a 2-person tall stout tree spirit behind Qin Wen slapped the earth, and several thick logs appeared from the ground in front of the two to form a wooden shield!


The violent light fury arrow slammed into the wooden giant shield, and a semi-circular spiritual power sphere devoured all the space in the vicinity!

"Lying groove, this angel's arrow is so strong?"


The evil blood-colored fox tails were all unfolded, and a fist-sized ghost fire ignited on one of the tails. '

Burning Star!'

Qin Wu and Qin Wen glanced at each other behind the wooden barrier, and they read the infinite shock in each other's eyes.

"It's not good, that fox's skills are too weird!"

A yellow-orange-orange boulder rushed straight towards the wooden barrier like a burning sun, and the eyes of the surrounding masses were completely distorted by the blazing heat!

"Ice Elf, use the ice wall!" Qin Wen exclaimed.

A blue misty object floating next to the puppet warrior shook its body, and after a short chant, it chirped strangely.

Two thick walls of ice immediately appeared on the outer layer of the wooden barrier, and the height reached 10 meters!

The Void Flame attached to the blazing fire meteorite easily melted the ice city wall, and the Burning Star, which had weakened a little, slammed into the crumbling wooden barrier with high temperature!


The evaporated water vapor filled the entire bridge, and then a deafening explosion shook everyone dumbfounded.

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