This is the combat power of a level 30 spirit pet?

The Eagle Banshee in the black night sky intends to cast a powerful tornado to kill Ri Jiu.

The spiritual pets have long discovered its intentions.

As soon as Yuguang stepped on it hard, a deep pit in the original shape appeared directly on the ground, and the angel holding the double-bladed still did not fall in the face of the high-level wind system spirit pet.

The roaring brown dragon flew out of thin air from Yan Yu's palm, lurking in the shadow of the eagle banshee, and the shadow dance beast that had just jumped out to assassinate Li Jiu was fiercely shot away by the wooden dragon.

Its body flew upside down like a cannonball, slamming into the broken green wattle.

In the blink of an eye, 3 ghostly blood-colored flames attached to the wooden dragon that bit the enemy fiercely, and the foul smell of burning quickly spread throughout the bridge!

"Wha~" The shadow dance beast let out a strange mournful sound, quickly retreated into the shadows, and did not dare to show its head at will.

With one enemy and two, the level is crushed, and even a small advantage is achieved without performing imperial arts.

Who the hell is this man?

"Firetooth Dog, use Lock Flame Impact!"

A red fierce dog more than one meter tall opened its mouth, and after charging in advance, a black-red flame like a laser ray stabbed towards Li Jiu at high speed!

"Master, be careful."

The feather light who was fighting in the air judged that the flame impact was more powerful, and she activated [Loyalty] and turned into a holy light and instantly came to Li Jiu's side, and the heavenly wings turned into pure white six-winged holy shields at the fastest speed to block the flame impact!

The six-winged holy shield is like flowing water hitting stones, constantly dividing into menacing black-red desperate rays!

"My mother, the fire tooth dog didn't kill him in five seconds?"

"This kid is so perverted!"

More and more Xuanling masters gathered on the edge of this bridge to eat melons and watch the play, while the father and daughter of the Qin family hid behind the crowd and just watched from afar.

Qin Shuang looked at Li Jiu's back and muttered, "This... That's outrageous, right?

Qin Wujie was also completely dumbfounded, she never expected that Li Jiu and Ye Wujiu had not used all their strength to fight at all.

Who is this black-haired young man?


Li Jiu did not think that he had the upper hand, his combat power was limited, and it was obvious that the opposite side had not yet activated the Xuanling Technique because he was afraid of being recognized by others, and it was a little difficult to leave this place safely.

Break the cauldron and sink the boat, right?

When Li Jiu clenched the light and dark double knife in his hand and was about to find a way to rub some minor injuries, a cold aroma filled his nose.

A snow-white figure appeared out of thin air to block in front of him, and the ordinary position that could not be in an ordinary standing posture still outlined a bump and undulation, which made people's blood flow.

A cold female voice that sounded like a heavenly sound resounded throughout the bridge, "After so many years, the measure of Xuanling Master is still only so little?" A group of people watching newcomers being killed?

Before the words fell, a sensitive and evil black dream beast suddenly rushed out from the shadows under the electric light by the bridge.

The black dream beast and the leopard are somewhat similar in size, but they have a pair of dreamy double horns on their heads, and the overall look is very beautiful, so they are called dream beasts.

This black dream beast was like a skilled assassin in the dark, and with the blessing of skills, the speed of the black dream beast could not even be seen clearly by Ying Ruoxue, and it bypassed the puppet warrior like a ghost and came behind Qin Wen.

"Stop if you don't want to die." A woman's voice suddenly appeared in Qin Wen's ears, and the sharpness on his neck almost scared him on the spot.

What speed is this?

I didn't see at all, how did she come to her?

"Come back!" Qin Wen had no choice but to recall all his spiritual pets.

At the same time, a very sweet-looking green-haired girl danced high in the air with a magic wand, and there were two pairs of transparent cicada-like wings on her back!

"Change, change!"

Countless straight vines like chains suddenly stretched out from the feet of the broken green wattle, and they trapped the eagle-bodied banshee that did not react in the air like evil tentacles!

Tortoiseshell binding....

And Qin Wu ignored the warning that the black dream beast turned into a woman, and continued to order the shadow dance beast to cast the shadow blade to attack Li Jiu.

"It's really looking for death!"

The white-clothed fairy's voice had a hint of anger in it, the black dream beast grinned, and a black mist was released from under her feet, shrouding Qin Wen and Qin Wu in it...


When the mysterious black fog dispersed, only two headless male corpses remained, and the dark black blood was so shocking.

They were taken in seconds by one move!

Who is this mysterious woman in white? In just a few seconds, all the crises encountered by this black-haired young man were resolved!

A cold, emotionless reprimand came, "Selfishness." The

mysterious woman's words would pop in the faces of all the Xuanling Masters present, but no one dared to refute them.

Because the spiritual power fluctuations she exuded were so terrifying that she could completely crush everyone present!

Level 70!

Li Jiu was also stunned by what happened in front of him, and his jaw almost fell to the ground.

From this perspective, he could even vaguely see the rounded silhouette of the pair of plump ripe peaches.

At this time, a strange idea suddenly popped up in Li Jiu's mind, he must be able to give birth to a son...

Blah blah, what was I thinking?

The audience was silent for a full minute, and finally the kind female spiritual master looked at the veiled woman and said, "Who is she?" So strong!

"This.... Dress up... Could it be Chu Fairy? The old man with spicy eyes spoke.

"A hundred years have passed, and Chu fairies don't bring old ones..." muttered a middle-aged spirit master.

"Who is Fairy Chu?"

After Qin Shuang took his daughter to stand in the distance of the crowd and saw the back of the mysterious woman, he walked out bravely regardless of the sight of the Qin family, and he said respectfully towards the white-clothed fairy: "Qin Shuang didn't know that the Chu fairy was coming, please forgive the fairy." There

was a hint of excitement in his voice.

This Qin Shuang did not have the arrogance and arrogance that a hegemon should have, he was always smiling and humble, and his manners were gentle and courteous, which was the object of most young female spiritual masters' aspirations.

Qin Shuang, as the overlord of the Northern Regions, only had one wife, and the reason was because he always had a fairy like white moonlight in his heart.

Today, when he carefully looked at the face of the white-clothed fairy, he was already confused, even though this woman's face was covered with ice veils, revealing that the talking eyes were the eyes he had longed for.

Chu Xinyu, the name of the white-clothed fairy in front of him.

A fairy who appeared a hundred years ago in the Spirit Master Ranking Battle, she is both beautiful and powerful.

Represented the Tianji Sect to win the Spirit Master Ranking Battle championship, and then never appeared again, leaving only the legend of Chu Fairy Xia Fan.

Qin Shuang, as a man who had fought with her, had the privilege of seeing Chu Xinyu's true face under the ice veil.

At that moment, Qin Shuang knew that he would never want to win her in this life.

Stunning stunner.

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