Walking dozens of steps, the cold and hard ice crystal ground under his feet.

There is a crooked cold ice path ahead, and the brown ancient trees on both sides, a touch of snow white devours the roots of the old trees, and the ice crystals hanging on the branches reflect the colorful light, which is very dazzling.

The snow stones of different shapes are like guards of Tianji Peak on both sides, and they will not fall.

A long sound, straight through the sky, a big blue bird more than ten meters long landed above Li Jiu's head, and the sense of oppression attached to the big blue bird when it approached made Li Jiu's whole body suddenly freeze.... There is no doubt that this strong sense of oppression is enough to kill Li Jiu in the second stage.

The big blue bird leaned over without hostility, and due to the effect of Peng Zhiyu, it disarmed itself and then happily shouted at Li Jiu.


A group of blue birds flew over like elves in the snow, and they surrounded Li Jiu as if they were holding a welcome meeting.

Birds chirp.

Chu Xinyu followed behind Li Jiu slowly, and after seeing this, she smiled softly and fell into the country.

It seems that the spirit beasts on the mountain accepted Li Jiu.

The flower fairy next to her jumped and greeted Big Bird, "Big Blue, we're back."

The big blue bird nodded very humanely.

Li Jiu looked at the incomparably handsome blue bird in front of him.


Grade: Elite level

: Level 53

Introduction: A powerful ice bird spirit pet, daily travel thousands of miles

skill: ice storm ice arrow .......

Current synchronization value: 58

Li Jiu patted his chest, "It turned out to be the master's spiritual pet, it scared me."

"This is the foot of Tianji Peak, and there is the mountain gate of the Tianji Sect that has been inherited for thousands of years." Chu Xinyu pointed to the boulder not far away and explained softly: "It's just different from the sect in your impression, there are only you and me here." Li

Jiu followed the master's hand, is this his place of residence in the short term?

A fifty-meter-tall brown boulder stood in the distance, with three large characters engraved on it: 'Tianji Sect'.

The font is powerful and arrogant.

On the right hand side of the boulder is a gate made of majestic and domineering ice for thousands of years, and inside are extremely tall buildings, or palaces, buildings.

These are all hundred zhang buildings made of Xuanbing stone, constantly reflecting the cold light...

Up are the steps made of thousand-year-old cold jade, ancient pavilions, boulders, cedars, thousand ice flowers...

All this seems to drag Li Jiu into a beautiful ice and snow wonderland.

"Yay! Finally home. The flower fairy flapped its wings and flew into the gate of the Tianji Sect.

"Yes, we're home." When Chu Xinyu came, her expression was no longer so tense, because this was her home.

Li Jiu followed in a daze, and the scenery inside surprised him even more.

Bottomless cliffs, majestic glaciers, unique buildings are distributed throughout the Tianji Sect, and in front of it is a wide square, and a Tai Chi gossip pattern is printed on the ground.

Standing on the edge of the cliff on the lower side of the square, Li Jiu couldn't help but marvel: "Master, are you sure that there are only you and me here?" Looking at the architectural design, it feels like a super huge sect?

"Xiao Jiu, in my impression, there are only two masters and apprentices in Tianji Peak, and no one else..."

Li Jiu muttered, "Is this really the case?"

The Tianji Sect gave Li Jiu the feeling that a large sect that was originally extremely prosperous began to wither due to some changes, and then the supreme power used its indescribably huge divine power to move the mountain gate to this place to live in seclusion.

Chu Xinyu took Li Jiu to continuously introduce: "This is Tianji Square, a good place to cultivate spiritual power, and you can also watch the sky at night here." "

There are also Guanri Peak, Zawang Peak, Hanyu Peak and so on.... The level of Warcraft within the Tianji Sect is just right for your cultivation.

At this time, a small and cute white cat excitedly came out of the palace on the left, flew directly into Chu Xinyu's waves and began to coquette.

"Master, you can be counted back! Xiaobai, I waited for a long time, woo-woo..." Safely

arrived at the Tianji Sect, Li Jiu also released all his spiritual pets.

The black-haired Yan Yu stomped his foot with a puff of breath: "Stinky master, I fell asleep yesterday without playing with Yu'er."

Li Jiu dotingly scratched her nose and said, "Obviously you slept by yourself for a day, what do you care about me?" Yuguang

did not see such a beautiful landscape, and she flew back to the cliff just now to see the scenery.

The big fox hung on Li Jiu like a bib, and her eyes were only her own family.

Chu Xinyu hugged the white rabbit and said with a smile: "Xiaojiu, your relationship with the spirit pet is really good, the synchronization value is an extremely important value, don't forget."

"Yes, Master."

"Xiaojiu, you come with me to the Cold Jade Pool once, I will pass on to you a unique method of cultivating spiritual power."

She whistled lightly, and the big blue bird flew over when she heard the sound, carrying the master and apprentice towards the cold jade pond in the distance.

Yuguang, who was sitting on the edge of the cliff, looked back and followed closely with a hard kick.

Li Jiu, who looked down at the blue big bird's back, found that the area of Tianji Peak was extremely large, and he was even more certain about the guess in his heart.

You will be greeted by a jade pond that exudes cold air, a few exotic flowers and plants shining with light on the shore, and an elegant white crane pacing back and forth next to it.

The end of the nose is filled with the ultimate coldness and aroma.

In this way, there are several mysterious fish roaming in the jade pond... Aren't they cold?

"This is the cold jade pond, which is connected to the underground river of Beiqing Snow below, and drinking this water for a long time is good for the body."

[Cold Pool Water]: Lower grade Dibao, spiritual power level +1 after the first drink, there will be an additional bonus when used for alchemy medicine.

Chu Xinyu looked at Han Yuchi and said in a daze: "Xiaojiu, I passed on your cultivation method to some dullness, but it can help you stabilize your mind.

She took out a jade Jane from her hand, "The world is intoxicated by the drunken gold because of desire, and if there is no desire, there is no sorrow or joy, and it is calm and natural..." Li

Jiu half knelt down and solemnly took the jade Jane, and then put it away.

Li Jiu looked at Chu Xinyu and asked solemnly, "Has Master been practicing this desireless technique?" Chu

Xinyu was a little lost in thought, "As a person of heavenly machine, you must be able to have no desires or desires in your heart, and you absolutely cannot use this power to satisfy your own selfish desires."

"Master, all living things have limits, so why not experience more things in a limited life?"

"I... I just follow the master's legacy and guard the [Heavenly Machine].

Li Jiu asked a new question: "Master, you have been alone for so long, haven't you wanted to go somewhere else?"

Chu Xinyu looked at the young man in front of her blankly, not knowing what to say for a while.

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