Li Jiu looked at Chu Xinyu and said, "Is the master waiting for someone?"

"I didn't wait for anyone, and no one would come."

Chu Xinyu recalled what her master said to her before she died: "Xinyu, Xuanling Art is a curse, a curse that cannot be eliminated!" Ordinary people use Xuanling Technique to pay for lifespan, and our users of [Tianji] pay not only life, but also life! "

It is for the selfishness of the master that harmed you, and we only have the fate of [spying on the heavenly machine and dying], which has remained unchanged for ten thousand years."

"But secretly using 100 years of life for the master has calculated for you, you have to remember, everything is done from the heart, do not resist..."

"When the variable comes, it is also the day of your liberation."

At this moment, Li Jiu cried when he saw the beautiful fairy like a glacier.

A line of crystalline tears slipped from Chu Xinyu's blue eyes, and this long-lost feeling of heat made Chu Xinyu's heart confused.

No one had ever asked her what she wanted to do, not even her previous master.

Even Chu Xinyu herself doesn't know what the meaning of living is?

Li Jiu looked at the poignant and moving master in front of him, gently stroked her snow fat jade face, hurriedly helped her wipe her slippery tears, and a trace of coolness passed down her palm.

He never expected that he actually asked the master to cry, presumably poking her sad thing.

Chu Xinyu froze for a few seconds before reacting, and quickly turned around.

Leaving Li Jiu with a slightly sad back, a cold voice came over: "Xiaojiu, it's for the master gaffe..." Li Jiu

lowered his head in self-blame: "I'm sorry master, it's all a lot of apprentices, I shouldn't say anything to contradict the master." There

seemed to be a trace of sadness in the air, "Xiaojiu, there really is no other meaning for the master..... I just hope you don't get disturbed by demons.

"I'm sorry, master, the apprentice also has a spiritual power cultivation method called Cutting Desire, although it is also to cut off his desire, but it is not to achieve no desire in his heart."

"It's all apprentices playing cleverness against the master, ask the master to punish."

"Everything has two sides, you are right, the master who conforms to the rules is waiting for his own death..." Chu

Xinyu's voice changed a little, "Xiaojiu, you can play here first, I.... First go back to the square room to rest.

Li Jiu looked at the distant fairy and regretted it in his heart.

But he didn't know that the reason why Chu Xinyu cried was that someone would finally ask her what she really thought, and that person was still her most important apprentice.

It's just that now Chu Xinyu still doesn't know what the driving force in her heart is.

Chu Xinyu defyed the will of heaven and privately chose to take Li Jiu as an apprentice, and she didn't know if this was the right choice.

In fact, every Tianji heir has used the power of the Supreme Art to invisibly change the trend of history, avoiding countless wars that should have been bloody at the cost of their own lifespan.


Li Jiu sat on the edge of the cold jade pond and meditated, and the blood-colored big fox lay comfortably on the snow and rolled comfortably.

How to make the master happy?

By the way, the Holy Spirit Seal!

Li Jiu hurriedly ended his meditation cultivation, and he quickly rummaged through his body to find the only remaining space ring of the Liu family.

Finally, he found the 'panicked' mid-grade Holy Spirit Seal in a dirty space ring.

"Hmph, it's back in my hands after going around in circles, it's better to give you to the master to make her happy."

Li Jiu had already secretly checked, even if it was a spirit master of Chu Xinyu's level, his spiritual pet was not in the state of being filled with the Holy Spirit Seal.

Before going back.

Li Jiu took out a clean small bottle and filled it with some cold pool water, and he tasted it gently, it was very sweet!

A heart-warming feeling filled his body, and the white spiritual power in Li Jiu's body swelled again!

Glancing at the current panel, it's good!

Host: Li Jiu Physical Strength: Level 27 Spiritual Power: Level 27

At this time, Yu Guang slowly leaned over to Li Jiu

and sat down: "Master, in fact, you don't have to worry, the master should not be sad and crying, he should be too moved, right?"

Li Jiu looked at the cute angel beside him in surprise: "Yuguang also understands the meaning of moving?"

Yuguang touched his chest and muttered, "Every time the master feeds me, I am warm here, this should be touching, right?"

Her head gently rested on Li Jiu's shoulder: "Obviously I don't need to eat... The host will also take care of me and I am really happy.

Ying Ruoxue, who was rolling on the side, also jumped into Li Jiu's arms, raised her head with a look and said, "I don't understand Chu Xinyu's thoughts very well, but she should care about you from the bottom of her heart, so I reluctantly admit her." "

The combat effectiveness is also strong enough, and it can also protect.... You, take it.

"What are you talking about?" Li Jiu helped her straighten her smooth fox fur.

"Hmph! The women who can be recognized by me are at least stronger than me, except for Chu Xinyu, if other women want to get close to you, I will set them on fire!"

Li Jiu laughed: "You can stop, don't be like a self-detonating KB molecule."

Ying Ruoxue muttered in a low voice: "To the humans of the Holy Spirit Star, I was originally a KB member..."

"It's about the same~" The big fox squinted comfortably and enjoyed Li Jiu's massage service.

"The synchronization value of Ding~ and the Chiyan Evil Fox has been increased by 1 point, and the current synchronization value is 74."

Yan Yu, who was teasing the white crane, walked over with a resentful face, the cherry small mouth pouted, and the lotus decoration on his head hung down.

"The master doesn't love me anymore, and I haven't played with Yu'er for a long time."

"Play with you, play with you."


Li Jiu, who played with Yan Yu for two hours, was a little tired, and Yan Yu in his arms hung in front of Li Jiu like a small school bag.

"Master, take out that egg and take a look, we will eat it if it doesn't hatch, right?"

"Yu'er knows how to eat."

"Hehe~ Not used to you yet?"

"But my spiritual power level is not enough now, and I can't sign a contract when I hatch?"

The black fog on Yan Yu's body kept emerging, and Yan Wan ran out with a flattering face.

She lay on Li Jiu's body and smiled: "Master, birds and monsters are difficult to tame, you can take advantage of its weakness to interact with it more and cultivate a little chick plot."

"In case a high-level peng bird is really hatched, it will directly pat its butt and fly away."

Li Jiu thought about it, so let's hatch the eggs, right?

Within the Tianji Peak, it would not be able to fly far even if it escaped.

Li Jiu took out the mysterious spirit pet egg from the system space, that is, this egg did not mean to resurrect and break at all.

Yan Yu in his arms smiled and held the spirit pet egg from Li Jiu's hand, "Little egg, if you don't come out again, I will eat you!" "

This spirit pet egg seemed to react a little when it heard Yan Yu's words, and the patterns and luster on it became more and more mysterious...

Yan Yu held the pet egg and pretended to scare it, but soon she found that the other side did not buy it at all.

I could only ask Li Jiu for help, "Master, if it doesn't come out, what should I do?" "

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