Li Jiu took the spirit pet egg and touched it with both hands, and it seemed to be beating continuously like a breath.

[System, is it there?] 【

Here, you don't want me to help you hatch your eggs, do you?】 [

It's not that you haven't done it.] [

Damn, you actually use this system as a tool person, and you are no longer good with you. 【

If I get stronger as soon as possible, I can also help you as soon as possible, right?】 Li Jiu began to fool the system.

[There is some truth in that, but I can't interfere too much in everything in this world, then it will collapse.] 【

Just this time, not next time.】 【


system seemed to soften, and a mysterious white light shrouded this spirit pet egg.

"Snap~" A gentle sound.

The eggshell is broken.

Li Jiu and the spirit pets looked at the powerful monsters inside the spirit pet eggs.

A smaller bird looked at the three people and a fox in front of it with a blank face, and it seemed to think: Huh? Why was I born all of a sudden?

Its mouth is hooked, its small claws are sharp, its back is blue-black, and its tail tip is white, which is very cute?


Grade: Normal level

: Level 10

Introduction: An extremely mysterious new type of magical beast, the descendant of the legendary Kunpeng and the Western Immortal Bird, with extremely high growth and extremely tenacious vitality.


: Defiance: Gain unique breakthrough value through battle, unlimited

reverse dance eight wastes: completely unaffected by the master-servant spirit contract, each breakthrough level can choose to retain the evolution of a skill

claw strike: use sharp claws to attack enemies.

Li Jiu couldn't believe everything in front of him, and asked the system in his heart: [System, how long is the normal hatching time for this egg? 【

At least 200 years.】


Xiaoxiao is a more ordinary spirit pet in the Warcraft-wing system, if it were not for the [Defiance] and [Reverse Dance Eight Wastes] of the system panel, Li Jiu suspected that he was not taking the wrong spirit pet egg.

In the eyes of outsiders, this is always ordinary.

Li Jiu looked at this cute-looking little guy and fell into deep thought.

Kunpeng and the immortal bird fell in love and gave birth to a little one like a girl's pet?


The cyan bird chirped a few times in protest, and then it flapped its pair of cyan wings and flew up, as if it wanted to fly away like this.

"Xiaoxiao, I saved you from the hands of the West Pole pariah, and you just left?"

A dashing cyan figure in the air circled several times near the cedar next to it.

It is not ordinary small, because it can understand what Li Jiu says.


The blue bird chirped and slowly landed on Li Jiu's shoulder, and those cute little eyes looked at Li Jiulai carefully with blue light.

It shook its head very humanely, seemingly not recognizing the human being in front of it.

"Bah~" The

cyan figure streaked past Li Jiu and flew not far from the snow forest in front, and then it turned around and flapped its wings as if to say: Follow me!

Yan Yu said dumbly: "Master, the grade of this little bird looks so low."

"Let's go, let's follow and see, it can understand me."

Li Jiu took the spirit pets to follow the guidance of the blue bird to a snow forest, and not far away there was a low-level snow wolf wandering.

【Snow Wolf】

Grade: Rare

Level: Level 12

Introduction: Classic Whetstone

Skill: Mad Claw The bloodthirsty

little blue bird looked at the snow wolf in front of him vigilantly, fluttered its wings and flew to the sky, as if he wanted to make a move.

Its wings are not yet full, and by human standards, it looks like a baby who has just learned to walk.

Yan Wan quickly covered her small mouth: "Master, its strength is so weak, can it beat this thick-skinned snow wolf?"

"It wants to fight up the ranks." Li Jiu was a little speechless.

"This guy has a very tough personality." Sakura Wakayuki turned into a human form and stood aside.

The little blue bird chirped to cheer himself up, angrily soaring into the blue underworld, and then his body quickly approached the humble snow wolf like a phantom.

The tips of the sharp nails glow with a glow of coldness!

"This is not the combat power of an ordinary level Warcraft at all!" Yuguang said with some surprise.

The blue bird's attack speed is fast, it is worthy of being the descendant of Kunpeng and the immortal bird, and the snow wolf of the same rank is not an opponent at all.

Every time the little blue bird glided with its claws, it would take away a large piece of flesh behind the snow wolf, and within a few minutes, the snow wolf who was lazy and lazy at Tianji Peak was tortured and killed by a newborn sky overlord.

The little proudly landed on the corpse of the snow wolf, swallowing the flesh and blood in the belly of the snow wolf.

It found the small blue crystal clear bead, but it could not absorb the spirit core whose attributes did not match.

"That's awesome." Sakura murmured.

Generally speaking, Warcraft cubs need human or parental care, and have no ability to prey at all.

A cyan light shot up from Xiaoxiao's body, its body became three points larger, its eyes were more fierce, its wings were fuller, and the cold light on its nails was extremely sharp.

Li Jiu glanced at the small panel again, it had broken through to the rare level and learned a new skill.

【Blue Wing】Grade: Rare Level

: Level 12

Skill: Sharp Claw Strike Fierce Dance Eight Wilderness Polar Shadow (Accelerates its own flight speed by 20%)

Blue Wing

is a relatively common flying battle pet, and its unique Polar Shadow can burst into flight speed in a short period of time, which is very popular with spiritual masters.

But Qingyi is not on the small evolutionary tree at all, it belongs to the same wing family but is not a subfamily at all!

This should be the legendary mutant spirit pet!

Yuguang, the Yan Wan sisters and even Sakura Ruoxue, evolution can only choose on a fixed branch of their own race.

Sakura Ruoxue only changed her attributes, from light attributes to fire attributes, and her essence was still a fox clan.

But the little blue bird has changed from a 'toy' spirit pet to a bird of prey war pet.

Li Jiu can determine the growth of the two skills of [Defiance] and [Reverse Dance Eight Wilderness].

Ordinary to the mythical level is exactly eight levels, I wonder if it can break through to the Shinra level?

The mutant spirit pet is definitely a strange thing in the spirit pet field, and it is also the biggest surprise for all spirit masters.

"How can I fool it into my spiritual pet?"

Yan Wanxin said: "Master, while it is not strong and can't fly far, you will accompany it more to make a familiar face, the cyan wings should be wind attribute spirit pets, this kind of guy is very tricky, you must have the means to convince it."

Yuguang didn't think so, she said softly: "Master, let's touch it with love, right?"

Sakura Ruoxue looked disdainful: "It's just a little bird, if it's not obedient, I'll roast it and eat it!"

Yan Yu laughed heartlessly after listening to it: "Sister Ying, remember to add spicy!" "

Fortunately, the little blue bird didn't hear the conversation of the women, and if he didn't show it, he would be scared away."

Li Jiu slowly approached the cyan bird, it did not care about Li Jiu's approaching movements, still eating meat with its head stuffed.

Li Jiu said flatly: "I know your situation, I know that you don't like to be restrained, but I am also the one who hatched you, count you as half a father, now you don't run around, how about staying here obediently?"

"You see, I can do magic." Li Jiu picked up the second-order ice attribute spirit core.

The light of transformation kept flickering, and the little blue bird's eyes were full of big doubts.

How did this thing become a wind attribute?

"Follow me, do you have a spirit core to eat?" Li Jiu gently reached out and handed over the second-order wind attribute spirit core.

Which newborn little blue bird is the opponent of cunning humans?

It felt that Li Jiu did not forcibly contract it, so it nodded happily.

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