Li Jiu gently stroked the fox hair under his crotch, "Ruoxue, you run so fast, it won't be lost, right?"

Yuguang's voice came from above: "Master, it's desperately chasing behind." "

Well, it's still white today. (Don't think about it for others, there is a holy light)

Ying Ruoxue said with a dissatisfied face: "This little guy is really arrogant, I must educate it well today!" Although

she said cruel words, Sakura Ruoxue would deliberately slow down and wait for the cyan bird behind to catch up and seduce it to Tianji Square like fishing.

The low-level monsters on this road were hit by the fox fire automatic attack behind the nine-tailed fox, shouting: Lying down is also shot.

Li Jiu's mind was very meticulous, and after entering Tianji Peak, he used the unique strange stones or ancient trees on the side of the road as a mark to easily find his way back.

Of course, he can also choose to shout to attract the attention of those blue birds in the sky.... It's a bit of a shame to say that.

"Swish~" The sound of the wind howling in my ears.

Li Jiu was getting closer and closer to Tianji Square, and he could even faintly see Chu Xinyu sitting on a round ice stone meditating quietly.

"Master, I'm back." Li Jiu jumped off the fox's back and whispered.

Chu Xinyu had already adjusted her mentality and slowly opened her eyes: "Hmm."

Li Jiu took out the small brocade box containing the Zhongpin Holy Spirit Seal from the space ring, and carefully walked to Chu Xinyu's body, and he was also relieved to find that the master had returned to normal.

"Master, this is a little bit of the apprentice's heart." Li Jiu respectfully handed over the small box.

"Kojiu, this is?"

Chu Xinyu's beautiful eyes flowed, and she looked at the things inside with some surprise.

"This thing is a little valuable, Xiaojiu, you can keep it yourself, the master can't use it."

"It's not a secret, this is the auction commodity I put in the Holy Moon Chamber of Commerce, but I didn't expect it to return to my hands after going around in circles."

"What's more, the Liu family's chasing soldiers that the master eliminated, this is all the credit of the master."

Chu Xinyu stretched her eyebrows, her eyes were soft, and she said softly: "Thank you, Xiaojiu, I am very happy."

After the episode just now, Chu Xinyu thought that she should still respond to the most sincere feelings in her heart, and the two gifts given by her apprentice, one was the lifespan pursued by spiritual cultivators, and the other was the strength pursued by all spiritual masters.

If Chu Xinyu said that she was unhappy and not moved, it was false.

Someone gave you tens of millions for nothing, and you are not happy?

"Kohisa... Then you?

"Master, you see, my spiritual pet already has the seal of the Holy Spirit." Li Jiu pulled over Yan Yudao beside him.

Chu Xinyu looked at the black-haired girl in front of her, whose appearance was not inferior to herself, there was a black slightly enchanting rose on her neck, and the mysteries inscribed on it were definitely not something that ordinary Holy Spirit seals could do.

The guarantee is also above the medium grade!

Chu Xinyu bowed her head slightly: "Xiao Jiu, don't do this to others, it will cause the scourge of killing, Pifu is not guilty and has a crime..." Li Jiu

said calmly: "Because you are my master, even if others kneel down and beg me, I will not give it in vain." "

Chu Xinyu is very happy, the apprentice will care so much about his master.

At this moment, a slightly tired birdsong came over.

A cyan bird that looked like it was about to collapse flew over weakly flapped its wings, and the pair of green emerald-like eyes saw that the nine-tailed fox finally stopped, and suddenly the whole body was detached, and the body lost its strength to support and was about to fall to the ground.

The feather light eyes on the side quickly flew to the side of the little blue bird and caught it in his arms.

"Bah~ (I flew!) I'm going to eat well! "

It's a pity that Li Jiu doesn't understand bird language at all.

Yan Yu was slightly distressed and exerted a resuscitation wind on it: "You really work hard, I won't eat you." "

The little blue bird that was originally lying on the soft snowy mountain was about to rest for a while, and after hearing the word 'eat', it quickly opened its eyes and was scared to take off.

Unfortunately, it has completely lost its strength.

Sakura Ruoxue turned into a human form and touched the little blue bird's head and praised: "Not bad, although I have let you, my perseverance and strength impress me."

"Duh! (I'll win you someday!) Chu

Xinyu looked at the little blue bird in Yuguang's arms, and said a little distractedly: "Xiaojiu, this is?" Blue wing? "

Li Jiu didn't have much defense against Chu Xinyu, because there was no need at all.

"Master, this is the spirit pet egg I obtained in the Heaven-given Secret Territory, and this spirit pet may be able to mutate continuously."

"Xiaojiu, the spirit pets around you are really powerful, and after living for 200 years, I have found a legendary four-winged heavenly horse."

Chu Xinyu's strength is already very perverted, but she has met a more perverted existence.

"Xiaojiu, you come with me." Chu Xinyu slowly got up from the cold stone and said.

She took Li Jiu's hand without confusion, and the master took the apprentice to the platform below the square.

In the distance are steep cliffs on which the unchanging snow and ice reflect the dazzling sun.

Li Jiu looked at the ice fairy with a detached temperament and a dreamy temperament around him.

It turned out to be foolish.

The relationship between master and apprentice gradually deteriorated....

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