Chu Xinyu's beautiful eyes looked at the glacier in the distance and muttered, "Xiaojiu, I don't know how ordinary schools in the world educate you on how to cultivate spiritual pets.

Li Jiu touched his head embarrassedly: "Eh, master, I've been skipping class."

"I see it, so I'll tell you about it today."

Chu Xinyu continued: "You should know that you can get a spirit pet position every ten levels, and before the spiritual power level reaches level 60, you can only fight three spirit pets at the same time when fighting. "

60, 80, 100 each add a simultaneous playing slot."

"That is to say, reaching the legendary level 100, you can only summon 6 spirit pets at the same time to fight."

Li Jiu nodded: "Well, if you can summon one every level ten, the human race may have already burst the Warcraft."

Chu Xinyu looked back at the frolicking spirit pets in the square, and said softly: "I see that none of your spirit pets have reached level 30 all-round transformation, presumably they are all of epic grade or above. "

Well, Master Fire Eye Golden Eye."

"The higher the grade, the higher the spiritual power required to upgrade and break through, Xiaojiu, do you have enough spiritual cores?"

Li Jiuxin said: I can't tell you that I have a guaranteed spiritual core supply every day, right?

"Master, I have the power to transform, and all attribute spirit cores can be used for me."

"I forgot about that." Chu Xinyu's eyes were no longer that biting cold, she took out an ordinary space ring and placed it in Li Jiu's hand, explaining: "This is a small gift.

"Well, thank you Master."

Through Chu Xinyu's slender and white jade hand, Li Jiu still felt the strong love and concern in his master's heart, so he didn't hesitate to accept it indifferently.

Li Jiu looked up at the glacier on the opposite side and did not speak again.

Chu Xinyu asked for no reason: "Xiaojiu, when did you leave Tianji Peak?" "

A cold cold wind blows on her beautiful jade face, and the beautiful green silk dances with the wind, which is very heartwarming.


I know that you and I are not the same kind of people, and it is impossible to be imprisoned in this Tianji Peak for the rest of our lives."

Li Jiu smiled and said, "Master don't worry, I have no plans to leave here for the time being, first contract the little blue bird, and then wait until it can carry me to fly." Although

Chu Xinyu had been mentally prepared, she personally heard Li Jiu say the conditions for leaving, and she couldn't help but feel a soreness in her heart...

Apprentice... Do you have to leave yourself sooner or later?

Chu Xinyu returned to her previous Xuanbing tone, raised her eyebrows slightly, and said coldly: "Then in this period, I will teach you strictly."

Li Jiu bowed his head slightly with an indifferent expression, "Follow the master's instructions." "

This is?" Chu Xinyu was a little surprised to see Li Jiu holding her palms and pushing forward, which was a gift she had never seen before.

"Master, in my hometown, they all salute the master like this."

"Well, today is your first day to come to Tianji Peak, so it should be a holiday."

"Master Xie."

Li Jiu jumped on the square happily after hearing this, if not for survival, who wouldn't want to be a happy salted fish?

Chu Xinyu looked at the apprentice's happy back, and the tense expression on her face relaxed a little, but she still couldn't hide a trace of sadness in her eyes...

On Tianji Square, Li Jiu's spiritual pets and the master's spiritual pets have already mingled, and they are all 'women', and they seem to be friends easily.

The flower fairy personality, who is also a plant elf, and Yan Yu, the two sat on a small bench and studied what was delicious.

The beautiful woman transformed by the four-winged pegasus is very similar to the temperament of the master, cold.

However, she and Yuguang stood side by side in the center of the square, while looking at their master and whispering something underestimated...

The proud big fox huddled alone in the corner of the square, constantly sweeping away the little blue bird next to him with its big furry tail that intended to test the speed again.

"Hey~ You little guy thinks I won't lose my temper?"

The so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

The little blue bird walked around Sakura Ruoxue and chirped a few times happily, as if it was coquettish?

Li Jiu walked to the little blue bird, squatted down gently, and said, "Little fellow, you want to become stronger, right?"

The little blue bird nodded humanely.

Li Jiu recalled his spirit pet and wanted to take the little blue bird out for a spin, "Let's go, go out and around, let me see your strength."

"Xiaojiu, let me go out with you to take a look, I haven't been on Tianji Peak for a long time." Chu Xinyu's voice came from the rear.


In this way, the master and apprentice rode their mounts and set off unhurriedly towards the Snow Mist Peak.

While going up the mountain, Li Jiu sniffed the air on the snow peak and spoke, "Master, what treasure is there on this snow fog peak, right?"

Chu Xinyu opened her small mouth in slight surprise: "How do you know?"

Li Jiu pointed to the peak and said, "Before we went up the mountain just now, the wind direction was facing north, and the wind direction was completely reversed just after stepping on the mountain road.

"According to what I learned in school, this situation is because there are strange landscapes or special natural treasures here."

"Because of this unknown treasure, the ordinary wind changed direction after entering, right? I don't know how many points the apprentice guessed correctly? Chu

Xinyu smiled slightly: "You'll know when you go up."

She didn't expect that Li Jiu could speculate about the difference between this place and other peaks through the direction of the wind.

This snowy peak is like a place where the sect raises monsters, and many large and small monsters inhabit this place.

After going up the mountain, Li Jiu saw a scenic extremely glacial lake, surrounded by several snow-white trees, and a few white cranes swimming gracefully on the shore of the lake.

"This is called Ice Mirror Lake, and the sky and water are like mirrors."


Chu Xinyu continued: "In the evening, it should be the time when there are more monsters around the lake, and some monsters may come over in a while. "

Ten minutes later...

Li Jiu looked at the various monsters in front of him, and said blankly: "Mercury beasts, silver wolves, unicorns, colorful winged butterflies..."

These monsters are quite rare goods in the outside world, but I didn't expect to play in groups like a wholesale market casually in groups around this ice mirror lake...

Their level is not very high, not yet level 30.

The entire Tianji Peak is like an independent world, with its own unique ecological balance.

Those monsters who drank the water found that there were actually two humans standing by the lake, so they fled in fright...


A sudden sound erupted in the lake, and a cloud of silver waves splashed high.

Two stout 'snakes' poked out of the lake, triangular heads, and fierce eyes gave people a creepy feeling.


The little blue bird hovering above is worried that the hunting object seems to have run out, and as a result, there are still those sent to the door?

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