Chu Xinyu stepped back a few steps hard under her feet, and shouted: "Xiaojiu, let the horse come."


Since the master let himself be real, there is no point in hypocritical temptation, and the master wants to know how high his potential really is.

Prove yourself here!

"Yan Wan."

Li Jiu did not hesitate to withdraw the demonic power from Yan Yu's body and directly turned on the advent mode.

A palpitating power emanated from Li Jiu's body, his hair became longer and longer, and he was even a little unable to see his face, only two scarlet rays of light shot straight out from his eyes!

Chu Xinyu's heart has undergone earth-shaking changes!

Kohisa, what's wrong with this?

Is it an possessed pet?

She looked at the black-haired elf behind Li Jiu, and at this time, Yan Yu changed back to blue-haired and purple pupils, and the evil temperament on her body also disappeared, changing into an innocent girl.

The apprentice is obviously less than level 30, how can he have 4 spirit pets?

The Sky Roaring Beast also felt the fighting intent in the eyes of the human in front of it, it roared angrily towards the sky, and the lake next to it was full of ice, and ice dragon phantoms appeared around its body and spread outward!

"Xiaojiu, this move is very harmful around the ice dragon, pay attention to defense..." said Chu Xinyu with a slight worry.

Several ice dragon virtual images in the air were streaked through the air like lightning, accompanied by ice spiritual power fluctuations like terrifying waves, rushing towards the direction of the feather light!

With a wave of his hand, the wings behind his back turned into countless flying lights to form a huge angelic holy shield to protect Ying Ruoxue and Yan Yu'an safely, facing the impact of thousands of pounds of ice dragons around, the angel holy shield was like a boulder that could not fall.

The ice dragon slammed into the Holy Shield, and in a series of collisions and shattering sounds, the scattered ice flowers were all shaken apart by the Angel Holy Shield...

Chu Xinyu's beautiful eyes earned the boss, she couldn't believe this result at all, and the ice dragon that pressed two levels was lightly dissolved by the apprentice's angel.

Chu Xinyu's small mouth opened slightly, and her eyes were full of surprise

, "It's so powerful..." Li Jiu hid in the holy shield and jumped out, "It's worthy of being a master, and you can't resist this trick if you change to others." Li

Jiu and Yu Guang's bodies faintly produced a storm visible to the naked eye, and their bodies gradually turned into two virtual shadows and killed towards the Sky Roaring Beast at the same time.

Chu Xinyu snorted, "Imperial Arts—Ice Armor!"

As soon as the words fell, a dazzling blue light appeared on the body of the Heavenly Roaring Beast, as dazzling as the sun.

An ice armor condensed from incomparably pure ice spiritual power covered the surface of the Heavenly Roaring Beast, protecting it tightly.

Li Jiu's eyes flashed, turning into a virtual shadow and suddenly appearing behind the Heavenly Roaring Beast, even if it was as strong as Chu Xinyu, he couldn't see how his figure suddenly passed.

The two knives in Li Jiu's hand also swept out, and the [Divine Order] effect was successfully shot out between the electric stone fire, and a trace of strange cracks seemed to appear on the originally sturdy ice armor.

The feather light suddenly came to the side of the flying Sky Roaring Beast, and the double blades in her hand contained special holy light spiritual power, cutting out mysterious ripples that were enough to pour on the ice armor with the slash of mountain and gravel.

It's just that the attacks of the two were completely unable to break the ice armor created by the high-level spirit masters.

Drunkenness does not mean alcohol.

The unique vulnerability effect of the two made the cracks on the ice armor more and more intense, and three consecutive terrifying fire lotuses attacked on the ice armor!

A crimson red sphere like a bloody sun rushed over, and the surrounding void became distorted, and for a time, the red light on the top of the snow mist peak was great, the sky was full of fire, and the blazing flames shot everywhere in this polar ice world, and the fierce flame of nothingness swept in every inch of space!

Another succession of pure flame attacks combined with two attacks from burning stars completely destroyed the ice armor on the Heavenly Roaring Beast.

"This..." Chu Xinyu couldn't believe everything in front of her at all.

The ice armor forged by his spiritual power was shattered like this?

Am I blinded?

And what is the situation of his bloody nine-tailed fox?

Is such a powerful range combat technique released continuously like no money?

Chu Xinyu looked at the apprentice in front of her and muttered: "Xiaojiu, you are really powerful, master and I.... It's time to get real. "

Imperial Arts—Order!"

Strengthened by the command, the Heavenly Roaring Beast once again bloomed with a burst of fantasy material light, and its attack and defense power increased slightly again!

"Xiaojiu, be careful."

The wings behind it stood upright like fried feathers, the feathers reflected a faint cold, and the four legs stepped on the ground fiercely to accumulate power, the snow forest on the mountain peak trembled, and the feathers shot out from the sky, like a glacier spear piercing towards Li Jiu's back row.

Seeing this, Yan Yu and Ying Ruoxue hurriedly took a few steps back, and a thick green thorn broke through the ground, which could block several sharp ice feathers, and Yan Yu's speed would be damaged by the ice feathers if his speed was slightly poor.

Chu Xinyu thought that Li Jiu did not play cards according to the routine at all, Yuguang flew high in the air to avoid the shooting of ice feathers like bullets, and Li Jiu himself chose to resist hard with the shield of the pain belt and the double recovery effect!

Of course, his purpose in doing this was to test the power of bloody battles.

So, Li Jiu's body was hung with color, and blood flowed.

Several ice feathers easily pierced his shoulders and thighs, and the bone-chilling chill almost made Li Jiu faint, but fortunately there was a firm effect that allowed him to stay awake.

He quickly cast a purification effect to disperse the slowing effect attached to the ice feather.

Chu Xinyu suddenly panicked when she saw the injured apprentice, and even her voice became a little trembling: "Xiaojiu... You? Why not dodge? She

never expected that the clever apprentice in her eyes would choose to resist the skill with his face?

With his speed, he can easily dodge the ice feathers by casting that unfathomable attack technique.

Li Jiu smiled easily, and the light of recovery was slowly healing his injuries: "If you don't use a bloody battle, you can't win the master!" "

The main reason is that Li Jiu is not very willing to let the spirit pets sell blood as sandbags, and before he gets a defensive pet, he will make a cameo appearance in the meat shield!"

If it weren't for the shield generated by the Pain Belt blocking the two ice feathers on his chest, and the Advent Mode that provided a perverted bonus defense, he would definitely die.

This is also the drawback of bloody battles.

Burn one's ship.

After all, the master will not kill himself, and Li Jiu dares to experiment, because this hole card Li Jiu is destined to not be used too many times.

Li Jiu gritted his teeth and pulled out the blood-colored ice feathers one by one, and the red blood was as eye-catching as the red rose in the ice and snow world.

Bloody battle!

A large amount of blood-colored spiritual power burst out from the mysterious picture scroll in Li Jiu's body, running along the meridians in his body...

This power.... 7x increase in attributes!

Although Li Jiu's current spiritual power panel level is still level 27, the power contained in his body is comparable to the power and speed of a level 40 ordinary level Warcraft.

Although it is still at the level of 'children' for the Sky Roaring Beast.

But with the feather light and the vulnerable effect of the divine order.

Now Li Jiu's attack was enough to hurt Da Lan.

Chu Xinyu's beautiful eyes flashed with disbelief, who is this apprentice?

Does he want to prove it to himself even if he consumes his life?

Just when Li Jiu was about to prove his strength like his master and instill Shenyan into Yuguang's arrow.

"Xiaojiu, the division lost, you stop quickly."


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