"Xiaojiu, you are really good."

Li Jiu retracted the strength of the bloody battle and sat panting on the ground, put away his weapon and quickly trotted over with a distressed feather light, and the pure white soft light instantly covered every inch of Li Jiu's body.

Wounds that were enough to be called 'severe' recovered in the blink of an eye.

Chu Xinyu said in shock, "Will your angel still heal?"

"Well, how dare I sell blood like this."

With the advent mode lifted, Chu Xinyu also saw Yan Wan, who was beside Li Jiu.

The lowest grade of apprentices' spirit pets are all epic level, which makes her, the master, feel ashamed of her.

Chu Xinyu looked at Yu Guang and Yan Wan as if she remembered something, and muttered, "Angels and demons?"

"What's wrong? Master?

"It's nothing..." Following

Chu Xinyu back to Tianji Square, Li Jiu refused the master's offer to help him heal his injuries, and he was already resurrected with three perverted resilience powers.

"Xiaojiu, even if you have recovered your combat skills, don't be so stupid and desperate." Chu Xinyu said with a slight distress.

"Supreme Techniques all consume life."

Li Jiu couldn't help but lower his head with some shame: "Master, I'm sorry, the apprentice lied to you."

Chu Xinyu chuckled in her heart, could it be that Xiao Jiu's life was not long in coming?

What do I do in the future?

Chu Xinyu has already begun to think cranky, and the script she has made up in her brain is more outrageous than the other...

Li Jiu looked at Chu Xinyu, who was tearful in front of him, and looked very cute when he was about to cry, so he quickly explained: "Master, I lied to you at that time, in fact, I don't need any restrictions on using any Supreme Xuan Spirit Technique.

"At first, I couldn't understand the master's personality, so I didn't dare to tell the truth."

The cranky Chu Xinyu's brain went blank after hearing it....

What the??

There are no restrictions on the Supreme Xuan Spirit Technique?

Chu Xinyu felt that the world view that had supported her 200 years of life had been violently impacted and was gradually collapsing...

Li Jiu can always bring her unexpected surprises, from the very beginning of the exposure of the alchemist identity, and then give himself gifts, now less than level 30 can hurt level 50 spirit pet...

My good apprentice, who are you?

"I know that bloody battles as a stunt at the bottom of the box cannot be used without permission, because the master is the one who cares about me the most... It won't kill me, I just want to test the power of this skill.

Li Jiu lowered his head sincerely, not daring to look directly: "I'm really sorry to worry the master."

Chu Xinyu was surprised: "But... According to the master's oral account, the more powerful the ability, the more it will be bound by the rules of heaven and earth, and it seems that the blood battle secret art cannot be treated or harmed by any when it is opened, otherwise it will be forcibly ended? "

You obviously used a slow recovery skill just now."

Li Jiu raised his head and secretly glanced at the master's face, and then he let go of his heart: "Actually, I don't know exactly why it became like this." Chu

Xinyu said in her heart: It seems that this is the so-called variable, right? Being able to use the enhanced Supreme Xuan Spirit Art without restrictions, if he makes him develop... It seems that it is going to cost life again.

Li Jiu looked at the little blue bird that was constantly circling in the sky, and asked casually: "Master, it's not early, what should we eat?"

Chu Xinyu took out a red round fruit that emitted a mysterious luster from the space ring, "Eat?" This one is delicious, very sweet.

Li Jiu looked at the fruit in his master's palm and couldn't help but be a little speechless.

【Ganlin fruit】: A fruit rich in a variety of nutrients, long-term use can improve physical fitness.

"Master, you eat this fruit as a meal?"

"Well, the rice of the Tianji Sect is it, the Ganlin fruit tree is in the Guanri Peak of the Tianji Peak..." Li

Jiu took the fruit from the master's hand and spoke: "I'm not asking this, doesn't the master never cook?"

Chu Xinyu's eyes crossed a trace of doubt: "Cooking?" I'm not very hungry, this is obviously more nutritious than food..." Li

Jiu looked at Chu Xinyu in front of him with some distress: "Master, show you a hand." "

Presumably this ganlin fruit is an ancestral 'grain', right?

I always feel that the master is a little pitiful.

Li Jiu used the materials loaded in the system space to easily prepare a few fragrant home-cooked dishes.

Chu Xinyu on the side looked a little daze, she had never eaten such a delicious meal when she was so old......

Li Jiu had already prepared, he took out a large folding round table from the system space, and pulled all his spiritual pets over to eat together.

Li Jiu picked up the bowl containing the honey fragrant pork and shouted towards the sky: "Little fellow, the meal has been prepared, you come down quickly!" "

When the little blue bird heard something delicious, he cried happily and quickly landed on the ground to cook...

After the meal, Chu Xinyu sat next to Tianji Square and closed her eyes and meditated.

Li Jiu is holding the spiritual pets and sitting on the platform below the square to watch the stars, the sky of the northern green snow is not polluted by human industrialization, and the bright stars at night are extremely beautiful.

Yuguang in his left arms gently twisted his waist: "Master: I want to practice arrows...."Li

Jiu looked down at the angel in her arms, her face was red, she closed her eyes and leaned her head on her shoulder, not daring to look directly at Li Jiu's gaze.

Who knew that Yan Wan on the right hand side hugged Li Jiu's neck and bit it: "If you want to practice arrows, I am also the first, obviously one step away... I was just a little bit away from being able to evolve!

"Obedient, let me come first." Yuguang suddenly opened his eyes.

"I'm still hungry!"

The angels and demons quarreled again, and they got up and ran to the edge of the cliff as if to test something.

Sakura Ruoxue under her feet quickly jumped into Li Jiu's arms and turned back into a beautiful fox girl dressed in red.

The big fox with a resentful look pouted, and his originally playful ears were pulled down at this time, "Honey, why do you always secretly look at the master's ass lately... Yes? Why, exactly?

Ying Ruoxue seemed to be about to cry, with endless grievances in her voice: "Why look at other women??" Is my ass not good-looking, not pretty?

"Look at me more, woo~" It's

not that I'm not mentally unstable, it's all to blame that the master is too good-looking."

Li Jiu caressed Ying Ruoxue's fox ears, and quickly calmed her emotional heart: "Little sound, the master's ears are pointy, so I will accompany Ruoxue more today."

The big fox's face softened a lot: "It's not that I hate you for looking at her, but why don't you look at me!"

Li Jiu said helplessly in his heart: "The synchronization value is not enough, and I look at it for nothing..... And what can't be done.

A seductive crimson color appeared on Ying Ruoxue's face, and her voice became smaller and smaller: "I..... It is also possible to maintain weapons for you. Yuguang

and Yan Wan, who were arguing, turned back at the same time, shouting in their hearts that their hometown had been stolen, this cunning fox!

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