The vast and unparalleled flow of holy light spiritual power is like a rolling Yangtze River, like a surging river, going up against the sky, overwhelming mountains and seas like cold thorn sitting lotuses, easily shooting away a few bloodthirsty beasts that do not know whether they are dead or alive, and all the monsters within 100 meters around Li Jiu quickly dodged and scattered in all directions!

"Master, they all ran away..." Yan Yu held the chain blade and looked into the distance.

Li Jiu picked up a fourth-order spirit core and stood up: "Well, it's almost there."

"You can shorten the propulsion distance a bit." Li Jiu asked Yan Yu to act as the front row and move towards the stronghold.

"Hamitsu, come on."


As the transformation light shone, Li Jiu fed several fourth-order spirit cores to Yuguang.

During the half-month break of Tianji Peak, Li Jiu divided the daily spirit core pack resources obtained equally between Yuguang and Sakura Ruoxue, and their levels increased to varying degrees.

Sister Yan Wan..... They can only rely on their own perseverance and continuous efforts to greatly increase their rank.

After all, Pandora's box has been opened, and Li Yan no longer needs to care about those meaningless 'faces', that is, the upgrade process is a bit weapon-consuming, so you have to take it easy.

"Ding~ Do you make a breakthrough in the next level?"

Li Jiu held the delicate angel in his arms and placed the ascending materials that had been prepared in advance on her chest.

With a hard squeeze, they turned into dazzling golden rays and slowly entered the body of the feather light.

"Ding~ The level of the Holy Wing Angel has reached level 30, and he has comprehended the skill [Angel Nemesis]!"

[Angel Nemesis]: The damage of angelic monsters or spirit pets is reduced by 20%, and its damage is increased by 20% Li

Jiu nodded with satisfaction as he looked at the newborn skills, so that the damage of those miscellaneous angels to Yuguang will be reduced by 40%, greatly improving the survivability of Yuguang.


Yuguang stood up and looked at his body: "Thank you master for the new power." "

Let's go, go into town!"

At the end of Li Jiu's line of sight, he could already see the hundred-meter-high and magnificent black city wall, and the space around the stronghold in the north of the town was covered by a mysterious spiritual force, which should be the city defense formation.

Speaking of the stronghold, Li Jiu remembered the mysterious and huge monster in the Jingxi stronghold, and he should not encounter him again this time, right?

As the level of the surrounding Warcraft gradually decreased, the figures of the Spirit Master squad gradually increased.

Because most spirit masters do not have so many resources to supply multiple spirit pets, they all act in groups.

The two second-state spirit pets beside Li Jiu made these spirit master squads retreat... That little bold idea was quickly extinguished by them.

A novice spirit master was stunned by Yu Guangyanwan, and the middle-aged man who looked like a captain next to him quickly covered his eyes and said fiercely: "Boy, don't look at it, the end of offending a high-level spirit master is only a dead end."

"Captain, he's so good.....,"

"He should be a master who came to the Zhenbei stronghold to participate in the solicitation order activity, right?"

"This Northern Region Qin family's recruitment order is so rich, I am also moved by me."

"Don't think about it, the lowest level of treatment must also guarantee a spirit master above level 30 to try, let's honestly make money and make up the points of the stronghold."

"Hey, God is not fair at all, the people are divided into 369..."

The team looked at Li Jiu who was far away, and sighed in their hearts.

The big fox lying comfortably on Li Jiu's shoulder pricked up his ears alertly, and said in his heart: "My dear, this is the territory of the Qin family, should we check them?" They could be sneak attackers. "

Check." Li Jiu said coldly.

With Li Jiujiao's style of retribution, as long as he has enough ability, he must not let the enemy live comfortably in the world.

Li Jiu recalled Xiaoying and walked to the north gate of the northern stronghold of the town.

The guards at the entrance of the Zhenbei stronghold were two spirit masters of more than 30 levels, and when they saw a cold young man with black hair and red eyes walking not far away, they enthusiastically asked, "Please show your documents." "

Oh." Li Jiu showed his identification.

After joining the Spirit Heart Academy, Li Jiu's identity was naturally registered by the Spirit Master Association, and he was unimpeded in Hualong and could use the Spirit Master privileges.

“emm.. Little brother, are you also here to participate in the Qin family's collection order activity? One of the guards asked familiarly.

"If yes, go and sign up, it'll be over tomorrow."

Another tall thin guard spoke, "Old Liu, you talk too much, let people go." "

It's okay... It's too boring to stand guard, little brother, the registration place is in the center of Lingyun Square, there are many people there.

Li Jiu thought for a moment, and said with a kind face: "Yes, thank you two big brothers for their kind tips." "

As a city of spiritual masters, there are basically no cars on the streets here, and the means of transportation are all kinds of spiritual pets...

It is not so rare to turn into a humanoid spirit pet here, handsome men and beautiful women can see one every three or five, Li Jiu thought about it or put the feather light away.

Because she is a sign of her true identity, in case the Qin family is really behind the scenes, then send a high-level spirit master to besiege her... This time the master is not around, I should be cautious.

Yan Yu's words don't show up first, only release Xiaoying and Ying Ruoxue, right?

With a burst of birdsong, the proud shadow turned into a mini form and stood on Li Jiu's shoulder, and a pair of eagle eyes constantly looked at the other spiritual pets around him.

"Brother... I'm going to... Hit it. Xiaoying looked at a mighty and domineering fourth-order leader Benlei Leopard in front of him, and his eyes were full of battle intent.

Step away!

"This is a human city, Xiaoying is obedient!" Li Jiu gently stroked Xiaoying's soft feathers.

"Go out and let you fight."


still listened to Li Jiu's words very much, that is, the dead duck's mouth refused to be coquettish.

And Ying Ruoxue has long been lying in Li Jiu's arms, and this sense of superiority in being able to lie in Li Jiu's arms at any time makes her feel refreshed.

"Honey, where are we going?"

Li Jiu touched his stomach: "I came out in a hurry this morning, I didn't eat anything, I went to eat, and then inquired about the information of the dwarves and the Qin family." Li

Jiu followed the crowded street to a restaurant that looked like it was bursting hot.

"Dear guest, what to eat?" The waiter saw the business coming and came over with a smile.

Li Jiu said: "Just make a rice bowl with persimmons, hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"Okay, guests please sit."

The waiter took Li Jiu up to the second floor of the hotel.

The shop is doing well, the first floor is overcrowded, and the second floor is relatively less crowded.

When Li Jiu was about to brush the short video to touch the fish, a continuous swallowing sound caught his attention.


Purr~" "Siha~"

Next door to Li Jiu, there was a burly black-haired strong man with a fierce face pouring something into his mouth with his head up, his table was full of empty plates, there were fifty or sixty plates stacked together!

Li Jiu could not feel the spiritual power fluctuations in him.

Who is this?

How can you eat so much?

At this time, the system panel suddenly jumped out!

[Heaven Devouring Beast]

Grade: Legendary Level:


Introduction: The mysterious monster that once attacked the stronghold of Jingxi infiltrated the human city through the reverse contract, and the purpose is unknown.

Skills: ???

Tip: Reverse

Qi Lijiu's heart rushed to countless Cao Nima...

You're coming?

What a coincidence, right?

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