The Heaven-Swallowing Beast continued to swallow a plate of pasta and shouted at the waiter: "Give Master thirty more servings!"

"Okay sir."

He noticed Li Jiu's surprised gaze while waiting for the meal, "Huh? What are you kid looking at me for?

"Ah, it's okay, it's just the first time I've seen a strong man who eats so much." Li Jiu quickly turned his head.

He Chengxiang took a closer look at Li Jiu, his eyes gurgled a few times, and he sniffed his nose lightly, very chicken thief.

"No, you smell of it.... This is..." The

Heaven Devouring Beast seemed to think of something, its eyes were round, and he pointed at Li Jiu's nose and stammered: "This... It's the smell of me, you should have been eaten by me! How is it possible to live?

Li Jiu pretended to be calm and asked, "You remember the wrong person, right?" I'm just a passing vegetable buyer, and my master waits for me to go back and cook for her..."

"No way, my nose is very good!" The Heaven Devouring Beast asserted.

Li Jiu's face instantly turned iron blue, looking very uncomfortable.


How long has it been since then?

How did the Heaven Devouring Beast remember the existence that had been devoured?

No, this guy's strength is a bunch of question marks, unfathomable, and he is far from an opponent.

Collapse and retreat!

The Jingxi stronghold has not recovered its vitality since it was made by the Heaven-Devouring Beast, and he must not let him eat himself again!

It was hard to fill Yan Wan's Happy Crystal, and then use the Energized Crystal was really a 'hell' disaster for Li Jiu.

Iron pestles sharpened into needles!

Women are devils!

Li Jiu forcibly put away Xiaoying and Sakura Ruoxue when he was about to pull out his legs and run.

The face of the Heaven-Devouring Beast also seemed to change several times, and he quickly stretched out his hand to stop Li Jiu and shouted, "Little brother, don't run first!" I have something to say. "

Don't run and wait for you to eat?"

"You think too much, I'm not that kind of person!"

"You just... Lao Tzu almost hung up last time. Li Jiutou did not turn around and ran to the top of the stairs.

At this time, the space in front of him continued to distort to form a mysterious spiral, and the Heaven-Devouring Beast tore through the spatial crack and instantly appeared in front of Li Jiu's eyes!

What a capability is this!

My Luo Tianyi!

Li Jiu pretended to be calm, pondering in his mind how to escape at this time.

Fighting the Heaven Devouring Beast head-on should not be an opponent at all, and the burly guy who is 2 meters and 2 meters tall in front of him is a strong existence that has destroyed a stronghold!

The Heaven Devouring Beast looked kind and said relatively gently: "Little brother, don't be afraid, I really have no malice." Li

Jiu slowly calmed down, this guy has the power to shuttle space, it is useless to blindly escape in the city, unless you ride a ride.

Moreover, the overtures of such powerful monsters should be bitter, or don't provoke him anymore.

"Well, actually, I want to go to the bathroom." Li Jiu said with a sneer.

"Oooh, so it is." The Heaven Devouring Beast seemed to believe Li Jiu's ghost words.

The two slowly walked back to their seats, and the Heaven Devouring Beast took the lead in speaking, "What are you running?" I have to thank you.

Li Jiu pointed to himself in surprise: "Why thank me?"

"Since you know who I am, you should know what's going on in my belly, right?"

"Erm..... Well.

Only then did Li Jiu recall that he had found another bat statue in the sealed place in his stomach, and what disgusting sticky unknown objects.

"Well, there's a very disgusting mess in there."

After hearing this, the Heaven Devouring Beast hugged Li Jiu and punched: "Although I don't know how you escaped, I still have to thank you!"

"Human, what's your name?"

"Li Jiu."

"My name is the Heaven Devouring Beast."


Jiu was just about to speak, but the Heaven Devouring Beast interrupted him and continued: "Li Jiu, although I like to eat all kinds of things, especially the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures, I actually don't like to eat people because there is no taste.

"In the past, those things were caused by my stomach pain and 'accidentally rolling', don't tell others!"

The Heaven Devouring Beast looked around and whispered, "Since my stomach was cured by you in disguise, I have never attacked a human city again.

"It's just... My stomach is still not very comfortable, maybe the food is too miscellaneous

..." "Or my mother is right, eat less, but I can't control myself..." Li

Jiu looked at the heaven-swallowing beast that kept cooking in front of him, this guy should have run to human society to enjoy happiness through reverse contract, is there a way to squeeze some oil and water from him?

Li Jiu changed his previous serious look, and hooked up with the Heaven-Swallowing Beast and chatted: "Well, big beast, I have a very awesome stomach medicine here, I dare to pack a ticket to cure your stomach disease." The

Heaven Devouring Beast quickly turned to look at Li Jiu: "What you said is true?" This stomach problem has afflicted me for at least a thousand years.

"If you can help me heal completely, I will be good with you!"

Generally speaking, high-level Warcraft and Spirit Masters have lower and lower food intake, so naturally there will be no such problem.

The Heaven-Swallowing Beast is different, because it has eaten too many messy things, and it naturally forms stomach problems over time.

"Why did I lie to you?" Li Jiu took out the box of Eight Nine Stomach Tai.

"Does this work?" The Heaven Devouring Beast Fox looked at the small green box in Li Jiu's hand suspiciously.

Li Jiuxin said: [System, is this medicine good for you?] 【

You came to find fault on purpose, right.JPG

】【I have a system that can give you useless props?】 The system snorted coldly.

"Hello after eating the bag." Li Jiu said confidently.

"Li Jiu, thank you!" The Heaven Devouring Beast hurriedly reached over to get the medicine.

Li Jiu showed a very capital smile: "Hey ~ slow, big beast, we humans have a saying called fair trade, I give you good things, you have to give me good things." "

Huh? Why do you humans say so much? I don't have any money on me..." Although the Heaven Devouring Beast is strong, it is still a little too tender to play with humans.

"Then how will you pay the bill in a moment?" Li Jiu said with a smile.

"Pay the bill? What does that mean? The Heaven Devouring Beast scratched its head.

"You should have entered this northern stronghold of the town through the reverse contract of the Fulu Sect, right? I see you don't want to conflict with humans, right? The

Heaven Devouring Beast nodded quickly: "Well, when I ran out of my house to play a few days ago, I met a mysterious guy who said that through a special contract, I could enter the human city unharmed.... I agreed to join them because I heard that people make the best food in the world!

Li Jiu began to flicker like a divine stick: "You will be arrested and jailed by people eating the overlord meal, with your temper will definitely expose your true body to resist, the final outcome is that the Zhenbei stronghold is destroyed, you will also be wanted by the whole continent, according to my analysis, the second state of Warcraft cannot be changed, so you can no longer eat delicious food made by humans..."

The Sky-Swallowing Beast was so frightened that it covered its mouth: "Huh? Is it so serious? "

For it, not being able to eat good things = not being able to live.

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