After the waiter left after delivering the Mushu persimmon rice bowl, Li Jiushen mysteriously handed the Heaven-Swallowing Beast a card: "There are 5W spirit coins in this card, that is, money, so that you don't have to worry about the meal money." The

Heaven-Devouring Beast nodded like a child, reached out and took Li Jiu's card: "It's really good, thank you Li Jiu."

"Big beast, to get back to business, you should pay some 'money' for this box of medicine." Li Jiu said with a kind face.

Li Jiu had already calculated that this guy didn't want to make trouble before he planned to trade with him, otherwise he would have gone crazy on the spot just now.

"Well, I see."

The legendary Heaven Devouring Beast did not understand social common sense because he had never been to human society at all, and the learning ability of high-level Demon Beasts far exceeded that of ordinary humans.

"My mother said that whoever helped me, I will be good with whomever I am."

The Heaven Devouring Beast touched his chin and began to think: "Actually, I don't know much about the Fulu Sect in your mouth, I like to eat all the delicious foods in the world, especially the heavenly materials and earth treasures, and recently I have smelled the smell of this life flower..."

Li Jiu asked with a frown.

The evolved rebirth lotus of the flower of this life in the sealed land is the body of Yan Yu, and Yan Yu has absorbed all the energy of the rebirth lotus.

There is only one flower of this life on the Holy Spirit Star, but I didn't expect that the newborn flower seedlings were still in the territory of Hualong Country?

So lucky!

What Chu Xinyu lacks the most is lifespan, the devil knows how much life that cold master spent on himself?

Li Jiu wanted to find this newborn flower and give it to the master to make up for her lost life.

Li Jiu nodded without changing his face: "Oh? What is a flower in this life? The

Heaven-Swallowing Beast wiped the hara at the corner of its mouth: "This flower can greatly increase the life span of human beings, one thousand years of flowering, one thousand years of fruit, very delicious!" It's a pity that the flower of this life is a newborn seedling, and I am not willing to eat it. "

It's in the northernmost part of the Northern Green Snow Land, in a cave in the mountain range on the edge of the human boundary, and near the cave are dwarves who have escaped from within the 'boundary'..." Li

Jiu gritted his teeth so that he didn't look so shocked.


Right in the North Green Snow?

It doesn't take much effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find them!

This Heaven Devouring Beast is really a blessing star for himself!

Li Jiu said, "Since it will take two thousand years: This information of this life flower is not of much use to me, is there any new information? For example, what is 'boundary'? The

Heaven-Devouring Beast, who looked thick and honest, changed his face, and said word by word: "Sorry Li Jiu, 'realm' is the dividing line between the human world and the demon beast, and there are many secrets involved that I can't tell you."

His expression tense as if he thought of a very terrifying existence: "I sneaked out of the house, let my mother know and it will be finished."

Li Jiu smiled: "Then it's over if you don't let your mother know!" I swear to heaven that I will never mention it to anyone.

"If I don't tell others, then it's not a leak~"

The face of the Heaven Devouring Beast was full of entanglement: "But."

Li Jiu saw that there was a drama and gave him a dose of fierce medicine: "Big beast, you tell me the secret, I will give you the magic medicine, this is a very fair transaction."

"Are you sure you won't tell anyone?" The Heaven Devouring Beast clenched its fists.


The Heaven Devouring Beast leaned over to Li Jiu's side and whispered, "I don't know much, after all, I'm still young... The realm is full of Warcraft above level 50, and there are 'others' inside! "

The 'dwarves' I mentioned earlier are also a kind of 'others'!"

Li Jiu looked at the Heaven Devouring Beast blankly, and didn't know what to say for a while...

Are there other races in Warcraft Territory?

Oh my god!

"I really can't tell you the rest, Li Jiu."

Li Jiu handed the Eight Nine Stomach Tai to the Heaven-Swallowing Beast: "Okay, this information is valuable enough."

"I'll pour you a glass of water."

Li Jiu absentmindedly told the Heaven-Swallowing Beast how to take medicine, a few tablets a course of treatment.

But Li Jiu's heart was overwhelmed by the information of the Heaven Devouring Beast.

If it is not my race, its heart will be different.

The race in the World of Warcraft is definitely much stronger than the people in the human world, and he must hurry up to improve his strength, in case the enemy attacks...

It should be no problem to fight a level 50 Warcraft at this level, what about three? What about five? What about ten?

"Big beast, thank you, I left a little beforehand, let's see you later."

As soon as the Heaven Devouring Beast finished taking the medicine, he could feel a mysterious force running in his stomach.

"Your medicine is really good, thank you very much."

"You're welcome, it's a fair deal." Li Jiu said with a smile.

Since he has already received the news of the dwarf race from the Heaven Devouring Beast, then probe the details of the Qin family, quickly repair the weapon and return to the Heavenly Machine Peak to cultivate hard, right?

"No, I'll just talk to you, take this." The Heaven Devouring Beast pulled Li Jiu and handed over a small sign.

This is a small delicate brown wooden plaque engraved with the word 'swallow', and the wooden plaque exudes a mysterious power....

The Heaven Devouring Beast said sincerely: "Li Jiu, you are not an ordinary person, if you can enter the realm in the future, this brand may be able to help you."

"Good." Li Jiu accepted it indifferently.

"I continued to eat."


After Li Jiu left the restaurant, he summoned Xiaoying and Sakura Ruoxue.

Xiaoying stood on Li Jiu's shoulder and gently rubbed Li Jiu's face, and said in his heart: "Brother, why are you putting me away?"

"That's so powerful, you can't beat it."

The big fox in his arms squinted slightly: "That big man just now is a demon beast, right?"

"Well, I'm a bit related to him."

The big fox said proudly: "When I am stronger, he will not be able to beat me at all."

"Well said, we should get stronger." Li Jiu gently stroked the fox hair, and it felt very good.

"Hit... Frame. Xiaoying was extremely excited when he heard that it had become stronger.

"Honey, shall we go find the dwarves first?" The big fox asked.

Li Jiu clenched his fists and said coldly: "No, first go and see what kind of moth this Qin family is, if they are enemies... Sooner or later, let them pay in blood.

There were only two words in Xiaoying's mind: "Fight!" "

Li Jiuxian took Xiaoying to visit the raw meat area, bought her favorite steak meat, bought a lot of her favorite fruits, bananas and apples... There are also necessary supplies that need to be replenished in the space of the supplementary system.

Of course, there are Chu Xinyu's favorite beans and ribs.

While queuing up to pay the bill, Yan Yu looked at the TT placed next to him and asked, "Master, what is this human cub burp bag?"

Li Jiu waved his hand: "It's useless, don't look at it." Finally

arrived at Li Jiu to check out, but the supermarket clerk stammered at Li Jiu with a ghostly expression: "Customer.... Man, didn't you just check out? "


"You remember the wrong person, right? This is my first time at your store.

"I'm sorry, maybe I had a nervous breakdown." The clerk's sister quickly bowed her head and apologized.

"Pay 2000 Lingcoin ~"

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