On the other side, he is accumulating strength to make a big move, and Li Jiu is also bowing and accumulating strength with a slight smile!

"Xiaoying, Ruoxue, it's going on!"


Yan Yu, who was speechless, could only brush the buff for her beloved master and the blue-lacked Sakura Ruoxue in the rear.

The lustful brothers and sisters let go of each other, and a huge tracking six-pointed star formation appeared under their feet!

"Stupid humans, don't you know to interrupt us?"

The Flower Eater raised her thighs, and a pink light suddenly flashed in her eyes, shooting towards Li Jiu with a thunderous momentum!

It's a pity that the charm of their brothers and sisters can only be used and effective against the existence of the opposite sex, rank, and rank that is not higher than their own.

Although his brother's charm was still controlling Qin Wujie, it was useless for him to use it, and all the spirit pets present surpassed the monarch level.

"Firmness has taken effect!"

"How is that possible? How can any man resist my move? "The worldview of the Flower Eater has collapsed.

"The last one who played seduction, do you know how she is?"

"How's it going?"

"There is no corpse!"

The shadow in the sky immediately spread its wings, the anti-falcon continued to flap its wings, and several powerful tornadoes once again struck towards the brothers and sisters!

"It's useless!" The adulterous boy laughed.

Countless purple spiritual forces formed a series of defenses like plastic film out of thin air, blocking the storm attack of the shadows!

Even the powerful green thorn summoned by Yan Yu was automatically locked by countless violent thunderbolts when the thick green thorn attacked the thunder array in the river basin!

In a few moments, it was split into countless pieces and turned into ashes....

"Thunder Chain!"

The Eater brothers and sisters walked up side by side and launched the attack pattern of the Drainage Thunder Array, and several straight purple lightning chains grew wildly from the large array under their feet, as if the evil tentacles trembled wildly.

Poor Qin Wujue was suspended upside down in the air by one of the chains............. Today's Miss Qin is wearing black fat.

The other chains that attacked Li Jiu were like branches, one chain split into two out of thin air, and these thunder locks were woven into an intricate thunder network in just half a second, wanting to kill everyone in Li Jiu!

"Long wait, darling!"

Ying Ruoxue didn't move for a long time, not hanging up, the nine pure flames were completely charged, and the evil blood fox was like a beautiful peacock on the screen...

Nine pure flames flew out towards the thunder net, transforming into nine blood-colored demon lotuses, each of which was the size of a washbasin, crystal brilliant, exuding an extremely terrifying aura!

"Secret technique, Nine Suns Sunset!" The big fox shouted.

It was like a playful tone, and it seemed that he didn't put the other party in his eyes at all.

A jade petal constantly swirls and fires and lifts the thunder net, the blazing dazzling blood-colored explosion light makes everyone present unable to open their eyes, although the blood-colored jade petal looks gorgeous and magnificent, but the lethality of this thing is like the scythe of death!

Three in a row!

The seemingly huge thunder net was directly blown into pieces, and it fell to the ground like a worn-out ball of thread...

The adulterous brothers and sisters are completely dumbfounded, what kind of lethality is this?


They frantically urged the spiritual power of their whole bodies to inject their own power into the watershed thunder array, and the tattered thunder net had not recovered for long, and it was completely swept away by two consecutive detonated sunset attacks!

"Good job, worthy of Ruoxue!"

Li Jiu had been waiting for a long time, and the long knife that had been blessed by the demon forge emitted a burst of knife sounds at this moment, as if it was the roar of the long knife!

The light and dark blades simultaneously emitted a pitch-black and mysterious black glow, and the terrifying blade glow seemed to tear the void, dyeing the nearby air pitch black...

"Instantly." Accompanied by Li Jiu's low drink.

The double knives were as imposing as a rainbow, and they slashed fiercely on the gourd in front of the adulterous boy!

In an instant, the entire Sunset Forest seemed to be shaking, the earth was trembling, and endless black rays poured out in the thunder array of the river basin like a flood that broke the embankment!

The rolling dark spiritual power surged wildly, and the small sunset forest emitted a thunderous sound.

And the remaining sunset attacks were like fireworks that exploded in a series, tearing the surrounding area of the basin thunder array apart, and the originally extremely powerful basin thunder array was directly broken!

Eagle strikes the sky!

Wings in the sky!

Xiaoying, who was hovering in the sky and waiting to grab people's heads, had been waiting for a long time, and she urged her whole body spiritual power to quickly dive down and at high speed, turning into an uncatchable cyan shadow towards the defenseless Flower Eater!

How could the lustful flower charm who was hiding on his brother think that he would be targeted by the overlord of the sky?

The spiritual power of the two brothers and sisters briefly fused into one, and at the same time, they desperately injected spiritual power into that huge gourd to defend against Li Jiu's earth-shattering double swords!

The lightwing that triggered the multiplier effect was instantaneous, and just as the Flower Eater was burning, the earth-shattering metal crash prevented her from noticing the Shadow's raid.


Xiaoying's roaring clouds became more and more perfect, a pair of eagle eyes locked on the neck of the lustful flower charm, and the four claw marks flashed away... The facial expression of the lustful flower charm froze.

Then, a round head was directly grabbed by the shadow above the nine heavens!

"Little sister!" The adulterous boy found that his sister's head was gone, and two lines of blood and tears burst out!

"You're going to accompany her soon, cry a fart!" Li Jiu's voice was like death in the night.

The big gourd that lost half of its strength support could no longer block the double-knife attack of the earth-shattering ghost god!

The surrounding air twisted violently, and Li Jiu's two knives staggered and fiercely opened a hole in the adulterous boy's body!

Suddenly, sky-like green blood spurted out along with that shocking wound!

"This can't be! What is the power of man?

"Hmph, I've already let you, go die."

"Don't, you killed me, that woman's soul forbidden can't be solved..." Li

Jiu didn't talk nonsense with him, and cut him down twice!

The head of the adulterous boy rolled on the ground on the spot...

"Ruoxue is still too strong." Li Jiu couldn't help but marvel.

It's useless to let the other side make a big move, your own family also has a fire battery that needs to be charged, and at the same time shoot at the other party, the Shinra-level Chiyan Evil Fox is invincible!

Yan Yu: Ծ‸Ծ

Yuguang: It's really good to paddle....

"It's all the credit of Yu'er's sister, I can't release too many combat skills without her." Ying Ruoxue turned into a human form and hugged Yan Yu, who looked aggrieved.

Xiaoying chirped happily, and then escalated.

【Reverse Falcon】

Grade: Monarch Level

: 33

Sync Value: 63

Through this battle, Sky Shadow's sync value has increased by 2 points.

No way, who made her a berserker?

The sensible Yuguang quickly appeared and began to clean up the battlefield, and Li Jiu and Ying Ruoxue coaxed the aggrieved Yan Yu together: "Baby Yu'er, stop puffing out your face, you are the best."

"Hmph, the lecherous master knows it."

Li Jiu is more and more suspicious that the setting that they can hear their hearts is convenient for them to open a harem of spiritual pets?

Sakura Ruoxue gently rubbed up holding Li Jiu's arm, and the snow fox on the snowfield had turned into a strange shape... It's moving.

"Honey, what did this woman do with it?"

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