Ying Ruoxue's words reminded Li Jiu of Qin Wu's life and death, this unfortunate Miss Qin 'flew' to the stone next to her after the watershed thunder array was broken.

Only then did Li Jiu carefully look at Qin Wujiu's appearance, and before he was only shocked, there was a water law covering the body in the secret territory....

This is a girl who looks like eighteen or nineteen years old, the emerald green long skirt has been torn a little messy, tender and beautiful, although not as good as Chu Xinyu, but also has a 9 points.

Li Jiu's vision was raised by the spiritual pets around him quite tricky, but he had to admit that Qin Wujie, who could reach 9 points, was a peerless beauty with a shocking and perfect body in the eyes of the world.

Qin Wujue's chest developed very well in disheveled clothes, and the two beautiful snow greases were much larger than the master...

More help to cultivate the land can reach the level of feather.

If you look at it this way, it is also enough to be a maid to serve tea and pour water in the future.

"Count you lucky, without the help of the system, you will die today." Li Jiu let out a long sigh and took Qin Wujie in his arms.

Look at the little colored Rubik's Cube in the system space.

Whether [mind control]

can be used successfully is here.

According to the words of the adulterous boy, this woman is now delirious and the best time to use props.

Use the items that disappear after 24 hours!

Li Jiu took out the Rubik's Cube with one hand, ripped off Qin Wujue's thin clothes like cicada wings, and then placed the small Rubik's Cube on her chest... Slowly melted in.

"Wha~" Qin Wujie, who was confused, muttered.

With a click, a strange black chain with a different style from Lingqi appeared on Li Jiu's chest, and then merged into Qin Wujue's chest and disappeared.

"Ding~ Mind Control is used successfully!"

"Does it retain its ontological consciousness?"

Li Jiu thought about it, a puppet-like robot didn't mean anything, and Li Jiu didn't need a cup.

He chose to retain Qin Wujie's original consciousness.


Jiu saw the system panel, and there was Qin Wujiu's information next to him.

Good guys....

Name: Qin Wujie

Age: 19

Experience: 0

Obedience: The goal will fulfill all your orders, irresistible, unable to lift in any way

and some unspeakable and strange information below....

"Is this a success?"

Li Jiu looked at Qin Wujie, who fainted in his arms, and didn't know what to do for a while.

"Yuguang, heal her."

"Yes, master."

With a wave of Yuguangyu's hand, the dazzling and brilliant holy light spiritual power filled Qin Wuji's body, and the bruises and injuries on her body were slowly repaired...

"The master is so bad~" Yan Wan lifted the advent mode and hugged behind Li Jiu, a little crowded.

Qin Wujie muttered, "Uh... My head hurts. Then slowly opened his eyes.

It was Li Jiu who lifted the advent mode, and Qin Wujiu's memory was broken from Lingyun Square.

She didn't understand why she was here.

Qin Wujue came up to the quality of the three questions: "Li Jiu? Which is it? What about Chu Xinyu?

A whizzing cool breeze blew on Qin Wujie's chest, and she quickly looked down and then was frightened.

"Ah! What about my clothes? Although she had long been mentally prepared to dedicate everything to the Qin family, the current impact was still too exciting for Qin Wujue.

"Xiao Qin, take off your clothes." Li Jiu turned on the obedience effect and said with a smile.

"Li Jiu? What are you doing? I haven't married you yet! Although Qin Wujue was resisting on his lips, his hands had involuntarily begun to undress.

In the blink of an eye, the flawless jade body like mutton fat was in full view.

However, Li Jiu did not plan to have anything to do with this woman with a bad personality.

Or find a way to use her to control the entire Qin family first, right?

Through the link just now, Li Jiu found that Qin Wujiu's will is based on the Qin family, and now I want her to serve me as the lord and change her allegiance to myself.

It's definitely not that mess, don't think about crooked .JPG.

Speaking of this, Qin Wujie is also quite miserable, he has been brainwashed by Qin Shuang since he was a child, and the brainwashing skills of the Xuanling Master family are indeed extraordinary.

But how exactly to do it?

Li Jiu saw most of Qin Wujiu's memories from the link consciousness just now, this seemingly beautiful Miss Qin was just Qin Shuang: Or the tool man of the Qin family.

The things she likes have basically been brainwashed by her childhood, and she only has the hobby of playing jade flutes.

If Li Jiu came up and immediately forcibly ordered her to believe in herself, it might make Qin Wujie's originally fragile self-spirit go blank.... Because Qin Wujie's self-awareness was almost not much left.

"This is... What's going on? What the hell have you done to me? Qin Wujue quickly covered his chest, and his goose egg face was already red and could not be redder.

Li Jiu nodded to himself, "It's really good." "

Did your Qin family send someone to kill me?"

"Yes.... I asked my father to do it. "Qin Wujiu couldn't resist any of Li Jiu's orders because of the effect of obedience.

"Why? I didn't treat you well, did I? Li Jiu lifted her chin.

"Secret territory, I seduce you.... You don't look at it, ignoring the power of the Xuanling Master: In the future, he will be the great enemy of the Qin family. Qin Wujie was about to cry, and said with a grievance on his face.

"So you're the culprit?"

"I'm sorry.... Li Jiu, please spare the Qin family! "

Oh? Miss Qin will also be afraid to beg for mercy?

"My family is innocent, Qin Wen Qin Wu has been killed by Chu Xinyu.... All this was instigated by me and has nothing to do with the Qin family.

"What do you mean.... Are you willing to pay for what you do? Li Jiu pinched her lips and began to play.

"Whew... I do... Master. "Qin Wujue, even if he has ten thousand unwillingness in his heart, he will be forcibly corrected by the obedience effect.

"Xiao Qin, your life was saved by me, you must serve me alone in your future life, what shit Qin family will be a little later."

"Yes.... Master. Qin Wujie found that the anger in his heart turned into a promise, and he began to constantly doubt life.

After appreciating the waves.

"Yes... Master. Qin Wujie's eyes were full of dodging.

Li Jiu lifted the obedience effect, and rubbed her head again: "Today I have already taught you a lesson to this noble Miss Qin, I still have business, let's play with you in the future."

Qin Wujiu, who had taken back control of his body, looked at Li Jiu indignantly: "You... What the hell did this guy do to me?

Li Jiu gently attached to Qin Wujue's ear and smiled: "Don't get excited first, as long as I want to, you will become mine at any time..." Qin

Wujiu was angry and ashamed after hearing this, but she still couldn't resist any of Li Jiu's will.

Li Jiu stood up with his hands in his hands: "Xiao Qin, you go home first, as for everything that happened today, you should know what to do if you are smart, right?" "

Turn on obedience.

"I'll give you a few orders first, and you must follow them well."


"Hmm.... Go back and take a good look at what a qualified maid has to do.


"I haven't thought of the rest yet, so be it."


"I didn't intend to kill you, since you took everything on yourself, you will pay it back with this life."

"Yes... Master. Qin

Wujue, who had taken back control of her body, opened the space ring with some despair and slowly dressed, she didn't know what was happening to her.

Why can't you resist his orders after waking up?

Li Jiu recalled Xiaoying with a smile and took the loot that Yuguang had cleaned: "Work hard, Miss Qin.... My maid, I still need your Qin family for me in the future."

"By the way, I like long hair, your hair is too short, go back and grow longer."



This time, Li Jiu did not open obedience.

"Yes..." Qin Wujie cried out aggrieved.

Li Jiu began to seduce her like a demon: "What to cry? Count you lucky today, otherwise you will be raped and then killed by these two beasts?? In the future, honestly do things for me, I am in a good mood and may unlock the restrictions for you. "

Whew....," Qin Wu would never dare to say anything more to resist, because her big rabbit... It hurts.

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