Li Jiu gently rubbed Qin Wujiu's little face, and said with a serious expression: "Xiao Qin, you go back and help me pay attention to the Shangpin Holy Spirit Seal and Xuan Yu Tears, I need them now." As

soon as Li Jiu finished speaking, Qin Wujie, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly changed his face slightly, and slowly raised his head to look at the 'master'.

"Xuan Yu Tears, a high-level spirit pet breakthrough material, once appeared at the auction of the Holy Moon Branch last week, but unfortunately, it was auctioned away by the Lin family's flies..."

Hearing Li Jiu's words, Qin Wujie dared to get up slowly, and quickly patted the dust on his knees.

At this time, a slightly anxious male voice came from the forest not far away...

"Endless! Where are you?

"Is he?" Qin Wujue seemed to hear who it was, and muttered in a low voice.

Li Jiu put away the corpses of the adulterous brothers and sisters and was about to leave, when he heard Qin Wujie's words, he couldn't help but chuckle and said: "Xiao Qin, in this life, you can only serve me alone and find the fate of other men..... You have to think well~

" A trace of panic flashed in Qin Wujie's eyes, and he struggled for three points, "Lin Tianhua, the youngest son of the Lin family who has risen the fastest in the northern region of China recently, because he has business dealings with the Qin family..... So it kept pestering me.

Li Jiu looked at the little maid in front of him playfully: "Oh?

As soon as the words fell, three people appeared at the end of Li Jiu's vision, the leader of which was dressed in white, with a polite temperament, and a face like white jade, I have to say that he looked like a dog, it should be that Lin Tianhua.

Li Jiu noticed that the sleeve of the right arm of the black-robed entourage behind him was hanging straight down, and it seemed that his right hand was broken?

Qin Wujue quickly adjusted his mentality and said coldly, "Lin Tianhua? What are you here for?

Lin Tiannan's face was pleasantly surprised, and when he saw Li Jiu, his face became extremely livid, as if he had eaten three pounds of stool, which was very ugly.

"Absolutely .... I heard that you followed this guy of unknown origin out of the city alone, and I was worried about your danger, so I came to take a look..." Qin

Wujie interrupted him sharply and asked, "Who asked you to call my name?" Are we so good? "

Moreover, this advisory elder of our Qin family... How did you become a guy of unknown origin in your mouth? And one more point.... It's your turn to take care of our Qin family's affairs?

Lin Tianhua was forced by Qin Wujue to be speechless: "Wujie, I..."

Qin Wujie snorted coldly.

"Miss Qin...," Lin Tianhua admitted.

Qin Wujue seemed to hate him very much: "The son of the Lin family who works for the Spirit Master Association, instead of building a new stronghold in Beiqing Snow to win glory for the family, you follow behind me, the Xuanling Master, and watch out for your master to break your dog's leg when he finds out." "

In fact, the Spirit Master Association and the Xuan Ling Master Family have always been kind and kind in the open, and they can't wait to kill each other behind their backs.

After all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

But the helpless and cruel reality of the Holy Spirit Star made them unable to face each other with swords... After all, as an organization with high combat power on the human side, once the civil war officially starts, it will create an opportunity for the monsters outside the realm to invade.

The Lin family where Lin Tianhua is located is actually a spirit master family secretly supported by the New Soul Organization, and it also has a good social status in the spirit master association.

Black and white all-take-all type.

"Miss Qin, I'm relieved to see that you're okay."

Lin Tianhua's gaze shifted and fell on Qin Wujie's body, and a faint light that only a man could see flashed in his eyes.

Although Lin Tianhua is only 21 years old, his private life is quite chaotic, God knows how many women he plays?

Therefore, Lin Tianhua thought that he had a high immunity to women's appearance and temperament, but when he negotiated a contract with the Qin family a year ago and saw Qin Wujie, who was like a heavenly immortal, Lin Tianhua felt that his whole body suddenly boiled with beast blood... An unprecedented possessiveness grew in his mind.

But the other party was the eldest lady of the Qin family who was far away, and for Qin Wujue, Lin Tianhua's identity as a prince of the family who was strong enough in the eyes of ordinary people was not worth mentioning at all.

Today, Lin Tianhua has received from his father the task of exploring the construction of a new stronghold in Beiqing Snowland.

On the surface, this is a probe mission sent by the Spirit Master Association, but in fact, there is a lot of secret.

But since the glimpse of Qin Wuhuan a year ago, the twilight of Qin Wu made Lin Tianhua unconsciously become a humble licking dog.

When passing by the stronghold in the north of the town, Lin Tianhua heard that there might be Qin Wuji's future husband on the Qin family's collection order?

As a result, he found out that the so-called Li Jiu was just an ordinary spirit master without any identity background, and now he had become an advisory elder of the Qin family, and marrying Qin Wujiu was a matter of Qin Shuang's words.

It is worth mentioning that Lin Meiyu, the fat pig captain that Li Jiu met in the Jingxi stronghold that day, is Lin Tianhua's biological sister.

The black-haired young man in front of him was still the culprit who caused the Lin family's status to decline and suffered heavy losses!

Jealousy, hatred, anger, lowliness..... Several indescribable emotions suddenly surged into Lin Tianhua's heart.

Qin Wujue, this blind man! I don't choose with such good conditions, choose an ordinary people?

I'm going to kill him now!"

Avenge your sister!

Avenge the Lin family!

Just when Lin Tianhua wanted to burst into trouble, the black-robed man with a broken arm beside him could see at a glance that something was not quite right, and said with his throat between his voices: "Young Master Lin, let's get down to business first." "

Husky and ugly.

After hearing this, Lin Tianhua's face showed a very stiff and ugly smile, and he hugged his fists and said, "Yes, yes, yes.." Miss Qin, I will leave first. "

Qin Wujie, who was influenced by Li Jiu, did not say polite words as usual, did not even say a word, the scene was very embarrassing...

Li Jiu stared at the black-robed man with a broken arm without saying a word, and the man didn't seem to dare to look at each other at all.

I always feel that the breath on the mysterious black-robed person in front of me seems a little familiar.... Where do you seem to have seen it?

Lin Tianhua also knew that it would be a shame if he didn't leave, so he quickly left with the two black-robed men towards the north.

Looking at Lin Tianhua, who was far away, Li Jiu was thinking about the so-called construction of a new stronghold.

This stronghold north of the town has been established for more than ten years, and there are no more human strongholds to the north of this area.

At this juncture, mention the construction of Beiqing Snow ... Li Jiu always felt that something was wrong.

"The host... I'll just.... Go back first. Qin Wujue made a very professional smirk.

Li Jiu said coldly: "Xiao Qin, tell me about the construction of that so-called new stronghold." Qin

Wujie forced down the turmoil in her heart, she knew that her resistance was completely useless, and it was herself who angered him and hurt...

She could only force a smile and said, "Go back..... The master's words, it is rumored that a new spirit stone vein has recently been discovered in the Beiqing Snow... The Spirit Master Association intends to build a new base to be responsible for transit transportation. "

It's just a rumor, we don't have a good relationship with the Spirit Master Association.... Father probably knows the real reason, right?

"Xiao Qin, do you know the dwarves?" Li Jiu thought she was funny, pulled into his arms and bullied her fiercely.

Qin Wujiu had no choice, let Li Jiu go up and down, panting: "Legend... Middle... Races that are good at forging equipment, do they exist .... It remains to be seen.

He Cheng thought that Li Jiu's face changed quickly, and immediately let go of her: "Well, you go." Li

Jiu whistled after obtaining Qin Wujiu's contact information, and the shadow that disliked the human ink took off flew back.

Li Jiu jumped on top of her and flew north.

Qin Wujue saw Xiaoying's distant figure, and he was a little stunned for a while.

She began to cover her chest and doubt life..... I shouldn't have been ill-intentioned about this guy.

Good guy, now completely pinched.

Yu Guang in the spirit pet space suddenly spoke: "Master, the man with the broken arm just now, if I remember correctly, should be the Hu Guan I met in the Neon District." "

Huh? How sure are you? Li Jiu seemed to have guessed.

"7 percent..." "

New soul steward?

Moreover, isn't the Lin family a member of the Spirit Master Association?

Li Jiu said, "emmm.. Leave it alone, let's go find the flowers of this life that the big beast said. Xiaoying

didn't care so much, she screamed happily and carried Li Jiu to the depths of the Beiqing snow...

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