North of Tianji Peak, at the end of the Beiqing Snow Land - the Beiqing Mountain Range.

Li Jiu just came down from Xiaoying's body, and after getting rid of the protection of spiritual power and touching the air here, Li Jiu couldn't help but shiver, the biting cold was like a cold knife cutting his body...

"It's so cold... At least minus 40 degrees. When

passing by Tianji Peak just now, Li Jiu almost wanted to go back, and he was afraid that he would not want to go out of the mountain once he went back.

It's all to blame that the master is too charming~

The snow around the cold light constantly reflects particularly dazzling silver light........ It will inevitably make people's emotions become a little trance.

Directly in front of Li Jiu's line of sight was a towering white mountain range, the Beiqing Mountain Range.

The azure sky seemed to be covered with a special spiritual power enchantment... The majestic and tall mountain range in front of you is like a defensive wall, protecting the safety of the people in the boundary and blocking all external enemies.

A storm of great range, a white patch of snow that continues to rage on the empty and uninhabited snowfield.... As long as you pass through the snow forest in front of you, you can reach the vicinity of the Beiqing Mountain Range.

You should find a special cave there, right?

At this time, Yu Guang slowly walked out of the spirit pet space and looked into the distance: "Master, are we going to the border mountain range?" "

Well, let's go."

Li Jiu asked Xiaoying to 'play' by himself, and then summoned Sakura Ruoxue and Yan Yu towards the snow forest.

Sakura Ruoxue walked like a fly and quickly led Li Jiu through the snow forest, and when she was about to reach her destination, a deafening roar came from the snow forest, and a four-meter-tall and white-haired giant bear suddenly came out from Li Jiu's left side!


The seemingly bulky body is quite sensitive!

【Frost Giant Bear】

Grade: Dominant level

: Level 39

Introduction: The monster that inhabits the northern green snow has high ice resistance and is very resistant to fighting.

Skills: Giant Bear Palm Strike Ice Wall Thick Skin Roaring

Frost Giant Bear has been really depressed lately, and finally found a quiet habitat, thinking that he can live a peaceful life.

About half a month ago, the terrifying enchantment actually opened a small opening, and a group of short dwarves escaped from there!

Its territory was thus occupied by the dwarves!

That's all, there are many of you, and good bears don't fight with people.

It finally found a more comfortable cave suitable for hibernation, but was driven out by a very terrifying monster...

Today, it is hiding in the snow forest in a grievance intending to sleep beautifully, and an abominable human being has come to its territory!

This guy who doesn't know if he is dead or alive doesn't seem to have a very strong aura of spiritual power, and he can fight!

The Frost Giant Bear couldn't bear it anymore, and it decided to strike hard.


Li Jiu planned to let the spirit pets accumulate combat experience: "A bear's paw has come, which of you will single it out?"

"Let's single it out, Sister Angel." After Yan Yu stood firm, he looked at the indifferent feather light.

Yuguang nodded with a smile: "Hmm. "

Take me one!" Sakura Ruoxue also turned into a fox-eared beautiful girl standing beside Li Jiu.

"Sister Sakura, forget it, you're too powerful..."


Frost Giant Bear: You call this heads-up?

The frost giant bear looked at the human in front of him with a spirit pet talking and laughing, not putting himself in his eyes at all, and suddenly slapped his chest and rushed up!

Yuguang gracefully took a step back, and her archery skills that had not been in long-range combat for a long time were still very sharp!

Three consecutive golden arrows shone with a star-like cold light towards the eyes of the frost giant bear, the frost giant bear roared, it struggled to slap the smooth ice surface, two thick ice walls ten meters high quickly formed, steadily blocking the light arrow of the feather.

"Not bad!"

Li Jiu leisurely raised his arm, his eyes locked on the left side of the ice wall, and a glowing feather arrow shot out accurately.

There was no doubt that the defensive battle skill unleashed by the Tier 5 Warcraft resisted Li Jiu's light feather arrow attack, leaving only a shining white feather at the foot of the ice wall.

"Roar!" The Frost Giant Bear let out a deafening roar without any scruples, this roaring skill can make its spiritual power skyrocket in the short term, and its strength and speed will increase by a few points again!

The frost giant bear lifted the defensive effect of the ice wall and instantly rushed towards the two women, and a deep blue glow formed by the condensation of spiritual power immediately appeared on its body, and its huge body was like a giant hammer with unstoppable power smashing towards the weakest-looking black-haired Yanyu.


Yan Yu, who instantly entered the real body mode, dexterously cast the chain blade to hook the boulder next to him, the whole body flashed with orange light, one hand opened, with the appearance of the brown mad dragon, a giant thorn that grew to five meters tall rose up, and a set of perfect combos was thrown on the body of the frost giant bear!

The frost giant bear was repelled by the wooden dragon for several steps, and its body was hit hard by the whip of the cold jing sitting lotus, and the monster of the same level was definitely killed on the spot, and the thick skin and flesh also flew out upside down like a cannonball, and the ice and snow flew ~


A cyan figure flew towards the injured frost giant bear like a little chill, and the four consecutive strikes of the shadow roared Yuntian back and forth on its body like a sword, leaving one shocking scar after another!

"Roar! (you!) "

A cold glow flashed in the eyes of the crazy frost giant bear, and the seemingly clumsy body turned into a white glow and shot his own special move towards the path that the shadow must pass!"

Giant bear palm strike!

Like a volcanic eruption, the giant palm slapped fiercely on Xiaoying's slightly young body.... This move is clearly to exchange with Xiaoying before he dies, and change it for other ordinary spirit pets that will definitely be photographed into a lump of meat mud!

Although he was young, Xiaoying with extremely rich combat experience quickly protected his body with his wings and blocked this thunderous blow with his back to Yan Yu.


With a muffled sound, Xiaoying helplessly wailed and flew out upside down, and the sharp eagle claws grabbed the two bear eyes of the frost giant bear!

The red and white flowed all over the ground, and it rolled all over the ground in pain.

Yuguang seemed to have known this for a long time, and she pedaled her legs slightly like a golden ray to quickly come behind Xiaoying, and gently hugged its body.

The light of the holy healing, the wind of recovery combined with the passivity of Xiaoying, and the damage suffered by Xiaoying was completely healed in less than a moment!

Having just become blind, the Frost Giant Bear no longer has any ability to resist.

Yu Guang and Yan Yuxin glanced at each other and handed over the precious opportunity to mend the knife to Xiaoying!

Frost Bear: Say yes, you guys 3 to 1! I want to report it!

"Roar~" The

next moment, Xiaoying's strange figure appeared behind the frost giant bear, and with the help of the two women, Xiaoying continued to use the 'gua sha claw method' to put the blood in the frost giant bear's body alive....

After all, Xiaoying's grade is the lowest, and the attack method is relatively single, which belongs to the late-stage type spirit pet.

Three minutes later, the Frost Giant Bear turned into a backup of ingredients in Li Jiu's system space with a stomach of resentment.

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