Li Jiu hurriedly stepped forward to check Xiaoying's injuries, and said very distressedly: "Xiaoying, in fact, you can only be responsible for mending the knife, and leave the rest to us..."

The anti-falcon looked up at Ying Ruoxue unconvinced, and said in his heart: "Although my grade is not as good as theirs, there is no way to easily crush the other party for a leapfrog battle, but this small injury is a common thing for me."

"I won't lose to you."

Li Jiu understood that she needed to fight, and she had also seen the evolution process before Xiaoying, those somewhat cruel scenes...

Each time Xiaoying evolves, it belongs to a mutant subrace, from the very 'toy bird' to the blue wing, to the current falcon.

In order to make the body's beak sharper, Skyshadow will use its beak to hit hard rocks before each evolution until it falls off.

And in this way, the newborn beak will inherit the advantages of the high-level bird demon pet.

Also, those wings that are not plump enough will be plucked by her one until they grow into what she is satisfied with.

The sharp nails used for predation have been shattered I don't know how many times, but fortunately, she has the ability to restore vitality, and ordinary Warcraft will not choose this 'cruel' evolution even if they want to transform.

Li Jiu also understood the ambition in her heart, so he didn't say more: "It's okay, no matter how many injuries you have, Yuguang will help you heal it."

Li Jiuna knew that her words made the warlike Xiaoying more courageous, and she could rely on her perverted resilience to challenge her limits again.

"Brother, I want it."

Li Jiu: ???

With the change of a dazzling blue light, a blue-haired shadow stretched out his white palm and looked at Li Jiu 'pitifully'.

She changed into a dark gray military uniform coat to wrap the girl's slightly immature body in it, wearing a tall turquoise cavalry hat, and the pupils hidden under the brim flashed with sharp fighting intent, which made people chill inside.

Although Xiaoying broke out of the shell for less than a month, her existential consciousness has long been formed, and her true age can only be replaced by X. (Adult O~)

The sealing technique left by Kunpeng is to let her be born in a specific era, but the person is not as good as the heavenly calculation, or the system skill is superior.

Li Jiu doesn't have too many strange ideas about this warlike little loli, but the cute and loving eye-raising is quite good, and when she grows into a peerless beauty in the future... Hehe....

"Pervert." Xiaoying sensed that something was wrong and whispered.

The pure loli voice scolds people so well, Li Jiudu is a little doubtful that he is really perverted?


Through the previous contact with the Yan Wan sisters, Li Jiu understood that not all spirit pets were obedient to themselves like Yuguang and had their own forbidden areas.

Although sooner or later it will be raided down ....

Li Jiu put two high-level spirit cores that had already been converted into Xiaoying's hands, this kind of independent and self-reliant little loli, if you forcibly feed her, you will definitely be disliked!

Xiaoying swallowed the two spirit cores like a date, and couldn't help but smile when he learned that Li Jiu cared about his thoughts.

If this scene is seen by the senior lolicon, there will be absolutely no regrets!

"The sync value of Ding~ and the reverse falcon has increased by 1 point, and the current sync value is 64."

Experience is useful!

After Li Jiu asked Lori's consent, he picked her up high and raised her above her head, "Xiaoying is really powerful, go, don't get too far away from me." "

The cute loli in hand turned into a big bird and flew away~

The understanding feather light hand rose and fell to cut the body of the frost giant bear, and cleaning the battlefield was the most troublesome and tiring work.

Yuguang, what a virtuous man!

Li Jiu gently stroked the top of the angel's head to show encouragement, and then rode the evil demon fox to continue to the Beiqing Mountain Range.

In fact, except for the unlucky frost giant bear just now, the other monsters here were all frightened by the previous Heaven Devouring Beast.

The closer you get closer to the Beiqing Mountain Range, you know how long this endless mountain range is?

Like the Great Wall of Perseverance...

Yan Yu in Li Jiu's arms was defenseless and lying comfortably in Li Jiu's arms because of the fusion of his sister's soul.

Sakura: It's so hard for me.

Li Jiu kept moving along this Beiqing Mountain Range, constantly looking for the gap in the cave... There are many relatively rare herbs in the nearby snow forest.

Together with Yan Yu, he went down to the field to harvest rare materials on the side of the road, ice lotus, ice leaf grass... These herbs can also be worth a hundred thousand, if it is not for their own ability to refine pills, they are really too lazy to collect them when they are in a hurry.

Three hours later....

The sky gradually darkened, and Li Jiu still hadn't found the mysterious cave in the mouth of the big beast, and he couldn't help but feel a little dazed in his heart.

Could it be that you are looking for the wrong mountain?

At this moment, a voice came from the feather light in the sky: "Master, there is a spiritual power aura ahead, but.... Very weak. "

Warcraft? Above!

Li Jiu rolled up his sleeves, intending to vent the hapless monster.

"Don't stop me, I'm going to slaughter it with my bare hands today!"

Listening to Yuguang say that the other party's spiritual power aura is weak, then try that you don't have the ability to possess the body, right?

Li Jiu summoned the bow of light, took the bow and gathered momentum, holding his breath and quietly moving forward...

When he saw the so-called 'Warcraft', he couldn't help but be overjoyed, Li Jiu's eyes were a short figure, almost the same as those dwarf features that Li Jiu saw in online games before.

A height of more than one meter, loose hair, and a body that should be fat, but for some reason it has become thin and small... His skin was dark, his body was covered in tattered clothes, and his messy beard was almost dragged to the ground.

Are these dwarves so buried?

This dwarf was squatting on the ground and holding a sharp weapon towards the bark of the ancient tree in the snow forest, as if he was scraping?

People cut down trees, do you scrape the bark of trees?

With a swoosh, Li Jiu pushed slightly, and the wind on the soles of his feet quickly came behind the dwarf: "Hey, are you scraping the bark of a tree?" This

dwarf who had no spiritual cultivation did not notice Li Jiu in the distance at all, and he was so frightened that the blade in his hand fell to the ground, which was extremely crisp on this quiet snowfield.

"I was wrong! I don't dare to resist you anymore, please don't kill me, I just want to eat some bark.

The dwarf quickly made a military salute and raised his hands above his head before daring to slowly turn around.

"Huh? I'm just asking you. Li Jiu said coldly.

The dwarf saw Li Jiu's appearance clearly and found that he was not the group at all.

His face eased slightly, but he was still very frightened and said: "Hello, my name is Kahachi, I am 240 years old, I am a dwarf, if there is nothing wrong, I will withdraw..."

He took two steps back as he spoke, as if he wanted to escape?

"Slowly, I have something to ask you." Li Jiu asked Yuguang to block his way.

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