At this moment, the Nether Ghost Eye, who should have been seriously injured and dying, turned into a black light and blocked Hu Guanshi's body because his perception was higher than that of other spirit pets, buying him time to release the flowing armor.

Xiaoying's sharp claws slashed out a faint crescent-shaped cyan blade, splitting the severely injured and endangered Nether Ghost Eye in two.

The dead cannot die again!


The subsequent cyan blade slashed fiercely on Hu Guanshi's body, and the black robe on his body shattered in response, and the exposed treasure armor was also eclipsed by the last blow, and he was almost broken by Xiaoying and killed on the spot!

The overlord of the sky could not stay on the ground for too long to give the enemy a chance to counterattack, and Xiaoying flew back into the sky with an angry chirp to find the next time to kill.

Steward Hu's body was retreated more than ten steps by the impact force attached to the shadow, and his eyes were full of disbelief, and he said to himself with a living and hellish expression: "Impossible!" Your level is not as high as mine, how can you be the four pets at the same time?

"Nope.... It's the five

pets..." Steward Hu looked at Li Jiu's spirit pets with a look of fear.

Cyan war eagles flying in the sky, nine-tailed blood foxes, angels, blue-haired elves who do not know their strength... And the demons in Li Jiu's body.

If Steward Hu had known that Li Jiu could be the Imperial Five Favorites at this level, he would definitely run away immediately regardless of his expert demeanor, bring this key information back to the new soul, and then implement an arrest plan against Li Jiu.

Li Jiu smiled coldly: "Want to run now?" It's late! "

With a loud bang, a burning star steadily smashed the struggling running thunder snake hiding next to the boulder into a meatloaf, and the surrounding snow trees collapsed instantly after a violent impact, and an indescribable burning smell emanated from under the fire-colored meteorite!

Guan Hu was stunned, and as the two spirit pets died in battle, his breathing rate gradually became disordered... A kind of warning of death comes to mind.


Li Jiu's cold eyes flashed with killing intent, and he took the spirit pets to kill together.

Hu Guanshi's way up the mountain was blocked by Xiaoying and could not escape, and in front of him was a demonic Li Jiu, and he couldn't help but feel sad, he lived a lot of age, but he didn't expect that he would actually be planted in the hands of a newborn junior today.

"I didn't expect... You will become so strong, I can't actually win you. "

Steward Hu rushed back to the side of the Park poisonous toad, letting it swallow its intention to flee the scene by relying on the skill of escape!

The surrounding mountain road began to shake, and the Pu poisonous toad desperately wanted to escape from Shengtian, Li Jiu had long known the speed of this toad's escape, and he gathered all his spiritual power on his wings and flew quickly!

Two brilliant black rays flashed out from the two knives in his hand, quickly stabbing the body surface of the steel-solid toad, and the poisonous glands ruptured... It's a pity that Hu Guan's mastery in his life is highly poisonous, and Li Jiu in Advent Mode is like a child's play.

The light fury arrow and two pure flames that followed were all submerged into the toad's broken wound, and the Pu poisonous toad let out a miserable roar, churning violently on the ground, shaking its body madly.


"Prisoner Dragon, convert."

Li Jiu did not intend to interrogate Liu, these people must sacrifice the Great Blue Spirit in the Sky with death.

The Park poisonous toad seemed to feel the threat of death, so it began to dig the floor frantically regardless of the flame of nothingness on its body, but it suddenly found that its body did not know when it was completely fixed by several solid black and white chains!

Motionless like a king eight.


Li Jiu's current main fixed-point output still relies on Ying Ruoxue, and the spiritual power attribute of the Park poisonous toad was instantly changed into a wood attribute, and the subsequent burning star flame bombarded the body of the park poisonous toad, flying this giant toad more than ten feet away!

The ground has been dragged out of a bottomless pit!


After the Steward Hu, who was in the flame of nothingness in his body, came out of the mouth of the Park poisonous toad, he shouted madly, his eyes were blood-red, and he jumped to Li Jiu's approach like a wild beast.

"Aaaaaa The old man fought with you! Li

Jiu pulled out a black afterimage, and at this moment, his feet were like two indestructible blades, kicking fiercely on Hu Guanshi's face, and several consecutive kicks kicked his skull.

How could the mortal fetus of the flesh of the Hu Guan resist the kick after the enhanced power of the devil?

Steward Hu didn't even utter a scream, he was violently killed on the spot, and his body fell vertically like a kite with a broken line... A trace of tyranny flashed in Li Jiu's heart, so he directly grabbed Hu Guanshi's body in the air and tore it to pieces on the spot with both arms.

The rain of blood in the sky is difficult to sacrifice the death of Da Lan.

Li Jiu quickly used the power of transformation to absorb these fifth-order spirit cores shared by Steward Hu.

Yuguang, Li Jiu, and Ying Ruoxue simultaneously bloomed with a unique light that belonged to their spiritual power attributes!

The continuous leapfrogging battles made the spirit pets increase their level again!

Yuguang reached level 32, and Yan Wan quickly increased her level to level 32 because of the passive effect.

Sakura Wakayuki has also been upgraded to level 31.


With both knives on the ground, Li Jiu slowly landed on the ground and withdrew his demon wings, panting and asking to the sky: "Xiaoying, what's going on inside the Tianji Sect?"

Xiaoying's heart voice: "There are three very strong auras in it, and it will be dangerous for me to go further.... I'll be back to inform you. "

Well done, Xiaoying."

Xiaoying seemed to be very afraid of Li Jiu, who was now ruthless, and said like a girl: "Brother.. They are in the direction of the meteorite peak.

After hearing this, Li Jiu knew that Chu Xinyu might be in danger, so he quickly pulled out his blade and turned into a streamer and rushed towards the direction of Meteor Peak.


Yan Yu looked at Li Jiu with a worried expression, and spoke, "Master Se, do you want to rest for a while first?" There is not much left of you and Sister Sakura's spiritual power. "

Li Jiu knew that there would be a vicious battle behind, so he kept Divine Mercy and Divine Yan as hole cards, which caused Li Jiu's own spiritual power to consume a lot.


Li Jiu liberated Yan Wan and returned it to her sister, and immediately rode on Sakura Ruoxue's back towards the Meteoric Peak.

When passing by Tianji Square, Li Jiu found that this place had turned into ruins, presumably the master was worried that the Tianji Sect building would be destroyed and lead the enemy to the outside, right?

This is the beginning of the good memories of myself and my master, and I was actually destroyed like this by the group of Wang Baeggs?

Yuguang, who had a strong perception, suddenly pointed in one direction and spoke: "Master, the black dream beast is over there!" "


Sakura Ruoxue ran in the direction of Yuguang's point, and it didn't take long for Li Jiu to find a sensitive and evil black dream beast at the end of his field of vision fighting with a group of new soul warriors.

Although it seems to be in no danger at the moment, it is also entangled by the new soul using the human sea tactic and cannot escape.

Li Jiu's face became extremely livid: Why didn't she follow the master?

The strength of the night dream beast naturally found Li Jiu in the distance, and quickly opened his mouth and roared: "Little apprentice, you go quickly to save the master, I can withstand it here." Knowing

that the master was still alive, the thousand-pound boulder in Li Jiu's heart was finally put down, and his face eased slightly.

The new soul warriors found that they actually had foreign aid from the enemy behind them, and they were frightened for a while.

The black dream beast glanced at the feather light beside Li Jiu and roared: "The master was stuck by a black-robed man and a winged birdman, it is very dangerous now, although the master told you to leave here quickly, but I hope you will help save the master."

A hint of begging flashed in the eyes of the black dream beast, and he said tremblingly: "You are not an apprentice who scrupulously abandoned the master, right?

Li Jiu nodded vigorously: "Xiaoying, you stay here first to help solve the siege, I don't want to see the tragedy of Da Lan again." "

Shadow with contempt is the most efficient person to clean up alone.

"Bah~~" Xiaoying was also unaccustomed to the poisonous hand of the new soul of the spirit pet who was good to him, and quickly flew to the side of the black dream beast, and several spiritual power winds blew the new soul warriors on their backs.

A man in a suit who looked like a cadre hurriedly rushed to Li Jiu and shouted: "Hmph, want to destroy our new soul?"

"Let's go!"

Seeing this, the black dream beast hurriedly unleashed his big move, and the dark day enchantment!

The billowing thick black smoke formed an incomparably solid illusion enchantment, controlling the new soul warriors present inside.

The black-haired demon on the side spoke in a gentle voice: "Don't die, the human world is very fun." The

voice of the black dream beast came out of the enchantment: "I and the master die together." Li

Jiu saw that the Black Dream Beast planned to be alone, so he quickly rushed towards the Meteoric Peak.

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