On the Tianji Peak, the Meteoric Peak, the sun has just set today....

Every day at sunset, you can clearly see the moment when the sun goes down here, so it is called the Meteorite Peak by Mu Yanxue.

Tianji Peak is located in the inaccessible Northern Qingxue Land in the northern region of the Hualong Kingdom, and there is a protection of the mountain protection enchantment on the periphery, Chu Xinyu never expected that the person who broke into the enchantment was not the love disciple Li Jiu, but a six-winged angel and a group of black-robed people! !

It can be imagined that if they are allowed to leave alive, this will reveal all the secrets in the Tianji Sect, and Chu Xinyu will definitely not be able to spend the rest of her life peacefully!

Chu Xinyu stood on top of the snow peak, wearing a snow-white robe with a long swing on the floor, her face was ice, and Mu Ruohanjian flashed a trace of anger in her eyes: "Two uninvited guests trespassed into Tianji Peak and killed my spiritual pet, today either you die or I die."

The man in a black robe and a strange mask stood in front of Chu Xinyu and laughed: "Fairy, we just broke into this place by accident, besides, a spirit pet died, and it can be replaced with a new one, don't be so nervous." "

Mysterious enchantments, raised monsters, countless heavenly treasures... And the Heavenly Machine Secret Technique! Wuqu

Xingjun's eyes showed a feverish light: "It's amazing!" If the fairy can inform the whereabouts of the demon power, and then join my new soul organization, it will not be a hundred times better than staying in this sealed land for a lonely life? "


Wuqu Xingjun did not run away because of the scolding, but opened his mouth to question Chu Xinyu: "Beast? All the spirit masters on the Holy Spirit Star are enslaved spirit pets for their use, the defeated are eliminated, and it is so natural to change to a new powerful spirit pet, why are they scolded by fairies as beasts?

"Could it be that all the spiritual masters in the whole world are beasts?"

Chu Xinyu couldn't help but say angrily after hearing this: "Spirit pets are spirit masters fighting side by side, partners in life and death, how can they be slaves of human beings?"

Wuqu Xingjun opened his arms and gestured like a missionary: "Fairy this is bad, the spiritual contract does have the protection of the synchronization value set by the nameless god, but as long as someone develops a new contract..."

A voice that looked like a man and a woman came, "Wuqu, your nonsense is too much, is it so difficult to ask the whereabouts of the demon and then kill this woman to obtain the Heavenly Mechanic Technique?"

"Could it be that the new soul star jun would also covet this woman's appearance?"

The person who spoke was the righteous angel next to Wuqu Xingjun, he was two meters tall, burly and tall, wearing a majestic golden armor to protect his body, revealing a pair of azure blue eyes through his helmet, holding a golden giant sword standing proudly.

Wuqu Xingjun unabashedly spoke: "Migaro, everyone has a heart for beauty, and besides, our new soul has never found the Heavenly Machine Secret Art so far, and it is said that this supreme art cannot be used by ordinary people, and you cannot kill chickens and take eggs."

"Humans are stupid creatures, not to mention you're still a hairy boy?"

A trace of disdain flashed in Wuqu Xingjun's eyes after hearing this, and he stopped making a sound, as if he was planning something.

Migaro shook his shoulders in disdain, and turned to ask Chu Xinyu, who was not far away, proudly: "Hey, woman, the power of demons emanates from here, where is she?" "

Give you the Heavenly Mechanic Obediently, and I will grant you a painless death, if you don't... Hugh blames my divine flame for being merciless! "

Chu Xinyu knew that the other party came to find Li Jiu, because Yan Wan next to Li Jiu is a demon race, and Li Jiu's heavenly favor is also a four-winged angel.

It seems to fit the two things that are rumored.... By taking him as an apprentice, he wanted to protect the normal operation of the world order, fearing that Li Jiu would fall into a crooked path.

Now that the great enemy is now, how can Chu Xinyu betray Li Jiu's whereabouts?

Chu Xinyu replied shallowly, "Seven archangels? It's really arrogant. There

was no trepidation in her voice, indifferent as if she had heard an ordinary word, as if she had seen the script and had expected such a play today.

Migallo said very forcefully: "I know the prestige of this throne... Dare to defy my will? The

atmosphere of Meteor Sun Peak seemed to be frozen, none of the three people present spoke, and Wuqu Xingjun looked at the fairy with an ice veil on the opposite side with a complicated face, as if he was afraid that she would make something stupid.

Chu Xinyu thought for a moment in her heart, and said without hesitation: "Invading the Tianji Sect, you must die today.

She immediately summoned her war pets, the heroic four-winged pegasus, the eccentric mysterious white cat, and the flower fairy with an angry expression.

After listening to Chu Xinyu's answer, Migallo suddenly burst out laughing, "Very good, provoke the messenger of God, today I will experience you the cruelest punishment in the world!" "

Migallo, as the first seven angels to awaken after the battle of gods and demons, relies on the divine objects left by Camille, and his spiritual power level has just exceeded level 80!

9th Half-Saint Realm!

Whether it is a human or a demon beast, the improvement of the spiritual power realm in the later stage is becoming more and more difficult, and every small level is an insurmountable heavenly barrier!

Although the righteous angel Migallo is arrogant, he does have arrogant capital!

Chu Xinyu used the Agitation Method and said, "It's just a demon beast, claiming to be a messenger of God, and I haven't seen the so-called God do any good deeds." How

could Migallo endure mortals slandering the Cami in his heart, and he couldn't help but shout: "Hmph, a lowly woman who does not know whether she is dead or alive, dares to disobey the will of God, be damned!"

Wuqu Xingjun didn't want Chu Xinyu, who was in the shape of a heavenly immortal, to die in the hands of Migallo, in that case, the new soul would not be able to regain the Heavenly Machine Secret Art from the powerful angel.

Out of selfishness, Wuqu Xingjun has a different kind of affection for Chu Xinyu, and this heartwarming feeling he can't feel from other women... Moreover, as a human being, she should be able to contribute to the evolution of new humans, right?

Wuqu Xingjun hurriedly spoke, "Migaro, I came to accompany you to find the traces of demons, not to look for the Heavenly Mechanics."

Migallo pulled out the giant sword stuck in the ground, his eyes flashing with excitement: "No, I already smell the demon, she will come over soon."

Chu Xinyu shook her head helplessly: "Do you think you have won the battle?"

"Heh, woman, you're only in your early 70s, and those spirit pets under you haven't reached the 8th level, why are you fighting me?"

Chu Xinyu closed her eyes gently, her face was indifferent, and she made a seal with one hand, and her body emitted an extremely clear blue light, which was like a heavenly god descending under this kind of blessing.

"Stupid, you underestimate the power of humanity."

"Let me teach you the power of humanity!" Migallo laughed disdainfully.

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