Namigalo turned into a light and shadow, quickly attacking in the direction of Chu Xinyu, the sword in his hand emitted one after another dazzling fire, and suddenly a fiery red holy flame ignited on that sword!

"Divine Yan Heaven Slash!"

The powerful aura released by Migallo made Chu Xinyu feel a huge sense of crisis, and her jade fingers seemed to be calculating something.

"Hmph, is this waiting for death? It disappointed me so much.

Migallo's spiritual power was surging, and his speed was even faster to the extreme, and this slash was actually intended to block the space around Chu Xinyu, making it impossible to dodge.

At this time, a fine light flashed in the eyes of the mysterious white cat, and the other two war pets seemed to understand something, and one person and three pets easily dodged this killer blow at an extremely strange angle!


Migallo was stunned, the other party seemed to have predicted the landing point of his attack, and suppressed his speed in another dimension and dodged in advance, like an unknown prophet.

This... Is it human power?

No, only Lord Cami's divine power can do such an incredible operation!


How can it be!

Wuqu Xingjun on the side looked at Chu Xinyu's position, and was shocked in his heart: Could it be that the Heavenly Mechanic Technique also comes with the effect of predicting the enemy's attack?

Migallo shouted, "Divine Wing, I don't believe you can still hide!"

At this time, the wings behind him were like dead trees in autumn, revealing a creepy bracket, and the wings fell off like fallen leaves, turning into countless golden shining blades and slashing towards Chu Xinyu!

"Extremely cold field."

A powerful spiral storm more than ten meters high appeared beside Chu Xinyu, shrouding the entire Meteoric Peak in it.

The air and time seemed to be frozen by this cold field, and the speed of the golden blade plummeted, slowly 'crawling' towards Chu Xinyu, and Migallo saw this and put away all his wings.

Wuqu Xingjun is not yet a hundred years old, naturally he does not know the prestige of Chu Fairy, let alone the strength of the extremely cold realm.

He hid behind a boulder and muttered, "This realm is definitely not something that ordinary people can have.... Could it be the group of guys outside the boundary?

"Shouldn't you? How could Lei Zhen let people outside the boundary cross the line? "

Just as Wuqu Xingjun was thinking, the battle ahead had already entered a white heat...

Migallo's face changed, and his eyes were full of disbelief: "This power... Not manpower at all!

"Do you!"

Chu Xinyu said proudly: "Don't talk nonsense!" You want my life? Then come on. "

Migallo, whose speed has plummeted in the extremely cold realm, is still as fast as lightning, but it is no longer possible to kill Chu Xinyu in seconds, and Chu Xinyu's one person and three pets and Migallo are still falling behind, after all, the level gap is too big!

The roar of the angel shook the heavens and the earth, his wings danced, and he held a giant sword like a fierce demon, swinging a monstrous holy flame towards Chu Xinyu.

"Trying to use ice inflammation? Joke! The

three pairs of white wings behind him swept towards the three pets like broadswords, and a thick Saint Yan burst out!

The four-winged pegasus turned into a human form, like a flying fairy began to spin, began to rotate very slowly, graceful and beautiful like a butterfly dancing, and a powerful spiritual power storm rolled up around its body.

The white cat jumped on Chu Xinyu's shoulder, and the two of them cast secret techniques at the same time, and ice spiritual power and fire spiritual power suddenly appeared in the middle of that spiritual power storm, and the aura level was no less than the holy Yan created by Migaro!

"Heaven-given Imperial Art? Not bad! "

The storm mixed with the three spiritual forces of ice and fire and light rotated at high speed and crashed into Migallo's huge wings, and a roar like thunder descended exploded in the sky!

All the spiritual forces collided in the air, the space produced crazy vibrations, the snow hills below were flattened by the storm in the blink of an eye, and some thousand-year-old trees that had been rooted for an unknown amount of time were rolled up high, and they didn't know where they flew.

The thick accumulated ice and snow were raised in a large area, as if it was snowing again... Wuqu Xingjun on the side hugged the boulder beside him hard so that it was not swept away.

Watching the fight between the two, I couldn't help but be fooled...

This storm seems simple, but it is one of Chu Xinyu's killer tools, and the terrifying aura generated by the storm slowly dissipate... But Namigalo flew unharmed in the air, as dazzling as the sun in the night.

Don't... Do you really want to use that trick?

Migallo pretended to force, "Very good... The combined attack skill of the seventh-order spirit pet blocked my move, and there were few people in the world who could take my move! Chu

Xinyu raised her head with a solemn face, she knew very well in her heart that her attack technique did not cause effective damage, and if she continued to grind down, her spiritual power would inevitably be exhausted, and the end of her death was already doomed.

In that case, for the smooth development of Li Jiu's subsequent path, it is better to use that trick!

Maybe there's a silver lining....

"Cher, Xiaobai... Protect me. Chu Xinyu said softly.

"The host.... You? The little white cat looked back, his eyes full of helplessness.

"There is no way, it may be Providence."


" Migallo looked at Chu Xinyu below, he had lost patience: "It seems that you also know your end, hand over the Tianji Technique obediently."

Chu Xinyu suddenly smiled, like a blooming flower: "Okay, you come and get it." I

saw that her body emitted an incomparably dazzling blue light, which was more than ten times better than the light just now!

Chu Xinyu breathlessly spoke, as if she had exhausted her own strength: "Xuan Ling Technique.... Cold Spirit Seal! Before

the words fell, the light on her body grew madly as if she had an autonomous consciousness, attacking all enemies in the entire Extreme Cold Realm on her own!

Migallo said disapprovingly, "Eagle insect trick!" "

Xuanling art is a combination of human spiritual power and spiritual power, and the arrogant angel used to teach you can also be regarded as bringing back a city for mankind."

"Inferior humans, no matter how many ants there are, they also want to bite the lion king to death?"

"Where is the power of God comparable to the power of man? Demon girl, let's get down with it! I run out of patience, God's mercy has limits! "

Migallo's arrogance and underestimation of the enemy gave Chu Xinyu the opportunity to operate.

Chu Xinyu smiled: "Hehe, you have now missed the opportunity to escape!" "

Escape? Why should I run away? Just by the existence of three Tier 7 garbage behind you? "

Wuqu Xingjun's scalp was numb after listening to it, he didn't think that human Xuanling Art was rubbish, and the New Soul Organization was created to break through the limits of human beings!

"I take my leave first!"

Migaro glanced at the fleeing Wuqu Xingjun, and cursed angrily in his heart: "Cowardly rats!"

Wuqu Xingjun's decision was wise, but unfortunately it was too late .... Several tornadoes in the Extreme Cold Realm turned into blue lightning and flew towards Migaro and Wuqu Xingjun, and this instantaneous speed completely surpassed Migallo in the Extreme Cold Realm!

Migallo disapprovingly held the giant sword and shook open several blue chains, but the blue chains became more and more, and Migallo felt that something was wrong and wanted to retreat........ In the end, the snowflakes turned into blue chains and captured the proud angel.

Chu Xinyu said coldly: "Take it. Megalomaniac angel..... The Cold Spirit Seal can ignore the level of the enemy and seal half the level of the enemy, and this is the first time I have used it.

"I don't believe it! Divine Flame!

Migallo desperately urged the spiritual power in his body, and the cremation ice he expected did not appear, but the countless goose-feathered flying snow gradually froze the divine flame that he was proud of...

Wuqu Xingjun's body lost half of its strength and fell to the ground, splashing snowflakes all over the sky, "This is fundamental... It's not a genjutsu! Be..... Wang Xuan's spiritual technique. "

Impossible... This rumored trick..... How could anyone in the realm be? "

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