Facing Megaro who rushed over with a sword, a strong sense of crisis rose in Li Jiu's heart, and this guy's comprehensive strength destroyed all the enemies Li Jiu had met before.

Double damage..... With 20 damage reduction, how to fight?

Once the Prisoner Dragon converts the combo technique without killing him: I will lose miserably.

At this time, Yan Wan suddenly transmitted a message to Li Jiu in her heart... Told his battle plan.


"Out of the fraternity of Lord Cami... I didn't choose to kill you right away, and now you're all going to die!" "

The two Ancestor Demon Powers, I will accept the Supreme Technique... This seal will be lifted for me when Lord Camille is completely resurrected!" Although

Migallo pretended to be forced, he was also afraid of the power of demons, after all, this was the power that had made him fall.

Moreover, the power of demons is almost comparable to the divine power given by Lord Cami.

Migallo said in his heart: How much do you have to try their strength first?

I saw Milegaro raise his palm, and a huge spiritual power purple-gold divine palm smashed towards Yan Wan!

Yan Wan raised her jade arm, danced the sharp chain blade and began to rotate continuously, forming a black dragon dozens of feet long in just five breaths, and the black dragon roared angrily and slammed towards the palm of the capital!


Migallo, as the demon's old opponent, obviously has never seen the wooden dragon binding, and he can't guess the secret of Yan Wan's body if he wants to break his head, let alone know that there are two Yan Wan sisters.

"Birdman, you are too arrogant!" Sakura Ruoxue turned into a human form and stood beside Yan Wan, and her jade finger lightly clamped the spell and spoke.

A fiery murderous intent firmly locked Migallo's body, like a volcano erupting, and the burning star with the flames in the sky struck towards the palm print with the momentum of destroying the decay.

Three pure and huge spiritual powers converged, and after a heaven-shaking noise, Yan Wan and Ying Ruoxue combined to neutralize the big handprint.

Michalo took a few steps back, and his heart set off a wave, but he didn't expect that the two spirit pets bound by the spirit contract could actually block his own blow?

This weak chicken spirit master who is less than 4 ranks... If his own strength is not sealed, he can definitely slap him into powder with one palm.

Damn it!

The feather light beside Chu Xinyu almost recovered and did not paddle, she quickly treated Chu Xinyu's injury, strangely Chu Xinyu's spiritual power level plummeted... The whole person's life source force is like a candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time.

Yu Guang said to the weak Xue'er beside him, "Sister Xue, you take her to go first."

"So what do you do?"

"I'll be fine."

Xue'er knew that she was seriously injured now was a dragging existence, and Chu Xinyu, who cast the sealing technique, needed to pay 300 years of life, as well as 10 spiritual power levels.

Chu Xinyu, whose cultivation had plummeted to level 60, had only a lifespan limit of 500 years, and if Li Jiu hadn't given her that ginseng to live for 100 years, I am afraid that she would have died by now.

Chu Xinyu's actual life expectancy is basically short now, and she is already at the end of her life.

"I'll take the master back to the Cold Jade Room first to continue his life, and then I'll help."

"Leave it to us here, the black dream beasts in Tianji Square are still fighting hard." Yuguang smiled indifferently.


Migallo held the Sword of Justice and coldly scanned Sakura Ruoxue in front of him, "You this.... Can an ominous force actually overwhelm me? "

Mythical angels, what is there to be arrogant!"

"The power of the first god, you don't understand at all!"

Migallo poured the spiritual power of his whole body into the divine sword, and the divine weapon made of the gold essence outside the sky bloomed with brilliant and dazzling divine light, shining brightly, and shooting out several feet of sword radiance, swallowing erratically, and the momentum was terrifying.

"Hmph, you two ranged type.... God Yan slashed the sky!

Migallo's body surged with a violent wind, and endless spiritual power surged with it, moving in front of the two women in the blink of an eye!

"It's too slow! Go to hell! "

The sharp blade of the Sword of Justice shot out a fiery divine light, tearing through the void and rushing straight up.

At this moment, a holy light that surpassed the Divine Yan shone in, and the feather light cast a light wing-like slash like lightning to make a surprise attack from behind.


Migallo had a bad secret path in his heart, his right hand turned around and picked up, and the sword turned upside down and stabbed behind him, which Cheng imagined that the attack of the feather light was as strange as the ghost claw of the Nine Nether Earth Mansion, and came to Migallo's back again!


The shadow-like twin blades, sharp chain blades like snake letters, and the blazing pure flame smashed into Migallo's back wings!

Although the Lightwing Slash is only three moves, three consecutive back-wrapping raids will cause every first-time enemy to suffer a big loss.

Migallo's body was shocked and flew out and slipped backwards for more than ten zhang before stopping, and the angelic spirit suit on his body was extremely powerful, and the passive effect did not suffer fatal damage.

It has long been convenient for other monsters to suffer from the combined attack of Li Jiu's three pets at the same time, of course, it is also related to Li Jiu's failure to perform any imperial arts.

This kind of enemy that can transform has a big move, and the divine order effect must be used at a critical time!

Migallo pointed his sword at Yuguang: "It's good, I haven't been injured for a long time... Although my memory has not fully recovered, I have never seen you under the Camer seat!

"The loyal angel must have been absorbed by you, right? I don't know where you impostor came from, but your angelic costume seems to be incredibly fat.

Although the feather light level was lower than that of Migallo, he was not at all inferior to him in terms of momentum: "You are wrong, what I need is your angelic spirit costume.

"Hahaha, joke, there are actually angels who dare to worry about my angelic spirit costume?"

Migallo smiled back angrily: "You impostor is really interesting."

"Imposter angels, strange demons, that's so funny!"

"If I capture you and offer them to Lord Cammy, I may be able to become a true apostle!"

Yuguang: (*'ェ ́*)

Migallo shouted, his body turned into an afterimage, and he didn't even react to Yuguang: "I'm going to move the real thing!" "

His goal is to defend against the most vulnerable big fox!

Yuguang's face changed and hurriedly activated [Loyalty], and his body instantly appeared in front of Ying Ruoxue, which was able to block the sword of the earth-shattering ghost god.

If this sword is slashed at Ying Ruoxue, it will definitely be a second kill...

"This strange skill... Damn it. "

Migallo didn't expect Yuguang's guard skill to be so tricky, and it could actually be released continuously in a short period of time, and he slammed it on the holy shield and jumped towards Yan Wan!

"One tiger kills two sheep!"

Migallo seems to have seen the end of the weak demon being completely killed by his own sword!

It's a pity that the last time the gods and demons fought against Migallo, it was the Seven Sins Demon Arrogance, and he didn't know the recovery power of gluttony, which could be called perverted.

Yan Wan did not have any fear in the face of the sword that tore through the void, and she suddenly divided into two people, and the stunning double plants were separated to the sides to dodge.

Looking at the two women with extremely similar faces, Migallo was dumbfounded, he had never heard that lust demons would play doppelgängers?

Which one should be cut?

Just like the clown's R skill, happiness 2 choose 1, Migallo subconsciously slashed in the direction of Yan Yu with a simple face!

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