Yan Yu and her sister have long been in a heart-to-heart relationship, and with her twin passiveness, she is not afraid of death at all, and her jade hand lifted the roaring wooden dragon out of her body!

"Sure enough, I guessed right!"

Migaro thought that Yan Wan had cast a trick and disguised herself as a pure girl to avoid this sword, that charming mature woman was definitely fake!

As for the motionless spirit master next to him.... Migallo simply looked down on human power, and he didn't pay any attention to this level of ants.

Proud soldiers are defeated.

"Break! God Yan slashed the sky! A

blazing divine light rushed up into the air, easily breaking Yan Yu's wooden dragon bondage, Yan Yu saw this and continued to use the Cold Jing Sitting Lotus to protect himself, but that sword radiance penetrated Yan Yu's body with a thunderous momentum!

"Ahhh Uh-huh. "A large amount of blood flowed out of Yan Yu's abdomen, and he was shocked to fly more than ten meters away...

"Haha, this is the end of defying God's will!"

Yan Wan said faintly, "I'm sorry Yu'er, if it weren't for this, I couldn't force him to show his back up close." "

Although the twin passively causes Yan Yu to not die at all, Yan Wan, who has the power of gluttony, is basically an immortal existence... But it doesn't absolve my sister of her pain.

Yan Yu hurriedly cast the wind of resuscitation to treat the injury, and said in his heart: "It's okay... Sister, as long as I can help you... I can do anything.

Migallo didn't know how many demons he had killed, but this time he felt that something felt wrong!

I saw countless black qi pouring out madly from behind his perspective, pouring into the wound on Yan Yu's stomach, and with the wind of recovery, it was already four or five out of ten!

Not good, fooled, fake!


Li Jiu had already fused with Yan Wan at the first time, and without saying a word, he opened the form of the true body of the demon.

"God have mercy."

The tyrannical black flame emitted a golden shadow from his body, and Li Jiu suddenly rushed to Migallo's back like a demon with his double blade in hand, causing effective puncture damage to his kidney!


Migallo saw a sharp blade coming out of his lower abdomen, and his golden blood flowed from it!

"Impossible! How could you possibly break my spiritual defenses? "

Ahhh!! Divine wings slashed! "

Migallo is attacked in the back, and he can only use his divine wings to slash indiscriminately at all targets behind him.

For a while, all the feathers on his body fell off, turning into countless blades of light towards Li Jiuyu!

Li Jiu stopped talking nonsense, cooperated with Yuguang to stab several times, and a raptor flicked his tail and kicked Migallo's neck fiercely!

Migallo's neck was hit hard, and the whole person flew upside down and his body twitched after landing on the ground, which looked very funny.

And his proud special skill is not lethal in the face of the feather light blessed by the wind of revival and Li Jiu who has recovered from gluttony, and Li Jiu even wants to dance in the rain of blades, so that the conditions for triggering a bloody battle will go further!

"Nine Suns Sunset!"

Sakura Ruoxue, who has been hanging up for a long time, has her hands sealed, her eyes are full of endless hatred, this birdman dares to hurt the playful and cute Yu'er sister?

Nine brilliant blood lotuses illuminated the night like the sun... The piercing blood red color is extremely bleak, giving people an indescribable sense of desolation.


With Ying Ruoxue's coquettish scream, the blood lotus jade petals flew all over the sky, and the mushroom clouds that rushed straight to the sky continued to bloom, and the temperature of the blood-colored fire wave evaporated the ice and snow around the Meteor Peak!

"Divine Flame!"

Migallo hurriedly displayed his housekeeping skills, sacrificing his divine flame that was only half frozen in ice, and the golden flame seemed to want to resist stubbornly, turning into a golden leopard towards the nine pure flames!

"Burning Star!"


Li Jiu's eyes were full of killing intent, and he forcefully held Yuguang's tender little hand, and the mysterious chain transmitted the spiritual power of his body into Yuguang's body.

Yu Guang nodded slightly, with a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, raised his jade arm and grabbed it, and a golden longbow slowly emerged... The golden arrows were stained with endless tyrannical black flames.


Migallo's strength was very strong, relying on the powerful Divine Flame to tear open several pure flames, and finally after the bursting of the ninth pure flame, the Flame of Nothingness and the Flame of Divine Flame turned into nothingness at the same time.

Migallo never expected that there was also a divine arrow containing the power of demons and angels that cut through the void, like a shooting star flying to his face!


This is a realm that Camille has never reached!

A fusion of angel power and demon power!

No way!


"If it's me 8..."

Before he finished his words, the Divine Yan arrow directly penetrated his face, and with the loud sound of landslides, the inexplicable flames of chaotic black and white fusion rolled up like a hurricane, completely boiling.

This move smashed a huge deep pit tens of feet wide under Migallo's feet, and the powerful explosion completely distorted the surrounding space.... Even Yuguang Lijiu, who was performing his stunts, was swept away by the powerful turbulence.

"It should... Dead, right? Yan Yu rubbed his stomach and said aggrievedly.

Yan Wan's voice reached Li Jiu's ears: "No..... He should not die so easily.

Michalo's voice came from the flames: "Abominable human beings, I can't let you live in the world today by fighting to the death!" "

The thick smoke cleared, and I saw the seriously injured Megaro raise his arms, and his body was shattered by the explosion...

He raised the sword of justice high above his head, and for a while, the powerful divine flame was revived again, and the light spiritual power in the surrounding space was pulled by force majeure, and soared into the air to form a golden ray that rushed into the sky!

Migallo showed his true face, a handsome blue-haired man, "Lord Cami, I'm sorry, in order to eradicate the existence that threatens you..... Migallo left first! "

In the blink of an eye, the light spiritual power absorbed by the Divine Flame converged in the sky above the Sword of Justice, and finally formed a brilliant tomorrow of nearly thirty zhang!

Like the sun, the entire Tianji Peak is illuminated.

Michalo chanted the incantation, and his body gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace: "I am righteous, for the glory of Cami, liberation!"

"The power of justice lives on forever!"

Sakura Ruoxue also froze: "What is that?" "

This power has simply exceeded the strength that a level 40 Warcraft should have!

Seeing this, Yu Guang's complexion changed drastically: "Master, run, he wants to liberate all the power of the angel to destroy himself!"

This was Migallo's last voice: "Accept, this is the power of Lord Cami!" Li

Jiu's face changed drastically, could it be that he had summoned Cami's doppelganger by sacrificing his power?

At this moment, that round of gold gradually evolved into a man full of golden rays, he was holding a golden spear with a very terrifying breath, this gun seemed to be able to shatter heaven and earth with a light swing, and the avenue was destroyed....

"Anger the Punisher, die!"

"Imperial order, punishment!"

With an earth-shattering loud noise, it was as if there was a heavenly thunder between heaven and earth, the entire Tianji Peak was trembling, the brilliant and dazzling light of the spear disappeared, and endless holy light filled the heaven and earth.

In less than a breath, the spear had completely penetrated Li Jiu's body and flew to a far, far distance... At this moment, the mysterious grass man on Li Jiu's body instantly turned into ashes and disappeared without a trace.


I know how heart-wrenching you guys watched, add a more chapter~

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